Ye Kang felt his eyes light up, and saw a long corridor in front of him.

On the two halves of the stone wall are all kinds of scary faces, not only people, but also animals.

There are also many unknown creatures.

Wu Xie looked down the corridor and there was a long staircase.

A light blue flame was lit overhead on the stone wall.

Unlike the open flame, there is a gloomy atmosphere on it.

Inexplicably makes the body chill.

Netizens saw a dead and miserable face on the stone wall.

I couldn't help being startled.

"Damn, this is too sudden, I'm startled, what is this?"

"No, the color of the flames here, and the things on the stone wall, I dare not go to the toilet."

"Is this a haunted house? Even a haunted house doesn't dare to decorate like this. It's too scary. I'll never go to a haunted house again. Compared with this place, it's just a joke."

"We were all shocked when we saw it. How big is the psychological shadow area of ​​big brother and the others?"


In forbidden land.

Seeing the sudden scene, Wu Xie couldn't help but startled.

The color of this flame...

Ye Kang frowned, there was so much resentment here.

And on the stone wall here, it is obvious that someone deliberately embedded these things on the wall.

But who would do that?Ye Kang didn't understand this.

"Let's go, or be careful."

Wu Xie took out the pistol in his hand and loaded it immediately.

The little brother also took out the ancient black gold knife, and walked towards the steps below step by step.

After walking the steps for 10 minutes, I still haven't finished walking.

Looking at all kinds of things on the stone wall, Ye Kang had a bold idea in his heart.

"Wu Xie, have you ever thought about whether this is a tomb?"

Ye Kang stopped and turned to look at Wu Xie behind him.

Wu Xie was taken aback, and when he saw the things here, he really thought about whether it was a tomb.

But think of the Emei dragon, Deng's fish, and sea spiders and other creatures that I met before.

Not everyone can encounter this kind of creature, if it is a tomb.

Who has such a great ability to get these creatures here?
I always feel that this idea is not enough.

Thinking of this, Wu Xie still felt impossible.

"This possibility is not very high. If it is true, how can the creature at the door explain it?"

Wu Xie still couldn't understand it.

Ye Kang was silent for a while, and had a bold guess, but he was not sure yet.

The dialogue between the three was transmitted to the ears of netizens verbatim.

"Will the big brother's idea work?"

"Probably not. If it's a tomb, who has the ability of a big brother? And there is no trace of anyone along the way."

"Yes, even if it is eaten, there must be traces, or bones."

"Have you forgotten, those creatures at the door, which one can leave you with bones, basically swallow it in one gulp?"

"It makes sense, but I still don't believe that this is a tomb, but I can't describe the things on the stone wall, and the jade gate, isn't it man-made?"


Netizens have opened up their own brains and are constantly speculating.

The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Elder Lin and Elder Guo were also confused by Ye Kang's words.

Those situations encountered before are indeed weird, but what about the corridors and steps here?
This is very artificial.

"Professor Leicester, you are a geologist, do you think it is possible to build a mausoleum here under the environment here?"

Old Guo looked sideways at Leicester.

Lester first took a look at Tianyan, and finally based on his own investigation results.

Simply estimate.

"Yes, a mausoleum can be built here, but this is very difficult. After all, you have seen the door in front."

Although Leicester thinks that a mausoleum can be built here, the risk is too great.

The location of the door is enough for these repair craftsmen to drink a pot.

So this idea may not work,

But what happened to the terrain here?Is it natural?
Not like ah.

Lester felt as if his brains were not enough.

In forbidden land.

The three of Ye Kang and Wu Xie continued to walk to the lower position.

The stone walls on both sides have changed from terrified faces to statues.

It is more like carved paintings, carved on the stone wall.

Ye Kang saw the portrait on the stone wall by the light of the fire above.

Wu Xie and the younger brother were taken aback.

I feel shocked inside.

Especially Wu Xie.

"No way, it's really a mausoleum? Otherwise, who would carve these things here?"

Wu Xie was secretly surprised, his whisper echoed in the whole corridor.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also surprised.

Let's not talk about what brother Ye Kang said just now.

The most surprising thing is, who would be so awesome, thinking that this mausoleum will be built here.

"Well... First of all, I really admire the elder brother's ability, but what I admire most is the owner of the tomb, who actually thought of building the mausoleum here, you are awesome."

"This is to install an anti-theft system in your own tomb? Who can come in here?"

"No, if it wasn't for the eldest brother and the others participating in the expedition to this forbidden area, they probably wouldn't have been easily discovered."

"But how did they come in? Don't worry about the door, those masters are not vegetarians."

"Wait for big brother and see what big brother says."

In the high-level meeting room of the program group.

Elder Lin and Elder Guo looked at the carved portraits on the stone wall.

All the previous conjectures were reduced to nothing.

This is undoubtedly the tomb.

The professors in the entire meeting room were looking at Ye Kang.

at the same time.

Inside the Daxia International Archaeological Research Institute.

The two elderly old professors had nothing to do, watching the live broadcast of the forbidden land exploration.

When seeing murals appearing in front of Ye Kang's camera, there are also ancient historical issues.

The eyes of the two old men lit up.

Get all the professors urgently, and study the owner of the tomb together.

For a moment, the entire Institute of Archeology felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Looking forward to it.

In forbidden land.

Ye Kang looked at the mural on the stone wall, the clothes on it were exactly the same as the phantom he saw on the lake.

I am even more sure that this is a person from the time of King Gesar, counting according to time.

It should have existed more than 1000 years ago.

"The carving technique here is the first, it is really lifelike, and these demons..."

Wu Xie stretched out his hand to touch it, but never said the following words.

Instead, he looked in horror at the corridor he had just walked through.

Finally swallowed hard.

Take a few steps forward.

Just walked to one of the demons.

Exactly the same as above.

"Ye Kang...don't tell me that the demon here is the one on the mural."

Wu Xie asked tremblingly.

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