The little brother moved his ears and looked at the gully directly in front of him.

These white crystal jade dragons suddenly jumped up from the gully.

In less than a minute, the previous jade ice surface was covered with white crystal jade dragons.

Pairs of green eyes were filled with venom, looking at the three of Ye Kang.

From time to time, he spit out snake letters from his mouth.

The moment he opened his mouth, a gust of white cold air spit out from his mouth.

Seeing this situation, the netizens in the live broadcast room felt chills from the back of their buttocks.

Straight to the sky.

"I really think Big Brother and the others are amazing. With such eyes, who wouldn't feel flustered?"

"It's scary enough to be watched by a poisonous snake, but now it's a group, look at this posture, this is going to beat up big brother."

"Isn't this shameless, a group of snakes bullying three people?"

"You go talk to them, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope."

"I'd better shut up."


In the high-level meeting room of the program group.

Elder Lin and Elder Guo watched these white crystal jade dragons approaching step by step,

I started to worry.

These white crystal jade dragons can't be touched, so is there any chance of winning?

In forbidden land.

These white crystal jade dragons on the ground seem to have received orders.

They approached Ye Kang in a uniform manner.

"These white crystal jade dragons are wrong, there must be instructions from the BOSS behind the scenes."

Ye Kang's eyes darkened.

"What can you do now?"

Wu Xie loaded the bullet in his hand and would shoot at any time.

"Force it out."

After Ye Kang finished speaking, he swung the whip in his hand high.




The whip was flicked three times in a row, and the white crystal jade dragon on the ground was tempered with the whip.

His body was covered with white frost.

He fell to the ground and did not move.

The black gold ancient knife in the little brother's hand was smeared with unicorn blood, and a dangerous breath rose in the wind.

With a light wave, the white crystal jade dragon on the ground was cut out of a channel.

Wu Xie looked at the large number and shot unceremoniously.

The sound of gunshots and whips intersected from time to time.

But these platinum jade dragons seem not to be afraid.

The companion is dead, and will continue to move forward.

The attacks of Ye Kang and the others were not taken seriously at all.

Seeing this, the netizens in the live broadcast room were a little anxious.

"Why is this number so much? It seems to be still close to Big Brother and the others."

"Yeah, what's the situation?"

"No, why did I see it behind my elder brother?"


In forbidden land.

The three of Ye Kang are retreating towards the back.

The little brother moved his ears, and the same voice came from behind him.

Then he turned around and saw the figures of white crystal jade dragons on the stone wall behind him and on the white jade gate.

Zhen opened his mouth, with frost on it, staring at them covetously, waiting to get closer step by step.

Looking at them from the net.

"It can't go on."

The little brother suddenly turned his back to Wu Xie and Ye Kang.

He said coldly.

In the high-level meeting room of the program group.

Mr. Guo and Mr. Lin looked at the big screen.

Those white crystal jade dragons also appeared behind Ye Kang and the others.

The two began to worry in their hearts.

"Look, the temperature here seems to be dropping, and hoarfrost has appeared on their bodies."

Bai Tianhehui suddenly made a sound.

He noticed that the clothes on the three of Ye Kang seemed to be starting to stiffen.

"It's because of these white crystal jade dragons, this is too bad, they are surrounded."

"Once bitten, the immortal will shed a layer of skin."

Mr. Guo couldn't sit still anymore.

I am very worried about Ye Kang and the three of them.

"Will there be a turning point? Although we are worried, Ye Kang doesn't seem to be afraid."

Seth kept looking at Ye Kang, and didn't see any panic.

Therefore, I also have some confidence in my heart.

Will he have any countermeasures?

Mr. Guo and Mr. Lin still watched the situation of Ye Kang and the others closely.

In forbidden land.

Ye Kang saw that the range was getting closer and closer, and the distance changed from 20 meters to ten meters.

"Wu Xie, little brother, stop beating."

Ye Kang suddenly made a sound, and put his hand on Wu Xie's.

Stop him from making a move.

"What are you going to do?"

Wu Xie put away his weapon, and there were not many bullets left on his body.

Save as much as you can.

while talking.

Wu Xie felt a gust of air, approaching in the direction of the little brother.

Subconsciously reached out and grabbed it.

Immediately flick.

The palm of the hand was immediately covered with frost.

Already numb.

When looking at the white crystal jade dragon thrown out on the ground.

Slightly surprised.

He just felt the sneak attack of this white crystal jade dragon.

After Ye Kang saw it, he hastily melted the frost on his palm with Samadhi real fire.

Otherwise, the whole arm will be frozen off.

Wu Xie didn't feel a burst of warmth until 3 minutes later.

After seeing it, netizens said that Wu Xie was so brave, it was really amazing.

"Awesome, it takes a lot of time to train through life and death."

"It was instinct at that time, it was instinct."

"Brother, won't you not find out?"

"At that time, he had just killed a white crystal jade dragon, so he probably didn't have time to be distracted."


In forbidden land.

The little brother looked at the white crystal jade dragon here vigilantly, worried that they would sneak attack.

He held the black gold ancient knife tightly in his hand.

Ye Kang put the lighter on the ground, and watched the flames of Samadhi True Fire surround the three of them.

Wu Xiehe clearly felt that the temperature on his body had warmed up.

Otherwise, his body would be cold, and his clothes were not dry before.

These white crystal jade dragons have been in a state of vigilance looking at the real fire of Samadhi.

He looked closely at the three people in front of him.

It seems to be waiting.

"Now we are the turtles in the urn."

Wu Xie laughed at himself.

"How do you know that we are turtles and they are not?"

Ye Kang took out the Qiankun pen, then jumped up suddenly, and a yellow circle of light appeared in midair.

Inhale these white crystal jade dragons, but within a few seconds the white crystal jade dragons on the ground.

It has disappeared.

When the circle of light disappeared, Ye Kang put away the real fire of the third sister on the ground.

The poisonous snakes that were full of dangers before have all disappeared now.

"Did you use it earlier?"

Seeing this, Wu Xie breathed a sigh of relief, and the temperature on his body was not as cold as before.

Ye Kang also wanted to use it, but the rate of increase in comment value was not as fast as that of a profiteer like the system.

It is a profiteer, a proper profiteer.

"Where did you send those white crystal jade dragons?"

Brother is very concerned about these white crystal jade dragons.

"It's not very far, and it will reappear here in less than half an hour."

Ye Kang can't get these poisonous snakes out, once they get out and enter the society.

There are bound to be casualties.

It would be better to leave them here.

Thinking of this, Ye Kang's complexion became serious.

These are small ones, not the most difficult to deal with, but there are a lot of them.

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