Visiting son-in-law pretty president

Chapter 424 Lin Ziyang's Chapter

Lin Ziyang, dressed in minority costumes, walked up to Lu Yuan with an oil lamp in one hand and a box in the other.

"Lu Yuan, long time no see."

Lu Yuan nodded.Looking at Lin Ziyang in front of him, his eyes were unclear.

"The poison on your body has been cured by Ge Qisang. But you still have to rest for a while."

"Thank you!"

A moment of silence.

Lu Yuan spoke again. "Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Lin Ziyang looked at Lu Yuan calmly. "Where do you think I should appear?"

Lu Yuan was silent.When I let Lin Ziyang go, it was just a promise to a dead man.

"Lu Yuan!"

Hearing the sound, Lu Yuan looked up at Lin Ziyang.

"Thank you!"

Lu Yuan watched for a long time. "you've changed!"

Lin Ziyang smiled. "People always change, don't they?"

"But you've changed."

Lin Ziyang looked into the distance and muttered to himself. "All the same, all the same."

"That day in Wencheng. You made me think about why my father begged you. I found the answer."

Lu Yuan raised his eyes and asked.

Lin Ziyang picked out the wick. "Many times, people and things we think are different are actually the same."

"Father, the reason why he begged you is to keep me alive."

"And my father has done so much to you and Su Mo, and he also wants me to have a safe living environment."

"It's just what my father and I did, which hurt too many people."

"People live in many ways. But at that time we chose the most extreme path."

"Father lost his life because of this. And because of the kindness in your heart, I can continue to live."

Having said that, Lin Ziyang stared at Lu Yuan. "That day, on the streets of Wencheng, I thought about it for a long time. That's why I am what I am now."

"Thank you, Lu Yuan."

Lu Yuan shook his head. "But you don't have to choose to come to such a remote place."

Lin Ziyang smiled slightly. "Lu Yuan, it's all the same. Life is the same everywhere."

"The difference is our attitude towards life. Although this place is remote, it is also the place where I was born."


Hearing this, Lin Ziyang turned around and looked at the woman who came in, his face was full of happiness.


Geqisang, who was dressed in Tibetan clothes, nodded shyly. "Juela! Dinner is ready."

Lin Ziyang nodded and looked at Lu Yuan. "You have been in a coma for three days, since you are awake, you should also eat something!"

Throwing off the blanket on his body, Lu Yuan walked out of the small tent and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"sit down!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan sat down quietly.

A calm night full of stars.A bonfire that was born reflected the faces of the three of them.

Geqisang, an authentic Tibetan woman, leans against Lin Ziyang's side quietly like a painting.

"Is it just you two here?"

Lin Ziyang nodded. "Lu Yuan. Why did you appear here in Naga?"

"Find something!"

"Yes, what's in the box?"


Lin Ziyang nodded slightly. "Ge Qisang told me that the thing in the box is called Xueyu Binglian, which blooms only once every 60 years."

"Did something happen to Miss Su?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan's face was extremely lonely, "Xiaomo has lost her memory, and the snowy ice lotus is the primer for the medicine."

"I'm sorry, Lu Yuan."

Lu Yuan waved his hand, "It has nothing to do with you. The grievances between us have long since ended."

long silence.

Ge Qisang fell asleep peacefully leaning on Lin Ziyang's lap.Lin Ziyang kept his eyes on his wife.

"She loves you very much?"

Lin Ziyang's eyes were full of pampering. "Yes, I love her very much too. Geqisang is an abandoned orphan who has been living alone in this deserted place."

"Since I left Wencheng, I have been walking west all the way to the snow-capped mountains of Naga, and I met Geqisang."

"At that time, I was the same as you. I also fell into a coma. It was Geqisang who dragged me back to her place."

"Took care of me for a week."

"It was also during this time. I realized more and more that life is not easy. Geqisang is the happiness bestowed on me by God."

"The things you left me were used to build a home for the two of us."

Lu Yuan was stunned.The former playboy, now the husband.

Lin Ziyang is more qualified than himself.

"In the future, do you plan to live here forever?"

Lin Ziyang asked back. "Here, isn't it good?"

Lu Yuan shook his head slightly.

"Lu Yuan. I used to think that I would live in a metropolis like Wencheng my whole life."

"Marry a woman of the right family, and then successfully take over my father's career."

"But now, I just want to stay in this deserted Naga. Because there are people I love here."

"There are things I care about. Every morning I will graze with Geqisang. When she is tired, she will lie on my back and let me carry her."

"Geqisang is unhappy, I will make some small things as gifts for her to make her happy."

"Isn't life like this? Live our own life with the people we care about."

Lu Yuan was silent.Lin Ziyang's change was something he never thought of.

Seeing that Lu Yuan was silent.

Lin Ziyang laughed. "Lu Yuan, you told me this truth. Why did you forget it yourself?"

a long time.

Lu Yuan stared at Lin Ziyang. "Thanks!"

Lin Ziyang smiled without saying a word.

Holding Geqisang got up and walked to the tent. "Lu Yuan, it will be very cold here at night. Do you need me to add another quilt for you?"

Lu Yuan shook his head.

Lin Ziyang stopped talking.

I have found my own happiness.Lu Yuan's happiness needs to be found by Lu Yuan himself.

Two days later.

A day in Naga on the side of the country road.Ge Qisang snuggled up beside Lin Ziyang still quietly like a painting.

Lin Ziyang took out a box. "Lu Yuan. This is a gift from Ge Qisang. I hope it will be useful to Miss Su."

Lu Yuan didn't pick it up right away, but looked at Ge Qisang who was at the side.

After Ge Qisang glanced at Lu Yuan shyly, she leaned close to Lin Ziyang's ear and said a few words.

Lin Ziyang nodded. "Lu Yuan, Ge Qisang said. Although the snowy ice lotus is very good, it must be matched with what she gives you in order to have the greatest effect."

Lu Yuan hesitated and took it.Looking at Geqisang Luyuan with unprecedented solemnity.

"Thank you!"

Ge Qisang smiled and did not speak.Instead, he continued to whisper in Lin Ziyang's ear.

"Lu Yuan. Ge Qisang said that the man who can climb up the Naga Snow Mountain to pick the ice lotus in the snowy area must love someone in his heart."

"Because there is an ancient legend in Naga. Whoever can pick the snowy ice lotus will be blessed by the guardian goddess of Naga Mountain."

"It's great that Miss Su has you!"

Lu Yuan nodded. "Thanks!"

Lin Ziyang shook his head. "The thing Geqisang gave you is called Chiyu Rhodiola."

"There is only one of this kind of thing in the whole Naga. Geqisang hopes that you can cure Miss Su, this is her blessing to you."

Lu Yuan was silent.Lin Ziyang and Ge Qisang's help to him has surpassed his attitude towards Lin Ziyang.

He watched a man not far away driving an ox cart.Lin Ziyang looked at Lu Yuan with a smile on his face.

"The car is coming. You should go back too."

"Drage is one of the few friends I have here, and he will send you to the nearest town."

"You can make phone calls there, and there is also transportation to the city. Then you can go back to Vancouver."

Lu Yuan's mood was extremely complicated, "Your father's tombstone is in the cemetery in the north of Wencheng City. You...!"

Lin Ziyang shook his head. "Lin Ziyang from Wencheng is dead. The current Lin Ziyang belongs to Naga."

"If possible, please put a bouquet of money chrysanthemums in front of my father's tombstone. It is my father's favorite flower."


Lu Yuan nodded. "I will!"

After speaking, Lu Yuan turned around.With complicated emotions, he was ready to leave this place that belonged to Lin Ziyang and Ge Qisang.

"Lu Yuan?"

heard the words.Lu Yuan stopped and turned around.

Lin Ziyang hesitated for a moment. "When I came to Naga, I met a man in Yun Province."

"Although I don't know why she went there, I think I should tell you."

"who is it?"

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