She struggled to open her eyes, but there was darkness in front of her.

"Where is this?"

Suddenly remembered what happened before.

"Brother Jun!"

She exclaimed, and immediately wanted to get up, but found that there was a person on top of her.

He quickly took out a flashlight from the space, and when he turned on the flashlight with a click, the snow-white light swept across, only to realize that it turned out to be a pitch-black cave.

The entrance has been blocked by snow, and a corner of the cave has collapsed, and gravel is scattered all over the ground.

As for the person pressing on her, it turned out to be Cheng Juan! !
"Brother Jun! Wake up, wake up!"

She pushed Cheng Jun several times, but Cheng Jun didn't respond.

It wasn't until Shen Yiwen sat up that she realized that something seemed to have injured the back of Cheng Juan's head, and she bled a lot.

The blood was already cold, and even some blood stains on the back of the neck had frozen into icicles.

Her heart was half cold, and her little face was bloodless.

"Brother Jun! Brother Jun!!"

She shook Cheng Juan a few more times, and then let Cheng Juan lie flat on the ground.

She lay down by herself, put her ear on Cheng Juan's heart, and listened to Cheng Juan's heartbeat.

He is still alive, but his current appearance makes Shen Yiwen feel extremely uneasy.

"Wake up! Do you open your eyes?"

She was flustered, she had never been so bewildered.

With trembling little hands, he touched the wound on the back of Cheng Juan's head.

The wound was not deep, but it swelled up into a big lump.

She didn't dare to use too much force, but her expression became more and more panicked, because Cheng Juan's face was too pale.

I don't know when, Cheng Jun has become a very important part of her life, and has completely integrated into her world.

She never even thought about what it would be like if there was no Cheng Jun by her side one day?
Until this moment, that kind of thought flashed through her mind, but it made her heart suddenly feel empty.

That feeling of emptiness, as if a large piece of meat had been scooped out abruptly.

She held Cheng Jun's hand tightly.

"Wake up, wake up quickly!!"

If I knew she should have studied medicine like Cheng Juan, but she didn't know anything about medicine.

What should she do at this time?
Cheng Juan might just be in a coma, but the structure of the human brain is very sophisticated, and it's quite complicated, and... She's not sure, except for the injury on the back of the head, is there any other injury?

in case... in case...

Shen Yiwen didn't dare to think about it anymore.

After a full ten minutes, Shen Yiwen's mood became more and more anxious.


Cheng Juan frowned, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Jun!!"

The first time she saw her open her eyes, Shen Yiwen yelled loudly, and then her small body rushed over suddenly, and plunged into Cheng Juan's arms all at once.

Cheng Juan froze for a moment before raising his hand to pat her on the back.

"Scared you?" His voice was hoarse.

Shen Yiwen sobbed softly in his arms.

She didn't speak, just hugged his neck tightly, but her crying was like a whining kitten, which made people feel very distressed.

Cheng Juan sat up, letting her sit in his arms like holding a baby.

He hugged her and raised his hand to wipe her tears.

"Okay, stop crying. It's all my fault. But look, am I all right?"

Shen Yiwen tightly grasped the skirt of his chest with her small hands.

"I'm afraid, Brother Jun..."

Her eyes were red from crying, her nose was also red, and her little mouth twitched, making her look even more pitiful.

This was the first time Cheng Juan saw her so out of control, he sighed and hugged her tightly again.

Shen Yiwen leaned in his arms, on his chest, Cheng Juan's gentle voice floated over her head.

"Listen, my heart is still beating. I'm alive, I'm fine."

The sound of "咚咚", "咚咚" and "咚咚" is steady and full of rhythm.

It's like the feeling he gave her, gentle, reliable, and very reassuring.

Listening to Cheng Jun's heartbeat, her flustered mood gradually calmed down.

"You scared me to death... I just saw blood on your head, I thought..."

She didn't continue, but Cheng Juan understood what she meant.

The incident happened suddenly just now, and they were almost buried alive by the avalanche when they fled.

Although he reacted quickly and pulled Shen Yiwen into the cave in time, but when those snow waves hit the outside of the cave, he only heard a loud noise, then the sky shook, and then some rocks in the cave were shaken and collapsed.

It was also those stones that fell on his head that made him unconscious.

The two cuddled so tightly.

It took a long time before Shen Yiwen wiped her face. Her eyes were swollen from crying, which made her feel uncomfortable.

And just now, all the tears and snot were rubbing on Cheng Juan's body.

She remembered that Cheng Juan was obsessed with cleanliness and usually liked to be clean, but suddenly she felt uncomfortable again.

"I'll go over there and see if I can get out."

She went to the entrance of the cave, but there was all snow there.

The thick white snow pressed the hole tightly. She tried to push it, but it didn't work.

Shen Yiwen frowned, clenched her teeth again, and exerted a lot of force, but she still didn't move.

She was a little dazed.

She was born with supernatural power, and this was the first time she encountered a situation that could not be solved by this kind of strength.

"what happened?"

She looked at Cheng Jun blankly.Cheng Juan has come behind her.

He frowned tightly, recalling that when the avalanche happened just now, he had heard a loud noise after plunging into the cave.

And this terrain...

There seemed to be a cliff above the cave, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Cheng Juan said calmly, "Don't panic, let me see..."

He tried to clear away some of the snow outside the cave, and then a large rock was exposed.

It's the cliff above the cave!It was smashed down and sealed tightly outside the cave.

Shen Yiwen's complexion changed, no wonder she didn't push just now.

That piece of cliff blocked the entire entrance of the cave. I don't know how big it is, but it must be at least a thousand catties.

Cheng Juan frowned, and then thought about it calmly for a while.

"There should be more than one exit here. Come on, let's go inside and have a look."

After speaking, he turned around first, and grabbed Shen Yiwen's wrist with his other hand.

He walked in front, and Shen Yiwen staggered behind.

This cave is very narrow, and the light of the flashlight sweeps through it, and it is unobstructed.


Cheng Jun thought about it.

He just heard a whining sound, as if wind was blowing in through the gap. There should be a vent in this cave, maybe they can go out through that vent.

After walking to the end, Cheng Juan's eyebrows were once again knotted.

There is indeed a vent, but it is too narrow, only a palm-width gap.

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