Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 19 Dong Cui'e

"It just so happened that everyone got together today. If you have any problems, come and bring them up. Let's solve them together, so as not to bring up this matter later."

Tear force or something, but get out of here, isn't the greenhouse fragrant?
How good the infrastructure is. Get out the greenhouse as soon as possible, and you can grow food quickly.

Otherwise, even if there are a lot of supplies in her space, but in this era of big pots and rice, those food is not convenient to take out.

She can't always eat secretly by herself, and she can't keep away from the big pot.

She is not a little fairy, she can live only by the fairy wind and dew.

Anyway, get this matter resolved as soon as possible, and start a business quickly!

These are all ready-made tool people, so much manpower, she can't wait.

Guys: "..."

Peeking at each other.

There are still problems.

But she tied Wang Dafeng, who dares to ask?
What if she was like Wang Dafeng, what if she had a temper, what if she tied them up too?
Everyone fiddled with their heads, shaking them like rattles.

Shen Yiwen was even more satisfied.

"Very good, then let's continue. Where did we just say? Oh, yes, this greenhouse, as long as it can be made, it will be really beneficial..."

She spoke eloquently, as if nothing had happened, as soon as she opened and closed her small mouth, she began to play it like a small trumpet again.

Cheng Jun was quiet and watched the whole process from the sidelines.

Now looking at Shen Yiwen, for some reason, she suddenly bent her lips.

But after a smile, he was startled again.Touching the corner of his lips, he felt a little dazed.

He knows his own temperament, his blood has been cold for a long time, even if he smiles normally, he seems to be knowledgeable and reasonable, gentle as jade, but he has always rejected others.

Those smiles are purely personal cultivation and etiquette. They seem to be a gentleman, but they are just "on the surface".

But at this moment, he is from the heart.

Cheng Juan suddenly had a premonition that perhaps his biggest gain this time when he returned to his hometown to meet relatives was her, a 16-year-old little girl.

He smiled again, but his eyes seemed to be stained with a less obvious brightness.


"Go, go, go!"

As soon as the show ended here, Shen Yiwen asked Qian Fengshou to help her watch Wang Dafeng, and she quickly walked home with her pants pulled.

It's really impossible not to mention it, the waist of the trousers is too loose, and it always slips down.

When I got home, I took a rope and used it as a belt to tie my thin waist, and I was relieved.

Xiang Nan's eyes were red: "Sister Wen, I'm sorry."

The child was listless and hung his head.

Shen Yiwen raised her eyebrows and rubbed him.

"Okay, just let it go, and you haven't done anything wrong."

Xiangnan is not Shen Xiangdong, but when she thinks about Shen Xiangdong... It's over, she has such a violent temper, she almost didn't have one Buddha born and two Buddhas ascend to heaven.

That Lengtouqing punched her yesterday, when she woke up this morning, she found a large area of ​​bruises on her body, her mind was buzzing, and she almost ran away.

Taking a deep breath and getting the matter out of her mind, she patted Xiang Nan on the shoulder: "Come on, we have to go to the commune. We can't handle the greenhouse by ourselves. We have to find someone to write an approval letter and declare it first." , Let the officials stamp it for us."

Qian Fengshou was still waiting there, and Shen Yiwen had nothing to do, but before going out, she took the leather jacket that Cheng Juan put on her yesterday.

When she came over, she happened to see Cheng Jun.


Team leader Qian Fengshou had already pulled out an ox cart, Cheng Jun was sitting on the ox cart, Qian Fengshou was driving ahead, and the two were chatting.

"Uncle, your old married family has moved away for several years, and I don't know where it is now. I'll ask someone later."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Captain, but..." This little uncle sounded like Cheng Juan was really helpless. He corrected him, but Qian Fengshou insisted.

Seniority overwhelms people. In this regard, Qian Fengshou is still very disciplined.

Shen Yiwen was shocked: "Uncle? Little uncle?"

Shen Yiwen was amazed.

How high is this seniority?

Hearing this title, those who didn't know it thought he was an old man in his eighties or nineties.

Qian Fengshou is not small, at least he is a middle-aged man in his [-]s or [-]s.

"Hey, isn't this a relative?"

Qian Fengshou was embarrassed, not to mention that he called it fluently in private, but he was quite old, and it really burned his face to hear him call a young man who could be his son regardless of his age.

Shen Yiwen couldn't help laughing, and winked at Cheng Juan.

"Are you going to the commune again?"

Cheng Juan calmly said, "Not long after I came back, there are too many things missing at home. I'm not in good health, so I can't lift heavy things."

Shen Yiwen understood, so she had to buy in batches.

"That's just right. The captain and I went to the commune to do business. There is this bullock cart on the way back. You can buy it. If you need help, just give it a whimper. I'm strong, and I'll come."

Cheng Jun smiled and rolled his eyes, "Okay."

He responded lightly.

Shen Yiwen and Xiangnan got into the ox cart, from the Meihe brigade to the commune, they had to walk for several hours, and changed to this old ox cart, walking slowly.

Shen Yiwen thought, this is not as fast as she walks by herself, but it saves effort.

She was in a good mood, thinking about things like the greenhouse on the way.

As for Wang Dafeng?She originally wanted to send Wang Dafeng to the Public Security Bureau, but after hearing what Qian Fengshou said, the police would come to the production team to investigate the case later, so this procedure was saved.

She really annoyed Wang Dafeng, that's good, she felt relieved.

But when a few people were crossing the mountain road in an ox cart, there was the Mei River.

"Mother, mother, what's the matter?"

Wang Dafeng's daughter's face was bruised, and her husband Zhang Ronghua beat her.

That person had a bad temper. Before they got married, the couple had a good time, but once they got married, their true colors were revealed.

Dong Cuie was often subjected to domestic violence, and even lost a child.She went back to her mother's house today with a lot of worries, but unexpectedly something happened to her mother.

Qian Fengshou's daughter-in-law led everyone to work in the Qian family's yard. Now there is only one Wang Dafeng in the yard, who is still tied with a rope and locked up here.

Dong Cuie pulled out the rotten shoe stuffed in Wang Dafeng's mouth.

Wang Dafeng poohed hard.

"Damn bastard, I can't spare her for losing money! She actually wants to hand me over to the police. Is she worthless!"

Dong Cuie's hands trembled, her eyes were in a daze, and she asked with a pale face, "Pub... Public Security? What Public Security?"

"It's not that old Shen's family! As soon as something happened to Shen Xiangxi, the little beast went to the police and called the public security. They have been going door-to-door for the past two days to investigate."

Wang Dafeng was upset, she scolded severely.

Just as she wanted Dong Cui'e to help her untie her, she was taken aback when she saw Dong Cui'e's expression.

"Cui'e, Cui'e?"

"Ah! Mom, what's the matter?" Dong Cuie came back to her senses.

Wang Dafeng frowned, "What's going on, why are you in a daze."

Zhang Ronghua was not in their brigade, and it was a little far away from Meihe. Dong Cuie was a married woman.

A few days ago, Wang Dafeng was working in the canteen of the brigade when he heard that Dong Cuie had returned.

But when I went home and looked around, I didn't see Dong Cuie, and seemed to have left again.It was only after that that something happened to Shen Xiangxi's child.

Wang Dafeng glanced at Dong Cuie several times, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat.


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