Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 169 Come on, open your mouth

On the cusp of this kind of storm, her elder sister has now become a prisoner of labor reform again. If she really makes a fuss, let's not talk about whether she can beat Shen Yiwen.

Even if they can beat, they can't take advantage of it.

What's more, there are so many folks watching!
At this stage of the field, Shen Erzhen had to admit it.

I don't know when, Shen Yiwen has already subdued the villagers.

"This is outrageous!"

Suddenly, Qian Fengshou's expression darkened.

"Come here, hurry up! Take this Shen Yushan to the cowshed for me!"

"Watch carefully, don't let her come out to make trouble again!"

Several men came over immediately, but Shen Yushan stared.

"I don't! You let me go, what are you doing? Why arrest me?"

"The police station has already released me, so what are you?"

Shen Yushan yelled loudly and struggled hard.

But even if she has a violent temper, she is still just a young girl after all, and her strength must not be comparable to that of a man, not to mention that there are several people pulling her together.

Soon, he held her two arms, and her two legs were suspended in the air, and he carried her to the cowshed.

"Let go of me, let go!"

Shen Yushan was still struggling, even turned her head with difficulty, and shouted at Shen Erzhen and Shen Yuwen: "Brother, Erzhen! What are you still doing?"

"Hurry up and save me!"

But Shen Yuwen's brows were frowned tightly, and Shen Erzhen's expression was even more exhausted.

Facing Shen Yushan now, she suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.It was like meeting their mother Liu Yanzi.

There is no reason to explain, and there is no way to communicate.

But anyone with a bit of a brain, at this juncture, must clench his tail and behave humbly.

But her eldest sister was lucky. She just returned to the production team and couldn't wait to make trouble.

What can we do now?
Shen Erzhen clenched her fists anxiously.


Shen Yiwen glanced at this side coldly, then looked away.

She turned her head and walked towards Shen's house.

As for Shen Yushan?What Shen Yushan!That is a superb.

It looks like it was printed out of the same mold as Liu Yanzi, and there really is what kind of mother there is.

"what happened?"

When walking halfway, suddenly an elegant hand grabbed Shen Yiwen's arm and pulled her gently.

Shen Yiwen stopped in her tracks, the evil spirit on her face was still there, and when she looked up, she saw Cheng Juan's handsome face.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, before saying, "It's nothing."

But Cheng Jun didn't believe it.

He pinched Shen Yiwen's angry cheeks, "Who offended you?"

"Today, the greenhouse over the back mountain is officially completed. Aren't you happy to see you this morning? Why are you so angry after only a while?"

Shen Yiwen bit her lip, "It's not that Shen Yushan!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, a bit of resentment flew out of her heart.

"She was released. No, it should be said that she came to reform through labor."

Cheng Juan raised his eyebrows, and went through it in his mind.

Then he raised his hand and rubbed Shen Yiwen's little head.

"Okay, be happy. Come on, open your mouth."

Shen Yiwen let out an ah, and sure enough, a piece of rock candy was pushed into her mouth by Cheng Jun.

The sweetness of old-fashioned rock sugar exploded in her taste buds, and Shen Yiwen narrowed her eyes.Biting the rock candy hard with her small white teeth.

It seemed that he took this rock candy for someone, and wished he could chew it up immediately.

After a long while, the rock sugar completely melted in her mouth, and only then did she feel that the resentment in her heart had calmed down.


After patting his forehead, he immediately said: "I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go home quickly, otherwise I'm afraid there will be trouble at home."

After saying this, Shen Yiwen hurried home.

She was really confused by Shen Yushan's best just now.

What is it?How annoying!

She rushed into the Shen family compound with a dark face.

"Oh, what's the matter? Why are you still in such a hurry?"

It happened that my aunt Yu Caixia came out of the house.

Shen Yiwen paused for a moment, then took a deep breath, and came to the fourth aunt.

He held his fourth aunt's arm, and said sullenly, "Shen Yushan is back."

"What? Who, who's back?"

Yu Caixia was taken aback.

"Shen Yushan, it's Shen Yushan from the third room!" Shen Yiwen repeated.

With a bang, Yu Caixia's mind went blank.

After a while, she gritted her teeth hard.

"Wen Ya, Fourth Aunt is fine, don't worry." Yu Caixia patted the back of Shen Yiwen's hand, but her face was already livid.

Just at this time, Shen Xiangnan came back from the outside holding a small leather whip and spinning top.

Ever since the river froze over, he liked to play spinning tops on the ice, anyway, he was idle in the countryside in winter.

The adults don't like to go out because of the cold, but the children are used to being outside.

As soon as he got home, he yelled happily, "Mother, mother! Where's my brother?"

Shen Xiangxi's injury has healed a lot recently.

Xiang Nan thought, spinning a spinning top on the ice is really fun, and he wanted to take his brother out to play together.

In case his elder brother is like a delicate little girl, nestling on the kang all day long and not moving.

But Yu Caixia's complexion was not very good.

After thinking about it, Yu Caixia gritted her teeth and said, "Xiang Nan, come here! Let's pack up and go to your grandpa's house!"

Xiang Nan was stunned, "Why? Didn't you just come back from grandpa's house a few days ago?"

Yu Caixia pursed her lips, paused, and said, "I'm not worried. Your grandpa is getting old and not in good health. Stop talking, go back to the house and pack your things!"

Seeing Yu Caixia's unhappy face, she shrank her neck to the south.Although he didn't know what was going on, he obediently walked into the fourth room.

In the yard.

Yu Caixia held Shen Yiwen's hand tightly, she was afraid that Xiang Nan would hear her, so she lowered her voice and said, "Wen Ya..."

"This Shen Yushan is back, my fourth aunt, I don't dare to stay here anymore."

"I'm not afraid. But I can't go west."

"Your fourth uncle and Dongzi are not at home today. When you see them when you turn around, please tell them for me."

Shen Yiwen hesitated to speak, and could only nod her head for a while.

"I see, fourth aunt, don't worry."

After Yu Caixia finished exhorting her, she turned around and hurried back to the fourth room.Disgusted that Xiang Nan moved too slowly, she directly took an earthen frame, put a cloth inside, and stuffed a few changes of clothes into it.

After that, she directed Xiang Nan and said, "Xiang Nan, put your brother on your back! Let's go, let's go to your grandpa's house!"

After speaking, she took the lead and rushed out with the children in a hurry.

It looked like fleeing, as if he was afraid that someone would block him if he was too late.

"What's the matter, Aunt Si?"

Just at this time, there was a creak in Dafang's room.

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