Two ghosts, one system, one human and one vixen just sprawled into the haunted house.

Good guy!There are really NPCs!

A "treasurer" character dressed in the costumes of the Republic of China suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Tao Yaoyao excitedly said: "Xiao Tian! Are these NPCs real or fake?"

"False, illusions, but they can be touched, they are just created virtual characters."

Xiaotian couldn't help shivering, because the inside was eerie, and it was indeed terrifying.

Liuli hugged He Xinrui's leg directly, causing He Xinrui to laugh.

"You have been dead for more than 100 years, are you still afraid of this?"

Liuli shook her head, "You're dead too, but do you like going to such a dark and humid place? I don't like it."

He Xinrui smiled and hugged Liuli into her arms, "Okay, can I hold you?"

Seeing Liuli timidly, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being amused.

"Peach! I'm afraid!"

Tao Yaoyao: "???"

She turned around and looked at this "tough man" who was nearly 1.9 meters tall and covered with tendons all over his body. She even said "scared" to herself, and her eyes were still very weak and innocent.

As he spoke, he put his arm on her.

"Taotao is holding me, don't let go."

The shopkeeper introduces different stories of the haunted house, and there are multiple series.

Tao Yaoyao chose the scariest-looking series - Red and White Shuangsha.

The eerie environment instantly became brighter, and the next second, the entire haunted house turned into a happy hall.

Immediately afterwards, a group of ancient servant girl NPCs came out, and rushed directly towards Tao Yaoyao and Zhuo Qihua.

The two of them were dragged into wedding clothes, and a hydrangea appeared in their hands.

Zhuo Qihua's hairstyle changed, and it turned into an ancient hairstyle with fluttering long hair.

As for Tao Yaoyao, her head is covered with emerald jewels and peach blossoms.

She looked at Zhuo Qihua in front of her and was stunned. At this moment, why did she feel so familiar?
It was as if she and Zhuo Qihua had been married before.

In the same way, Zhuo Qihua's eyes fell on her and never moved away.

He looked her wedding dress up and down, and couldn't help saying, "Taotao, I seem to have married you before."

After finishing speaking, his big hand gently covered her cheek, and said emotionally:
"It seems that I really married you."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and bent down to kiss that lips as if there was no one else around.

He Xinrui, who was holding Liuli, hurriedly turned around, Xiaotian stared at it intently, and even rolled her eyes a few times.

That barrier no longer exists for them.

An NPC there shouted: "The time has come."

A maid covered Tao Yaoyao with a hipa, and pointed to the front to signal for the two to pay their respects.

Tao Yaoyao heard the familiar words in the TV series - first worship to heaven and earth, second worship to the high hall, husband and wife to worship each other, and sent to the bridal chamber.

The corners of Zhuo Qihua's lips curled up after hearing this, and he hurriedly asked: "Where is the bridal chamber?! Take me there!"

Zhuo Qihua took the little man beside him and went to the room led by the NPC.

Xiaotian and the others followed, but Zhuo Qihua shut the door.

He took off her hijab, and his eyes almost melted when he looked at her.

He pulled her over, and the two moved closer, and he sucked in the peach fragrance on her body.

"It would be great if I could really have a bridal chamber."

Tao Yaoyao chuckled,
"Then Ah Hua try?"

Zhuo Qihua looked outside the hollow door, "Don't look at it, close your eyes! We are going to have a bridal chamber."

Xiaotian was speechless, "Are you really stupid or are you just pretending to be stupid? Do you really believe these nonsense?"

In the next second, the two were forced to separate.

The red rope connected in the middle of the hydrangea was torn off suddenly, and Tao Yaoyao looked at the broken rope, and her eyes turned red for no reason.

Why, she felt a wave of sadness welling up in her heart.

Birth is the feeling of birth.

Seeing tears in her eyes, Zhuo Qihua panicked and comforted her: "Taotao, this is just a game, why are you crying, it's over when it breaks."

He wanted to get close to her, at this time a large group of NPCs rushed in and took away Zhuo Qihua's wedding clothes.

The NPCs lifted the two of them up, and Zhuo Qihua was put on mourning clothes.

Immediately afterwards, Tao Yaoyao was stuffed into a sedan chair, and Zhuo Qihua was actually stuffed into a coffin!
Zhuo Qihua only thought it was a game and didn't pay much attention to it, but the dark and narrow environment was still a bit creepy.

Not long after, even the two ghosts, Liuli and He Xinrui, couldn't help feeling chills down their backs.

I saw a section of the welcoming team, all red.One section is a funeral procession carrying a coffin, all in white, with white paper money floating around.

Xiaotian couldn't help but shivered too, because the haunted house began to bring its own funeral background music.

Tao Yaoyao has a calm face. Ever since she was a child, have you seen strange things rarely?
The red and white teams approached slowly and began to stagger, only to hear a "bang", the red sedan chair that Tao Yaoyao was in flew above Zhuo Qihua's coffin.

A hole appeared under the sedan chair and above the coffin at the same time, Tao Yaoyao fell down and landed on Zhuo Qihua's lap.

Fortunately, her body was small enough, and she lay on Zhuo Qihua's body as soon as she fell down.

"Hey." Tao Yaoyao laughed while wrapping her arms around his neck.

This is not a horror game, but a true love game.

The hole in the coffin disappeared suddenly, and the two were once again in darkness.

However, the two of them couldn't care about these things, Zhuo Qihua covered those lips accurately in the dark.

Although the barrier is thinner, it feels even thinner this time.


Zhuo Qihua snorted comfortably, and then reversed his posture.

outside the coffin.

Xiaotian asked: "NPC? What's going on? Why is there no movement?"

As soon as the words fell, the claws of several NPCs began to stretch towards the coffin.They are illusions, so they penetrate directly into the coffin.

At this time, a gloomy green light began to appear in the coffin, but the two of them closed their eyes and were very absorbed and did not notice it.

Zhuo Qihua felt his calf being caught by claws, so he let go of Tao Yaoyao in fright, and let out a loud cry.

Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes and couldn't help laughing when she saw him panicking.

She pulled him towards her, and coaxed him charmingly: "Don't be afraid of Ah Hua, I'm here, it's all fake, why don't you kiss me~"

Seeing her charming appearance, Zhuo Qihua had no other thoughts in his mind.

A few claws landed on the two of them, but they continued to be hot as if nothing had happened.

Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes to peek at his expression, but suddenly her eyes widened.

Looking at it from that angle, two tails appeared behind Zhuo Qihua!

Good guy, it's still a gradient red!
This vixen's tail actually has the color of a fan, it's amazing!

Zhuo Qihua opened his eyes at this time, and Tao Yaoyao's eyeballs became deeper.

Because, those eyes of his have become the eyes of a fox!

The whites of his eyes turned sapphire blue, and the pupils were jet-black, gradually spreading to the edges, forming a circle of gray.

She didn't have a trace of fear, but felt that her "soul" would be taken away by this look.

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