The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 9 Capital and Technology Double Investment

On the top floor of Future Technology, in the huge office, the orange morning sun poured in through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and cast it on the large desk facing the window.

A woman sat behind a desk with disheveled hair, studying the plan at her desk.

At this time, the sunlight might be too harsh for her who didn't close her eyes all night, so she squinted her eyes and raised her hand to cover the sunlight.

She stretched.

Looking up, if you look at her face carefully, you will definitely be dumbfounded.

This is clearly the meticulously dressed person in the stereoscopic projection on the first floor - Li Weilai, the founder of Future Technology.

The door was knocked from the outside, Li Weilai stopped the overnight coffee that was being delivered to his lips, and stared at it: "Come in."
The door was opened with a whimper, Gu Man put down the sweater and hat, and Li Weilai saw a cold and dusty face.

Almost subconsciously, Li Weilai sat up from behind the table in shock. Although his bloodshot eyes looked rather tired from the vicissitudes of life, they still shot out the sharp light of an eagle, as if seeing a savior.

"Man God!"

She screamed out, almost forgetting that the massage chair behind her was still powered on, so she quickly turned off the massage chair, got up and trotted to Gu Man, and hugged her without hesitation.

"I suggest you let go of me first, because the smell on your body is too...unspeakable." Gu Man held his breath helplessly, pinching his nose and making no secret of his dislike for her.

Li Weilai let go of Gu Man very hurt, and complained in his mouth: "I haven't closed my eyes all night, and I haven't bathed, brushed my teeth, or changed my clothes. I don't know how to feel sorry for the old comrade!"

"You are the one who is willing to be the desperate third wife." Gu Man ruthlessly pointed it out.

"Sun Gong is a pawn, and the merits are not in vain. When I am in my position, the pressure is great. I can't do without rushing forward." Li Weilai pouted at the backpack behind her, and asked with his eyes.

Gu Man kept silent, glanced at her sideways, took off the backpack very simply, and put it on the table.

"Besides, I don't feel sorry for you, but I can't justify it."

"What is this?" Li Weilai's eyes lit up, and he almost threw himself on the schoolbag, "It can't be..."

"Open it and have a look." Gu Man kicked a chair over and sat down firmly, seeing Li Weilai's messy desk in his eyes, he couldn't help smacking his tongue inwardly.

Who would have known that the noble and mysterious beauty CEO of Future Technology would look like this in private?

Unkempt, there is no half of the calm elegance, shrewdness and wisdom in front of others.

Li Weilai's anticipation was about to burst out of her eyes that were like rabbit eyes, and she quickly opened the schoolbag. What was inside was the metal box that Gu Man took out of the safe.

"Where's the key? How do you open it?" Li Weilai held back the ecstasy in his heart, and spoke in a trembling voice.

Gu Man stretched out his index finger and placed it on the identification opening on the front of the box. Hearing a crisp "beep", the box opened automatically.

When Li Weilai saw the things in the box, her eyes almost went straight. She excitedly wanted to hug Gu Man again, but Gu Man had already taken a step back, folded her arms to protect her, and her rejection was beyond words.

Li Weilai pursed his mouth, retracted his hand in embarrassment, and once again set his fanatical gaze on the box.

"Manshen, please make an offer."

She looked at the thin little thing in the box that seemed to exude a strong temptation to her, and murmured.

"Last time I heard you say that once this thing is mass-produced, the revenue can reach more than 300 billion." Gu Man kicked the chair just now, sat down boldly, narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Li Weilai nodded, and said seriously: "300 billion is just my rough estimate. Now that I have seen the samples, I am afraid that the price will go up again."

It is so beautiful!
"Reminder, the sample can be upgraded again." Gu Man tapped the table rhythmically with his fingertips.

In her last life, she has experienced technological changes from now to four years later, and she is well aware of the development trend and breakthrough points of the technology industry, so she dares to say this with confidence.

"Can you upgrade again?" Li Weilai's eyes widened.

"The development of technology is changing rapidly, don't be surprised, just trust me."

Gu Man just sat like that, her confident aura allowed her to show off the wisdom hidden between her brows, and gave Li Weilai a big reassurance.

Li Weilai couldn't help re-examining the genius girl in front of him.

Last year, I participated in an offline forum in the field of artificial intelligence on behalf of Future Technology, and Gu Man, a top student majoring in artificial intelligence at Beijing University, participated in that forum with his semi-finished graduation design.

From that aspect alone, Li Weilai was deeply impressed by Gu Man's works.

So she immediately exchanged contact information with Gu Man, and the contact was not broken during this year, and the two became friends.

She even offered a high price to buy out Gu Man's idea and realize mass production.

But Gu Man has recently fallen in love, and it seems that the wedding is coming soon, so she didn't urge her to complete the work as soon as possible.

"Make your conditions." Li Weilai looked greedily at the contents of the box.

She is a businessman, so she knows that Gu Man has decided to cooperate with her by bringing the samples directly to her office this time.

"I don't want money." Gu Man stretched his wrist, stood up while supporting the armrest, looked at Li Weilai, his voice was deep and restrained, not at all childish and frivolous at this age.

"I only want shares, and capital and technology are double-shared."


When Gu Man came out of Future Technology, it was still early and it was noon. She squinted her eyes, stretched her waist, and felt relaxed.

She was about to drive her Maserati home when her phone rang, as if on a click.

Gu Man picked it up, glanced at the caller ID, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

She pressed the answer button, and Wilson's smiling voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Miss Gu, our Boss would like to treat you to a meal, I wonder if you can do it?"

Gu Man was taken aback, and replied almost subconsciously: "Okay."

Even if Xiao Wangchu doesn't invite him today, he is ready to go and find him.

The car drove to a private club, and Wilson had been waiting at the door for a long time, seeing Gu Man coming down, he hurried up to meet him.

"Miss Gu, please follow me." His fat body leaned forward slightly, he nodded and raised his hand to signal Gu Man to walk in front.

Gu Man nodded, moving his straight and slender legs alternately, wearing a pair of casual sneakers, walking neatly and crisply, Wilson could even feel the gusts of wind brought by her walking.

Can't help but be surprised, this Miss Gu's style is really changeable, she seems to be able to control any style, but it seems that this style is her real style.

Walking to a Japanese-style sliding door, Wilson reminded: "Miss Gu, this is the room, Boss is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you." Gu Man nodded to Wilson in thanks.

Wilson bowed his head and stepped back.

Gu Man looked at the door in front of him, took a deep breath, then raised his arm, and gently pushed the door open.

The light in the room is somewhat dim, only a small orange lamp hangs directly above the tatami, on one side of the tatami, Xiao Wangchu's profile is as handsome as a sculpture, with a straight nose and thin lips, and a well-defined jaw slightly retracted.

He seemed to be meditating. Although his head was slightly lowered, his back was straight, his eyes were slightly closed, and his eyelashes were drooping slightly.

But even when he was quiet and motionless, he could sense his domineering presence.

Just like a tiger dormant and rejuvenating, as long as any nerve in him is touched, he will explode into a rage at any time.


With a low voice and a calm tone, he gently opened his eyelids, and looked at Gu Man with a pair of ancient well-free pupils.

Although the lingering air pressure around him had decreased a lot compared to yesterday, it still made Gu Man shiver subconsciously.

She turned her eyes away, and pretended to look around and commented: "This place is very nice, quiet and elegant."

"Sit down." Xiao Wangchu glanced at her lightly, but his pupils flickered slightly imperceptibly, as if he was also very curious about her outfit today.

"Oh." Gu Man seemed to have guessed the meaning conveyed by the subtle changes in his expression, and explained casually, "It's comfortable to wear like this."

As he spoke, he sat cross-legged across from him.

Xiao Wangchu was noncommittal, gently squeezed a small ceramic cup with his slender fingers, poured half a cup of tea and put it in front of Gu Man.

"Thank you." Gu Man picked it up, smiled slightly, and drank it in one gulp, feeling very happy.

Xiao Wangchu was surprised.

In the past, not to mention that Gu Man would drink the tea he poured himself so unsuspectingly, he might have directly regarded this teacup as a scourge, thinking that the tea in the cup must be poisonous, and was afraid to avoid it.

One must know that it was beyond his expectation that Gu Man could readily agree to come and attend the appointment.

Xiao Wangchu's eyelids trembled slightly, and he coughed lightly, as if he was still a little unaccustomed to Gu Man like this.

Gu Man frowned, and said generously with a smile: "Have you ordered all the dishes? I'm almost starving to death."

Xiao Wangchu nodded, clapped his hands, the sliding door opened, and the food delivery waiter who had been waiting outside came in with exquisitely shaped Japanese dishes.

"Thank you, you still remember that I like to eat Japanese food." Gu Man thanked her sincerely, she was very hungry and began to eat.

She knew that Xiao Wangchu was very suspicious, so in front of him, the more real the better, the more restrained he would make him think that he was acting and pretending.

Gu Man stuffed the food into his stomach in a turbulent manner, Gu Man wiped his mouth, and frowned: "Thank you for the hospitality, but the invitation to me must not be just for a meal, now that the meal is finished, we can go straight to the point right?"

The reason why I asked her out for dinner was entirely because I wanted to see if the traffic jam at the hotel last night had any effect on her. 
Also, he wanted to confirm whether the woman who apologized and showed her kindness to him last night was real or just pretending.

Today, from entering the door to finishing the meal, what purpose does she keep showing her friendly and naive side in front of her like this?
He didn't believe that she would suddenly change her attitude towards him for no reason. Either this woman really found out her conscience, or the tears and emotional apology last night were her expedient measures to get out of trouble.

Usually he would believe the latter, you know, this woman has always been cunning and changeable about how to deal with herself.

Xiao Wangchu frowned slightly, his eyes were focused, his dark eyes stared at the opposite woman, as if he wanted to see into her heart through a layer of skin.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be unable to see through her now.

On the opposite side, she had a soft smile, and her eyes were bright and soft, like bright stars falling on the sea level in the dark night, she was looking at her with her head propped up and blinking innocently, without the usual aggression that contained a hint of hostility.

The expression in his eyes directly hit the last line of defense in his heart.

The deepest part of his heart is like a sponge that has been dry and hard for a long time, being soaked by sudden rain, it suddenly becomes soft.

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