You know, Xiao Wangchu has been in contact with many wealthy second and third generations since he was a child, so he naturally knows that most of them are sloppy and have few good things...

The more I think about it, the more upset I get, it's just a mess.

Seeing that Wilson hadn't driven the car out of the elevated bay, he lowered his voice and said in an extremely dangerous tone: "Can you drive?!"

Wilson swayed abruptly, and the corners of his lips raised with bitterness: "Boss, it's the evening rush hour after get off work, and the elevated highway is a bit traffic jam..."

Xiao Wangchu secretly cursed, then leaned on the back seat dejectedly.

Finally, when the car got off the elevated road, he asked Wilson to stop on the side of the road, and said, "Get out of the car, and I'll drive."

Wilson, who was already in a cold sweat, wished that he would quickly take over the steering wheel: "Okay Boss!"

I complained in my heart: Xiao Zhang, he didn't ask for leave sooner or later, but he rushed to ask for leave today, which really hurt me!
Under Xiao Wangchu's driving, the car moved left and right, and the car was fast, and soon arrived at the banquet location.

It is impossible not to invite the Xiao family to this dinner gathering celebrities from the imperial capital, so when Xiao Wangchu entered the venue again, no one stopped him, because his face was a pass.

The auction has reached its climax, the banquet hall is full of people, and the auctioneer is on the stage holding a microphone and introducing the auction items vigorously.

Of course, Xiao Wangchu's attention was not there, but in the audience.

He scanned around twice, but still did not find Gu Man in the crowd.

He was a little anxious, and happened to see Zhu Qiqi talking to someone, so he walked over.

Zhu Qiqi was taken aback by Xiao Wangchu who quietly appeared behind him, and before he could say anything, he heard the other party say, "Where's Gu Man?"

Tsk, this tone is quite anxious~
Zhu Qiqi almost hurt his friendship with Gu Man because he helped him before, but now he was very upset seeing him, so naturally he refused to answer: "Why tell you?"

Xiao Wangchu hid the dryness in his eyes, and said coldly: "She can't drink."

Zhu Qiqi was taken aback for a moment, but in the next second she was disdainful: "I'm her friend, how can I not know how much she drinks? I just drank a little, it's okay, you can go!"

Xiao Wangchu gritted his teeth, still scanning the crowd back and forth, until he saw the little boy named Guo Guo on the stage come down, his eyes tightened.

He clenched his fists and rushed over angrily, but when Zhu Qiqi's voice lit up beside him, he rushed over.

He almost threw himself into the arms of that little boy named Guo Guo.

Sweet voice: "Boyfriend! You are so handsome today!"

What made Xiao Wangchu's jaw drop even more in the next second was that the guy named Guo Guo directly hugged Zhu Qiqi in a circle and said, "My Qiqi is also super cute today!"

Whoa! ! !
Xiao Wangchu was directly petrified...

But his fist was about to rush to Guo Guo and grab his collar...

The aftertaste of happiness on his face hadn't faded yet, just as Zhu Qiqi's feet landed on the ground, he saw Xiao Wangchu's fist stop in the air with a stiff face.

So almond stared: "What are you doing?!"

Xiao Wangchu chuckled, withdrew his hand, and touched his nose unnaturally: "It's okay, it's okay, you guys continue."

For some reason, the dryness in his chest seemed to disappear instantly.

She seemed to be in a good mood, and her eyes softened a lot.

Guo Guo also looked at him very strangely: "This gentleman, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm attending this charity dinner on behalf of Xiao Shi." Xiao Wangchu replied.

On the other hand, Zhu Qiqi tugged at Guo Guo's sleeve, shook his head and winked.

Xiao Wangchu didn't care much, and took the initiative to extend his hand to Guo Guo: "I hope to have the opportunity to establish cooperation with you in the future."

Guo Guo saw Zhu Qiqi's expression in his eyes, but he also reached out his hand hesitantly, and shook hands with Xiao Wangchu.

It wasn't until Xiao Wangchu left that Zhu Qiqi explained to him: "This man is the scumbag who betrayed your master!"

Guo Guo was stunned for a long time, then frowned thoughtfully, and sighed: You can't judge by appearance!

Gu Man was not in the banquet hall, she and Zhu Qiqi and Guo Guo excused that they were sleepy and wanted to go home, refused their send-off, and came out.

Today, after drinking, it was impossible to drive, so I squatted on the side of the road under the night and stopped the car.

He didn't drink too much at first, but when the cold wind blew outside, the alcohol hit his head unexpectedly.

She slowed down for a while, and then stood up while holding onto a tree by the side of the road.

Thinking of something, she raised the corner of her lips and laughed at herself.

Thinking of what he said to himself on such a cold autumn night before, when he saved himself from that wretched taxi driver.

He said: Don't take a taxi in the future, I will pick you up wherever you go.

But for the rest of his life, he will never pick him up again.

He sent another woman today...

Thinking of this, she lowered her eyes and stared at a swaying fallen leaf under the street lamp in a daze, as if she could see her own shadow that was about to topple from the fallen leaf.

She shook her head, pursed her lips and stubbornly swallowed the soreness from her nose, and continued to wait for the bus.

The late autumn wind was about to tear away the little bit of residual warmth she had accumulated in the room just now.

She crossed her arms, rubbed her hands together and let out a sigh of relief, but her already overwhelmed brain was a little confused, and her consciousness was almost unconscious.

She looked at the pedestrians and vehicles coming and going, and waved at them, but no one or a car stopped to ask her.

No one asked her: what's wrong with you?are you sad

She staggered forward two steps, stepped out of the halo of the street lamp, walked into the shadows, rubbed the tip of her nose that was numb from the cold, and waved her hand to stop the car again.

But during the rush hour, almost all the passing taxis are full of passengers.

She was a little frustrated and didn't pay attention to a small stone under her feet.

The high heels on her feet were so high that she tripped and her center of gravity became unstable, and she was about to fall onto the road.

And at this moment, a roaring car didn't seem to see her, and ran straight towards her!

In an instant, she saw the headlights of that car, which were dazzlingly white, like a huge lily flower exploding in front of her eyes!

She thought of the day she married him, and the room was filled with lilies...

"Gu Man!!"

There was an earth-shattering roar, accompanied by a strong and thin hand that violently pulled her arm up.

She was about to have a close contact with the "huge lily" and was suddenly pulled into his arms by the owner of the palm.

While the sky was spinning, the car whizzed past at the speed of an arrow!

This circle of rotation and the effect of alcohol caused two double images to appear in front of her eyes.

When the roar of the car gradually faded away, the double images finally merged into one.

In a daze, she tilted her head and said "Huh?", sticking out her tongue: "Wang Chu, why were there two of you just now?"

Xiao Wangchu heard her call out his name when she smelled of alcohol, just like before.

Suddenly his face froze, and he swallowed.

"Wangchu, why, why are you so sullen? What's wrong with you..." Gu Man blinked, his clear eyes were full of doubts.


But in the next second, she shook her head, as if remembering something, her eyes darkened.

A tidal wave of painful memories generally bursts through the floodgates of memory.


It turned out that he had lied to himself, and he had divorced him...

She pursed her lips, her eyes became darker and darker, and she stared at him blankly.

He had a sullen face, as if his pupils were scarlet red because of his anxiety.

Suddenly, a bit of bitterness rose from her lips, and she wanted to push him away, but the effect of alcohol made her gradually lose her mind...

His panting, the familiar smell on his body, his heartbeat, once again haunted and bewitched himself.

Her eyes were blurred, her hands wrapped around his waist.

She wanted to tell him: Xiao Wangchu, I miss you, I see you have another woman, I am so jealous!I don't want to hate you anymore!I'm sick of suffering from insomnia!I'm done!

...but can't.

It's because I love you too much, because I care too much, so I can't tolerate sand or cheating.

Love may not be vigorous, but it should be pure.

In a trance, she closed her eyes, and tears fell down like beads off the thread.

She brought the tip of her nose close to his chest, and took a strong sniff of his scent.

Then it seems that a big decision has been made.

Push him away with all your might!

She herself swayed twice because of this.

Xiao Wangchu's body froze, and he watched in disbelief that she suddenly broke free from his embrace, obviously for a second, she was still hugging him so passionately...

Obviously for a second, she still treated herself softly as before.

He almost thought she had changed back to the old Gu Man...

But with this push, she pushed herself back to hell again!

Yeah, how could she forgive herself?

No, she will never forgive herself with such clear love and hate.

"You, you go." Gu Man opened his tongue, half closed his eyelids, looked down, the two blushes on his cheeks were clearly drunk.

But subconsciously, he didn't even give him a look.

As if unfeeling and righteous like the most cold-blooded animal.

But only she knew it.

Can't look at him.

Can not watch.

She was afraid that her hard heart would soften after seeing his scorching gaze at this moment!
Xiao Wangchu sighed, tried to speak, his voice was hoarse and low tone: "I'll take you home."

As he said that, he was about to come forward to help her.

But as soon as her fingers touched her arm, she swung him away as if she had touched a poisonous snake, clenched her fists, tried her best to straighten her back and said coldly: "Get out, I think your car is dirty. "

He was startled, the pain flashed through his pupils, he raised his hands to discuss with her in a low voice: "May I ask Zhu Qiqi to see you off? You can't take a taxi, it's too dangerous..."

She kept shaking her head and murmured, "You, you go..."

Her mood is unstable, and he dare not act rashly.

He gritted his teeth, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and then chatted with the other side in a low-key manner. After receiving an affirmative answer, he let out a sigh of relief and put the mobile phone away.

looked at her.

She was leaning against the lamppost by the roadside, her consciousness was becoming more and more unconscious, her blurred eyes were like peach blossoms in full bloom, she was staring at the neon lights on the tall buildings in the distance without blinking.

The skirt on her body was very thin, and only a coat was loosely draped over it.

Like a Phalaenopsis that will be blown off by the wind at any time.

It's not okay to keep the cold wind blowing like this.

Without thinking about it, he took off his suit jacket and slowly approached her, and before she could react, he wrapped her in the suit.

As expected, she resisted fiercely, raised her head proudly, gritted her teeth and shouted: "Let me go!"

It was as if he was her enemy.

"Good boy." He didn't relax, with a strong nasal voice, comforting her.

The strong arms are like two thick iron chains!

Wrapped around her tightly, not allowing a trace of cold wind to blow her body.

"Let me go!" she whispered again in a hateful tone.

But his strength was much greater than hers after all, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from the solid safe haven surrounded by his clothes.

She whimpered and roared in a low voice, breathing out the smell of alcohol from her nostrils, like a little beast whose tail was stepped on.

But no matter how much she scolded, abused or even cursed, he didn't let go of his arm.

Under such a stalemate, both of them broke out in a thin sweat.

Finally, she stopped struggling.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and his hands relaxed a little.

But in this second of slack, she suddenly twisted her waist in the gap, raised her arm, and swung her palm towards his right cheek!

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