"It's like a tiger lying on a barren hill, hiding its minions and enduring it." After Xiao Wangchu said this, he stared at Song Ling, "Thanks to your nickname Little Song Jiang."

Song Ling scratched his head: "Boss is saying that the time has not yet come?"

"Just wait." The corners of Xiao Wangchu's lips hooked up, "Chu Yulian will not let it go when she falls from the clouds into the mud, she will always make trouble again. Pull out the radish and bring out the mud. What I'm waiting for is behind her." that person."


The guests dispersed, and the other courtyard finally returned to peace.

The wedding room was arranged by special personnel from the wedding party. It is Chinese style, with screens and curtains, all of which are bright red.

There are two vases of lilies on the window sill, which makes the room feel festive and warm.

The marriage bed was made by Grandma Jiang. As the old saying goes, if you want to be a blessed old man, it is best to have a long life to make it. This has a good meaning and symbolizes a good omen.

Gu Man had just ate something before he finally recovered. Now he was sitting on the bed, and he just wanted to fall asleep.

Marriage is tiring after all, but fortunately it happens once in a lifetime.

At this moment, the guests are probably finished, and Wang Chu should come back.

He must have drunk a lot of wine just now, Gu Man thought about it, and went to make him a pot of hangover tea.

The window was half open, the sky was getting dark, the cool evening breeze blew over the window sill, the petals of lilies swayed slightly, and brought in a faint and pleasant fragrance.

The butler, Old Liu, had brought his servants here, so it was fine for Gu Man to tell the servants to do something, but she wanted to do it herself, and after thanking Old Liu, she let him lead the servant down.

So now this corner of the huge backyard completely belongs to her and Xiao Wangchu.

The backyard occupies a vast area and is composed of several closed individual small courtyards. Before the several small courtyards is a small garden, and before the small garden is the vestibule.

Mr. Xiao really preferred Xiao Wangchu, the small yard allocated to them had a small vegetable garden more than the others, and there was also an open-air swimming pool.

But this design is no one else, a swimming pool with a vegetable garden?

Gu Man felt quite fascinated.

But fortunately, the swimming pool will be cleaned regularly, so Gu Man doesn't need to worry about it.

Besides, there is a bird's nest-shaped hanging basket wicker chair next to the small vegetable garden, which looks poetic and relaxing.

After making tea, she nestled in the wicker chair with a hanging basket and looked at the small vegetable garden.

Thinking carefully, they might look back at their home for a while.

Not only because of her dissatisfaction with the Gu family, but also because she still has many things she hasn't done for her parents and brothers, so she can't just move out like this.

But this small vegetable garden cannot be left empty.

What to plant?

Beans?cucumber?tomato? ...

After thinking about it, she curled up on the wicker chair and fell asleep in a daze.

Jiu Jiner finally came to the fore, Xiao Wangchu pushed open the door of the small courtyard with some pretentious steps.

At a glance, he saw Gu Man who had changed into his wedding clothes, curled up on the rattan chair in a water-red home clothes, and the rattan chair shook slightly when the wind blew.

She fell asleep.

The powder-carved jade face leaned against the cushion, sleeping soundly and sweetly like a baby.

He came closer and saw her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

"Old...possessed? Old...possessed..." Drunkenness welled up, his eyes seemed to be covered with water and filled with peach blossoms.

He bent down and stared at Gu Man, who was sleeping soundly with his head tilted.

Just staring quietly like that, staring at God.

Has she finally become his wife?

But until the moment he finished the process, he felt that everything seemed like a dream, very unreal.

Another gust of wind blew by, and he regained consciousness, his voice was not so vain, and he murmured: "Go, my husband will take you home."

He scooped up his long arm and hugged Gu Man carefully in his arms. Although his steps wobbled, he managed to keep it steady, as if he was holding an incomparably precious piece of porcelain.

Although he had handled it carefully, when Gu Man's head touched the pillow, he still woke up leisurely.

"Well, you're back?" Gu Man rubbed the water stains in his eyes and yawned.

The eyelashes were drowsy, and there were some small and bright drops of water.

"Woke you up..."

"No, I was waiting for you to come back."

Gu Man sat up and looked at him carefully, as if he hadn't adapted to their new identities.

Although they had received a certificate before, the wedding is different from obtaining a certificate. Having a wedding means that their relationship has been announced to the world.

There was a blush on Gu Man's face.

He said softly: "Take off your wedding clothes quickly, and go take a shower. Oh yes..."

She caught a glimpse of his blushing face, "Have you drank a lot? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

After saying that, she got out of bed and poured him a cup of hangover tea: "Drink it, it will feel better."

Xiao Wangchu nasally said "um", took the cup of tea and drank it down, still staring at her blankly.

She seems to be extraordinarily beautiful today, exuding a youthful charm all over her body.

Gu Man took the empty glass: "Do you still drink?"

Xiao Wangchu lay down on the bed, looked at the ceiling, shook his head, and said hoarsely, "I won't drink."

 Seeing that he didn't want to move, Gu Man pursed her lips and walked to his side: "You don't want to move, let me take it off for you."

Xiao Wangchu's gaze turned to her face, a gentle smile overflowed from his lips: "Okay."

There were many buttons on the gown and jacket, but the buttons were strong, so Gu Man knelt down on the bed and bent over to untie them carefully.

She was concentrating, and her brows occasionally frowned slightly because a certain button was not easy to untie.

"Gu Man." He swallowed his throat and spoke suddenly.

It's just that the voice is hoarse and low, with a nasal sound.

"Huh?" Gu Man didn't stop moving his hands, he only raised his head to look at him, then lowered his eyes and continued to explain.

"You call me husband."

Gu Man stopped moving his hands.

She didn't know what kind of mood she was carrying when she raised her head and met his fiery gaze.

He must be drunk, so drunk that even sober tea is useless.

His pupils seemed to be ignited by fire, burning blazingly, and she saw a layer of faint water mist from inside.

The water mist gradually diffused, stirring faint ripples in the lake-like calm eyes.

Xiao Wangchu narrowed his eyes, suddenly grabbed Gu Man's arm, and brought her into his arms.

Gu Man exclaimed, and pressed his arms on his strong chest.

"You...you haven't taken a shower yet..." Her face turned red in an instant.

"I don't want to wash."

Xiao Wangchu's voice murmured, the pupils of his eyes were rippling, and the hot breath he exhaled was aggressive, all of them rushed to Gu Man's ears.

He suddenly chuckled, turned over and pressed her under him, supported her with his arms, and circled her loosely.

"Call me husband." He bent down and rested his head on Gu Man's cheek, leaning closer to her ear, asking again in a tender voice.

This doesn't look like Xiao Wangchu in a waking state at all, but more like a bewitching male goblin.

Gu Man thought to himself: I didn't expect that he who usually looks cold in front of people has such a side.

The hot air hit Xuebai's neck, and Gu Man felt unbearable, so he trembled: "...husband."

"Well...that's good." Xiao Wangchu chuckled again, and bit her pink earlobe.

Gu Man froze, his mind went blank.

Those difficult buttons seemed to be worthless in his hands, and they were easily untied.

He let go of her earlobe again, and gently covered her lips with his lips. She indulged in his affectionate kiss and responded emotionally.

This time, he was like a wolf that finally broke out, not so gentle anymore.

He leaned against her ear and called her name with a hoarse voice.

The soldiers approached the city, attacked the city and seized the territory, rode their horses and galloped wildly, galloping indulgently.

In the joy, Xiao Wangchu was ecstatic: Gu Man finally married him, this is not a fantasy, let alone a fake, she is his own!

Just when Gu Man felt that he was going to eat him to the bone.He finally returned to gentleness, wrapped himself in his arms tenderly, and kissed his sweat-soaked hair delicately.

The marriage bed was in a mess, and the clothes were all over the floor, Gu Man had no strength left.

She curled up in his arms, whimpering like a coquettish cat.

While he was panting, he casually fished out the long-lived tangerine that was placed on the corner of the bed, peeled it off, took a piece and put it in his mouth, moved close to her, pressed the tip of his nose against her, and took the piece along her slightly parted lips. The orange was sent into her mouth.

The sweet and sour juice exploded in his mouth, Gu Man closed his eyes in satisfaction, and a sweet smile overflowed his lips.

"I'll take you to wash up." He finally let her go, his voice was hoarse, but clearly very magnetic.

"Well." She arched her head into his arms again, acquiescing.

The bathtub was filled with water, some rose petals were sprinkled, Gu Man was carried by Xiao Wangchu into the water, the bright red petals made her complexion fairer.

The light in the bathroom is warm orange, which casts a delicate and smooth texture on Gu Man's porcelain white body.

Gu Man just woke up from the blurred state just now, looking at Xiao Wangchu at this moment, he was so ashamed that he wanted to get into the bathtub and couldn't get out.

When she was in a hurry, she really shrank down, only showing her head.

But he couldn't help but look at his firm and tight chest and abdomen muscles.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Wangchu was amused, and pinched her cheek.

"I, I, I... I'm fine." After being caught, Gu Man shuddered, looked away, blinked his wet eyes, and forced a guilty and innocent smile at him.

"The water is clear." Xiao Wangchu raised his eyebrows, and after finishing speaking, he turned around to get the shower gel indifferently, and the rest of his voice fell in the distance, "You can see it even if you shrink inside."

Gu Man breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he didn't notice the sight he just saw.

With a light cough, he sat up with his hands on the bottom of the bathtub, and lifted his chin generously: "Oh, I was just thinking about you just now."

"Thinking about me?" Xiao Wangchu frowned, feeling even more amused.

As he spoke, he squeezed out the shower gel and rubbed it with a foaming ball to create dense bubbles, and handed it to Gu Man.

Gu Man took it over and explained seriously: "That's right! You just... you were so... I was afraid you would see me... After all, I have such a good figure...you...you..."

As she spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she used the dense bubbles to cover herself.

From Xiao Wangchu's point of view, this seems to be trying to cover up.

He shook his head and laughed, his voice suddenly became low, his eyes narrowed, and he bewitched: "It's not a bad idea to try it here."

Gu Man: "..."! !

Just when Gu Man was stunned, her lips fell softly, Xiao Wangchu pulled her shoulders and rolled straight into the bathtub.

The water level in the bathtub rose, and the warm water wrapped the two of them, and the foam floating on the water surface was carried by the water and overflowed instantly.

While the ears and temples were rubbing together, his arms locked her light and flat waist. She wanted to twist her waist to escape, but he kept chasing after her.

This pervert!

Without the slightest precaution, and uncontrollably, Gu Man let out a sweet and delicate voice from his lips.

With a triumphant smile in Xiao Wangchu's bright eyes, he finally let go of her lips.

Gu Man snorted next to his ear: "Xiao Wangchu, I never expected that you are still a hypocrite! Pervert!"

Xiao Wangchu's eyes deepened, and he laughed even harder. He put his hands on her slippery legs, raised his head and leaned against her ears, biting her ear pinnae, spraying hot breath behind her sensitive ears: "I He wasn't even a gentleman."

After the voice fell, the tingling cracked the moon and was wiped away.

Gu Man exclaimed, a blush appeared on his crystal clear cheeks, and an uncontrollable moan overflowed from his lips.

The clouds are turning and the rain is turning, and the water in the bathtub is splashing everywhere...

A moment in the Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, and the flowers drift away and the water flows by itself. This night is destined to be unforgettable for Gu Man.


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