A few months from the current time point, she chatted with this stranger nicknamed "X" for the last day, and he disappeared and never went online again.

Gu Man was a little frustrated, leaned back on the chair, took a puff of the cigarette, the smoke instantly lingered on his fingertips, and the red light flickered on and off.

After a while, she was about to turn off the computer.

Suddenly, a red profile picture jumped up, she frowned, clicked on it, and saw the message "G" popped up crazily.

"Brother Gu! Is it your true self?"

Gu Man thought for a while, and replied with a word.


"Wuwu Guge! I'm so boring without you! Come and save the earth together!"

"I'm busy recently." Gu Man replied indifferently.

"What are you busy with? By the way, who is the woman you asked me to check for you last time? What's your relationship?" the other side gossiped.

"It doesn't matter." Gu Man snuffed out half of the cigarette, threw it into the trash can, picked up the bath towel and wiped his hair carefully.

The "G" over there tactfully changed the subject.

"Brother Gu, I'm going to country M soon, do I need to bring anything?"

In fact, he didn't want to drink alcohol, but wanted to see the real Gu Man.

"A new Star14 Pro Max machine, send it to the original address when you come back, thank you." Gu Man was not polite.

"G" quit, and sent two big exclamation marks over, with a word of grievance attached.

"Hey, is it that difficult for me to meet you? I don't care! I'll give it to you face to face when I buy it this time!"

Gu Man had some headaches: "I'm ugly, I'm afraid of society, I'm afraid of seeing netizens, thank you for the invitation."

"I don't dislike it. Besides, Brother Gu, I'm a straight man! I'm not interested in men, what are you afraid of?"

Gu Man has always used a male voice to communicate with "G", whether it is a phone call or an ordinary online chat, there is no feminine atmosphere.

So "G" took it for granted that "Brother Gu" was "Brother Gu".

She was still thinking about it when another message came over there.

"Okay! Brother Gu!"


"You help me find another person, or leave no trace, if you can find out, I agree to face the base."

The other side replied quickly: "Okay!"


The next day, before dawn, Gu Man's cell phone by the bed rang persistently.

Sleepily, she took out her phone and connected it.

Just said "Hello?" inarticulately.

Zhu Qiqi's voice sounded like thunder: "Man Bao Man Bao! Have you checked Weibo?! It's amazing!"

"Weibo?" Gu Man frowned. She never paid attention to Weibo, let alone checked Weibo very often, but she subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

"The entertainment section and the local news top the headlines, and now there are pictures of you and your brother all over the place! And..."

  Gu Man woke up suddenly, and the drowsiness disappeared: "What else?"

"There's also that scumbag named Pei..." 
Zhu Qiqi took a deep breath on the other end of the phone, and finally said, "I was relieved when I saw the photo of you and your elder brother abusing Pei Zha on the headlines, but when I saw the accompanying text of the photo, I almost didn't like it." Explode on the spot in anger!"

Gu Man sat up in shock, suddenly remembered what happened last night, and vaguely guessed something in his heart, feeling that something was wrong, he immediately said to Zhu Qiqi: "I'll hang up first, don't worry, I will take care of it."

Before Zhu Qiqi could say anything else, she immediately hung up the phone and logged into Weibo on her mobile phone.

Sure enough, on Weibo, the main tweet on the homepage that was nearing boiling point, two eye-catching photos were lined up side by side.

In one, the elder brother knocked Pei Shuyuan to the ground with his fist. The angle of the shot was very tricky. Because the elder brother was irritated by Pei Shuyuan, his distorted and hideous face appeared in the center of the photo.

The other one is of himself stomping on Pei Shuyuan's hand with high heels.

There’s even a zoomed-in close-up of the tapered heel in the lower right corner of the photo.

Blue and fluorescent.

Well, it was a good shot.

At least from a professional point of view, the level of this photographer is very good, and he knows the key points.

But soon, Gu Man was attracted by the bold characters in the title.

"A speechless incident! The daughter of a well-known family ruthlessly threw away an unknown ex-boyfriend who had been dating for a long time for Pandijing Takae! And beat her powerless ex-boyfriend with her brother! For the sake of superiority, her heart can be punished!"

There is also a line of fine print in the subtitle: "Is it the loss of morality or the distortion of human nature?"


Gu Man licked his lips and moved his wrist.

The dryness between the eyebrows and eyes is full.

The Weibo text is nothing more than a description of her past love with Pei Shuyuan, and Pei Shuyuan's argument as the party involved, saying how much love he had with her in the past, and he almost spoiled himself to the sky, but his heart is high. Arrogance, change after seeing something different.

No, he fell in love with the current head of the top wealthy family in the imperial capital, and then quickly attacked, instead of locking him up, kicked his ex-boyfriend.

The editor who broke the news also said that he ran into Pei Shuyuan who went to the female client's house late at night to cry and make amends, but was brutally bullied by the female client's elder brother, was beaten to the hospital, and had to go to the emergency room late at night.

It even attached an emergency registration form, a photo of the injury, and an injury certificate.

The comment area was overwhelmed by scolding, and netizens were almost overwhelmingly scolding the female client.

Although the name of the female client was not mentioned throughout the entire page, some careful netizens have picked up Gu Man based on clues.

Gu Man swiped his finger up and saw the one with the highest discussion value in the comment area: "I feel sorry for my ex-boyfriend who has no strength to restrain me for a second, but what I feel even more distressed is that 'Gao Zhi' who co-authored this famous lady surnamed Gu. I'm using it as a springboard! Tsk tsk! You've learned a lot!"

"Going back upstairs, that 'Gaozhi' has a name. It is said that it belongs to the Xiao family, a prominent and wealthy family in the imperial capital. I also heard that she is already engaged to the Xiao family. The speed is astonishing!"

"Supplementary upstairs, according to my cousin and grandpa who went to the Xiao family dinner last night, it was not engaged, but was directly introduced to Mr. Xiao by the young master of the Xiao family. 'Madam', not the fiancée!"

"That's right! My cousin also went to the birthday banquet, and recorded a video of the two of them playing a piece together when presenting a birthday gift to the old man of the Xiao family. I'll post the video link for you to see!"

Then a link was pasted in the comments section.

The onlookers clicked in one after another, and the comment area was quiet for a minute, and then there was a blowout of stepping on and praising it.

Most of the people who praised it knew music and musical instruments, and left messages after watching it.

"I C I C! What kind of fairy level is the heroine!! The cooperation between the hero and her is simply amazing!"

"It's too nice to listen to! If the heroine is more kind-hearted, I'll decide to turn her into a fan right now! She's just a fairy!"

"Did you see that? The few standing on the side in the video are national-level performers. I only saw them last week from the public video class recommended by my teacher. According to my teacher, they are usually very serious and high-spirited." .Gosh, did you see their expressions in the video? That's enjoying it!"

"One thing to say, although this scum girl is very immoral, she really plays the guzheng really well..."

Of course, the sound of stepping on is also very loud.

"What's the point? If you can play the guzheng, you can become a god? Who among the girls today can't be talented? It's just a top-level Bailian's operation, which is a higher rank! Just kicked someone else with her front foot, and her back foot kicked her." With this bit of talent, I have become the wife of a big boss!"

"A question out of curiosity. How would that boss Xiao react after knowing that he was being used? Thanks to the fact that I was so obsessed with that boss Xiao! The column photos he was interviewed by financial magazines before I read every issue Cut it all out and put it in the diary! Woooooo...I feel sorry for him!"

"Curiosity killed the cat, Jimei upstairs, I would like to advise you, the people at the top of the pyramid in the imperial capital are beyond the imagination of unknown people like us!"

"Don't care if Xiao thinks or not, I also feel sorry for my brother Xiao, who was tricked by such a scheming scumbag, ah, ah, I'm going crazy, I can't bear it! Jimei, spit one by one, give me Spray to death this scumbag who doesn't want Bilian!"


The comment area was once again captured by keyboard warriors.

But suddenly there were two "unsocial" comments that came into Gu Man's sight.

"Go to hell, you trolls! Go to hell with me, too! The Internet is not a place outside the law! There is also a price to be paid for spreading rumors and making troubles! Now the truth is still unclear, and I have been with the female client for many years. She I know better than anyone what kind of person she is! I can swear she is not the kind of person you said!"

"Also! You said she relied on her beauty? Are you blind or something!? Do you know how outstanding she is! Beauty is just one of her many excellent genes! I don't allow you to belittle her like this!"

Gu Man browsed halfway, his eyes fell on these two comments, his eyes stopped, and he took a look at the two comments from the same ID "Love to eat Qiqi is not a pig", and instantly knew that this was Zhu Qiqi doing it for himself Fight against injustice.

This rainbow fart...

The corners of Gu Man's lips rose slightly, and the dryness rising up in his heart just now was instantly soothed by Zhu Qiqi, the idiot who was desperately protecting him.

Although seeing Zhu Qiqi's comments being submerged in wave after wave of slander, Gu Man's heart was still warm.

The situation is intensifying, and public opinion is still fermenting.

Gu Man already guessed that the call Xiao Wangchu received just now must have something to do with this matter.

Such a poor Pei Shuyuan, she really underestimated his bottom line.

She knew that this should be Pei Shuyuan's trick.

The reason why he did this was to win the sympathy of the public opinion, to disgust himself, to disturb Huang's own marriage with Xiao Wangchu, to guide public opinion, and to create a rift between Xiao Wangchu and himself.

After all, Mr. Xiao of the Xiao family is such a great person, he naturally values ​​whether the future granddaughter-in-law's conduct is correct.

Gu Man knew that even if Xiao Wangchu didn't say anything, even if he could pass Mr. Xiao's test, the uncles of the Xiao family would definitely not give up.

Yesterday, Gu Man had already seen from the few words of those so-called family uncles that they were human beings. They were polite on the surface, but they all had smiles that didn't reach his eyes.

Especially Xiao Wangchu's aunt, who seems to be surnamed Lin, seems to treat her with a smile, easy-going and warm, but Gu Man knows that she is the one with the deepest city.

After quitting Weibo, Gu Man already had a plan in mind.

But suddenly, the mobile phone received another WeChat message, which was sent by Xiao Wangchu: "Are you awake?"

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