When Yan Chen heard Cheng Jinyu's words, he jumped up and cursed.

Cheng Jinyu felt that he must have had a fit just now, so it was unnecessary to tell him that.

Even if Gu Man doesn't have a boyfriend, even if she is single, it seems impossible for him and Gu Man.

But for some reason, just now when he thought of the picture of Gu Man hugging that man, he felt uncomfortable.

At this moment, with irritated brows and eyes, he subconsciously wanted to take out another bottle of beer from the refrigerator beside him, but remembering that Douding's dinner hadn't been cooked yet, he withdrew his hand that reached the door of the refrigerator.

To Yan Chen who was cursing at the other end, he said, "Okay, you two are not suitable at all." His tone was calm.

But he didn't think so before, and he didn't know when he changed his mind.

Maybe it was changed during the process of her treating Douding?Or it might have changed after that trip to the playground.

He felt that there was something about that woman that he couldn't see through.

Her eyes were pale and cold, and seemed to hide many, many secrets, those secrets, like hooks, tempted him to unravel.

Such a woman with a story is definitely not something that Yan Chen can subdue and control.

When Yan Chen heard this master say this, he shouted as if his tail had been stepped on: 【No, Master Jin!You didn't say that before!Didn't you already agree to help me chase Gu Man?Didn't you already acquiesce that she and I are a match made in heaven?you……】

Yan Chen was still howling and chattering on the other end, Cheng Jinyu rubbed the center of his brows, and directly cut off the phone.

He is annoying.

In the past few years, he has been living a well-regulated life, and everything has been taken care of in an orderly manner. No matter how fierce the fight with the Cheng family's difficult people is, he is in a state of calm and planning.

No one had ever disturbed his heart so much.

I have never had such an inexplicable feeling for a person.

That woman is like a variable.

This, he had to admit.

Under the numbness of alcohol, Cheng Jinyu, who hadn't had a good rest for many days, was a little sleepy, and the drowsiness hit him, messing up his brain when thinking about things.

After a while, in a trance, he closed his bloodshot eyes, leaned on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

He had a dream.

In the dream, a girl looked at herself with her head propped up. In front of her was a table full of Japanese ingredients.

She was very close to her, but her appearance was very vague, and she couldn't see clearly. She tilted her head and smiled to herself.

The voice sounded too good to be true: "Let's sign an agreement! A marriage agreement! Okay?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of silver bell-like laughter, but the laughter became smaller and farther away... Finally, the laughter disappeared, and the girl also disappeared.

He suddenly panicked, and looked around in his dream, but couldn't find the girl.


He was directly pulled back to reality by the doorbell, and suddenly woke up!
It was dark inside.

His chest was heaving up and down, panting heavily, the feeling of weightlessness changed from strong to weak, and it took him a while before he returned his thoughts.

Raising his hand to wipe his forehead, he realized that his forehead was very hot and wet and sticky.

"Ding dong~" The doorbell was still ringing.

He grunted and stood up from the sofa.

Stretching out his long arm, he turned on the light, and subconsciously glanced at the direction of the study, only to realize that his son was not there. Feeling terrible, he ran towards the door. When he opened the door, he saw Gu Man standing outside the fence, holding Xiao Doudou in one hand, and holding Xiao Doudou in the other. holding his son by the hand.

He stopped.

The sky outside had already darkened, turning blue-gray, and the street lights in the community had also been turned on. The orange, very warm light enveloped the three people outside the fence.

The woman's expression was still calm, her hair was pulled back casually, and there were two strands of broken hair hanging from her temples. The summer night was cool, and when the wind blew, the two strands of broken hair were blown up by the wind, sweeping across her delicate body. jaw.

She was wearing home clothes, with her sleeves rolled up loosely, and she was holding two children with her two arms. The two exposed arms were cold and white, and under the orange light, she was covered with a soft golden glow.

You Qi was still standing with the two children, which made her feel a little soft, adding a lot of fireworks for no reason.

This picture made Cheng Jinyu rub his eyes subconsciously.

"Mr. Cheng, you really slept really well." Gu Man saw the tall figure finally opened the door, rubbing his eyes as if he was sleepy, and opened his mouth coolly.

Cheng Jinyu's eyes fell on Xiao Douding, and he went out to meet him: "Why does Douding follow..."

"You have to ask your son about this." Gu Man handed Xiao Douding into his hands, "When I got home, he knocked on my door as soon as I finished cooking."

After finishing speaking, he shrugged and added, "If Mr. Cheng accuses me of abducting and trafficking children again, it won't be justified."

Cheng Jinyu cleared his throat in embarrassment, and the phone rang in his hand. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from a secret post arranged by him.

The content probably explained why they didn't stop Xiao Douding from going to Building No. [-] next door.

Because the two families have been moving around frequently recently, An Zhuang also knew that the hostess of Building No. [-] was seeing a doctor for the young master recently, so he didn't stop him.

Cheng Jinyu sighed inwardly: This explanation is really timely.

Putting the phone in his pocket, he slightly nodded at Gu Man: "I'm bothering Dr. Gu."

Gu Man shrugged again, and raised his eyebrows with a half-smile: "You're welcome." After speaking, he added, "Oh, by the way, Douding has already had dinner at my house, and the acupuncture has also been done."

After speaking, he turned around and left while holding Xiaodoudou.

But just as she turned around, she heard Xiao Douding's exclamation from behind: "Father! You are so hot!"

Gu Man's footsteps stopped suddenly, and when he turned his head, he saw Xiao Douding holding Cheng Jinyu's wrist, pressing his small face against his generous palm.

Still muttering in his mouth: "...Is Dad sick?"

Borrowing the light, Gu Man raised his head and finally saw that Cheng Jinyu's face seemed a little abnormally red.

Especially those eyes, like a layer of crushed ice floating in the deep, flickering, covered with water vapor.

This person probably has a fever.

She didn't want to meddle in other people's business at first, but somehow she felt that this person's current appearance was a little pitiful.

He raised his chin: "Do you need help?"


The scene in front of him made Gu Man feel a little unreal. On the sofa, the man was lying there with his legs crossed, staring at the two children sitting cross-legged on the carpet and building blocks beside the sofa.

The chandelier in the living room is very warm, covering every corner of this home.

If you put everything away from the outside, this seems a lot like a "pass" home.

But Gu Man knew that all of this was false.

Carrying the steaming hot porridge, she walked from the kitchen to the dining table, and said to the man on the sofa, "Okay."

Cheng Jinyu looked away from the two children, nodded and stood up: "Thank you."

Gu Man saw that he had also taken the medicine, and now that the porridge was cooked for him, he had done everything he should and should not have done, and was about to retreat.

Suddenly, Xiao Douding, who was handing building blocks to Xiao Doudou, saw this, tapped Doudou's arm with his little finger, and said in a low voice, "I still have a lot of toys in my toy room, brother Doudou, do you want to play with them?"

Xiaodoudou put down the building blocks in his hand: "Mmmm~" As she said, she turned her head to look at Gu Man, blinking her big innocent eyes, "Mommy, Mommy~ I want to stay and play for a while, Mommy can wait for me Shall we go down?"

Gu Man subconsciously wants to refuse. It stands to reason that the relationship between Doudou and Douding should be the person who should be the least close to each other.

But seeing the two of them playing so well, she couldn't bear to separate them like this.

But there is a limit to that kind of unbearable.

For example, Doudou can get in touch with Douding incidentally because she heals Douding, but if she sees them getting along like good friends who can't do without each other.

Sorry, she can't.

After struggling in his heart, Gu Man pursed his lips and said, "It's too late, we should go back to rest, and Douding also needs to rest."

The tone is unmistakable.

Xiao Doudou pursed her lips, although she was very reluctant, she still stood up and looked at Xiao Douding: "Brother Douding, it seems that we can only play again next time~"

Xiao Douding lowered his eyes, unable to hide his disappointment, but still gave a "hmm" and responded obediently: "...OK."

After all, he raised his eyes and took a quick look in Gu Man's direction. There was a kind of yearning light in that look.

Cheng Jinyu had already sat down at the dining table, his slender fingers stirring the porridge bowl paused slightly, he could see his son's reluctance, but he didn't ask to keep Gu Man.

Gu Man cast his gaze at him, and said something superfluous that she thought should not have been said: "Mr. Cheng, I see that you have no fresh vegetables in your refrigerator. If you need them, you can go to my yard to pick them. Your Excellency is secondary." , the main thing is for children to grow up, so it’s better to eat fresh ones.”

"Well, okay, thank you." After Cheng Jinyu finished speaking, he put a mouthful of porridge into his mouth. Although he was ill, he acted gracefully, and the glutinous rice porridge felt like a delicacy after he ate it.

He swallowed the porridge in his mouth, and the aroma of rice filled his mouth instantly.

The porridge cooked by this woman is so delicious.He couldn't help eating a few more mouthfuls.

This scene was seen by Gu Man, and she shook her head secretly in her heart: Although she bears the title of the Cheng family's ruler, it seems that her life is not very good, and she can't even get a meal, a bowl of porridge , to be eaten so sweetly by him?

The thought flashed across for a moment, Gu Man withdrew his thoughts, took Doudou's hand and nodded to him: "Mr. Cheng, goodbye." The tone was polite.

Xiao Doudou has also lost her temper in the past two days, waved her little hand at him, and said crisply: "Goodbye, uncle~"

After the two turned around and left, Cheng Jinyu raised his gaze from the porridge bowl and looked at the back of Gu Man who was about to disappear. His thin lips parted slightly, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.


After school the next day, Gu Man took Douding back to the villa. It was almost dinner time when the doorbell rang outside the fence.

Gu Man was about to add rice to the pot, wiped his hands and left the kitchen to open the door.

Opening the door, he saw Cheng Jinyu holding Xiao Douding's hand and sticking it outside the fence, with a shopping bag bulging with things in his other hand.

She was puzzled, and was about to ask what's the matter, when the man walked forward and gave the shopping bag in his hand, and said in a nice voice with some confidence:

"I don't like to owe people, here are some imported seafood, exchange your vegetables."

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