The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 171 Completely erased from memory!

Back then, Xiao Wangchu fell off a cliff, and although he temporarily lost his brain memory after the fall, it is still possible to recover.

At that time, in order to make him completely forget about the past and that bitch Gu Man, every other year, she would trick him into taking this inhibitor to prevent him from thinking about Gu Man!

The most wonderful thing about this inhibitor is not that it makes people forget the past, but that it will gradually remove the people or things that the user remembers most in the past.

It only needs to be dissolved in water and take a small sip to see the effect.

But there are also side effects...

In order to avoid side effects, the person who provided Weiser with the drug suggested that she only take it once a year, which would minimize the damage to the user's body.

As long as he takes it continuously for five years, Cheng Jinyu will no longer be able to remember the past and that bitch.Not even in dreams.

It's like pulling out weeds!
Although only half a year had passed since the last time he took this medicine... It should have taken five years, but she decided to shorten it to four and a half years.

Never mind the side effects!

Because, she can't wait!

How can a woman have a few years of youth to waste?

What's more, I have already made such a big sacrifice for him. In order to give birth to his child, I have lost my fertility!

Every day is like a widow, helping others to raise their son, but never enjoying the sex they deserve!

Up to now, he even began to doubt himself, and wanted to send himself away...

Why! ?

After hearing that he proposed to let her go to Madai for vacation, and today she suddenly asked herself if she had lied to him, the combination of these two things... made her completely panic!
She didn't know if he had discovered anything, let alone why he suddenly asked herself this way.

Anyway, as long as he drank the inhibitor, all these threats would be gone!
He will also change back to the way he was before, respecting himself as a guest, and he will slowly fall in love with himself.

As for that bitch Gu Man, he will disappear forever between the two of them, not even a shadow left.

Thinking of this, the smile on Weiser's lips grew even bigger.

She leaned over to the man on the bed, stretched out her index finger, stroked the man's browbones and bridge of nose, and moved down one by one until the man's perfect lips.

She stopped.

Excited colors burst out in the pupils.

This is the lips of the man she has dreamed of for several years, and it is right in front of her at this moment, within easy reach!
That's right, for several years, he hasn't even given himself a kiss!

The more he thought about it, the more irritable and unwilling he became, Weiser narrowed his eyes, and leaned over directly.

"...What's wrong with Dad?" But before she touched his lips or tasted his taste, a damn voice sounded behind her.

She paused.

Turning around suddenly, I saw the little immortal appearing at the door of the room.

"Ah, your father is too tired and fell asleep. Why are you here? Isn't he already asleep?" Weiser stood up and cleared his throat, hiding the panic in his eyes.

Xiao Douding glanced at the milk spilled on the carpet, and looked at Weiser with a dull gaze: "...I heard a voice."

"Oh, that's because I accidentally dropped the milk cup just now. I'll clean it up later. Go to sleep. I have to go to school tomorrow."

Xiao Douding nodded hesitantly, stood on tiptoe and glanced at his father who was sleeping on the bed, always feeling weird.

But he didn't think much, turned around and walked to his room with his head down.

After he left, Weiser gave him a hard look at his back, and cursed inwardly, "The little boy is such a disappointment!"Very annoyed, he clenched his fists together.

But when she looked back, her eyes touched the computer screen that was still on in the room.

She took a closer look and subconsciously walked over...


Summer days are always changing.

On Saturday morning, the weather was suddenly overcast, and the clouds were like lead gray sacks filled with stones, falling extremely low.

Ever since Gu Man sent the email agreeing to accept the order, he has not waited for Cheng Jinyu's reply to the email, nor has he waited for Cheng Jinyu's phone call.

She didn't know what he meant.

Gu Man, who was sitting in the car at the moment, looked through the front windshield at the gate of Chuxin Group decorated with lights and festooned with people, and his fingers holding the paper invitation loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again.

After hesitating for a while, he finally pushed open the car door, took a deep breath, and got out of the car.

She squinted.

The gray sky shrouded the entire Chuxin Building, and the opening flower baskets and the bright red silk satin at the entrance seemed to be covered with mist, making it hard to see clearly.

Today is the official opening day of Chuxin, which is a big event that caused a sensation in Taicheng.

At the door, media people had already arrived, carrying equipment and microphones, interviewing Yan Chen in suits and ties.

Why didn't you see Cheng Jinyu?
Gu Man frowned slightly, and walked towards the door.

Yan Chen was answering the questions of the reporters, when his gaze passed over the figure of Qianli who couldn't be ignored, he paused slightly.

Pulling Aiwen beside him, he whispered: "You deal with this first."

Ai Wen understood and continued to accept interviews with reporters.

Yan Chen squeezed through the crowd and walked towards Gu Man: "Mr. Gu, you're here~"

Although he didn't know why the master refused to let him pursue Gu Man, but before he figured out the reason, he still couldn't resist the attraction that Gu Man brought to him.

Gu Man nodded to Yan Chen, presented the red envelope he had prepared earlier, and said with a smile, "Good business."

There is not much money, so make a splash.

Yan Chen took it with both hands, and thanked him, "Thank you, Mr. Gu~ Shall I take you inside to sign in?"

Gu Man glanced at the sign-in counter in the lobby on the first floor, and nodded.

After signing the papers, the figure was still missing. Gu Man looked away calmly, and asked Yan Chen, "I'm sorry for leaving the meeting rashly because of me last time. Where is Mr. Cheng? I want to ask him personally. Apologize."

When Yan Chen heard this, he was relieved, because of that incident, he didn't know how to talk about it with Gu Man.

His intuition told him that there must be some misunderstanding between Lord Jin and her. As long as the two meet and the misunderstanding is resolved, then maybe Lord Jin will agree to continue pursuing Gu Man.

So he said, "Boss Cheng is upstairs in the office, shall I take you there?"

"It's troublesome." Gu Man nodded.

The two took the elevator directly to the top floor.

After getting off the elevator, the office building of "Yiman Group" can just be seen outside the glass window.

After following Yan Chen for a few steps, Yan Chen stopped in front of an office: "This is it, just wait a moment, I'll go in and talk to Mr. Cheng."

Gu Man nodded.


Cheng Jinyu was leaning against the door, looking out the window at the increasingly low and gloomy dark clouds in the sky.

After waking up that night, he felt that a place in his heart was completely empty.

In the past two days, he couldn't raise his energy and interest in doing anything, so much so that he sent Yan Chen to deal with today's opening ceremony.

At this moment, there was a "Tuk Tuk Tuk" knock on the door, and he turned his head slightly: "Come in."

Yan Chen unscrewed the door, walked in quickly, and whispered in his ear: "Master Jin, Mr. Gu is here."

"President Gu?" Cheng Jinyu frowned slightly.

Yan Chen felt very strange about this master's reaction.

It is clear that a few days ago he solemnly asked himself to give up pursuing this President Gu.

Why did he react as if he had never heard of it when he heard it mentioned by himself today?
"Just... Mr. Gu Man from the Yiman Group next door..." Yan Chen swallowed his throat, wondering if this master had a fever?

When Cheng Jinyu heard the name, he said "oh", "What is she here for?"

That woman, I was going to talk about cooperation a few days ago, and when I first met, she turned her head away in a very rude manner.

He was not impressed.

Yan Chen: "Because of what happened a few days ago, she came here to apologize to you..."

Cheng Jinyu directly refused, "No."

Yan Chen was stunned: "But..."

"You don't understand human language, do you?" Cheng Jinyu's brows were filled with irritability. For some reason, he felt that he seemed to be more irritable these two days than before.

He seemed to feel that what he said was a bit heavy, he waved his hand, "Just say I'm not feeling well, and I don't want to see anyone for the time being."

Yan Chen struggled for a long time, thinking that he had agreed to Gu Man, if he couldn't even handle this matter properly, then what face would he have in front of her?

Bite the bullet and said again: "...But she is already waiting outside the door."

Hearing this, Cheng Jinyu raised his eyelids and gave him a sideways look, with a look of reproach, "Who told you to bring anyone here?"

With a mournful face, Yan Chen clasped his hands together as a gesture of please.

Cheng Jinyu looked back, "Then come in."

"Okay!" Yan Chen was overjoyed, turned around and walked outside.

"Mr. Gu, please come in~" Not long after, Yan Chen's voice came from outside.

Cheng Jinyu moved his ears slightly, and heard the sound of high heels stepping on the floor getting closer.

Immediately afterwards, there was a woman's cold and slightly trembling voice, but the trembling component was very faint, and it could not be heard without listening carefully.

"Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Jinyu nodded slightly, kicked his long legs slightly, and the swivel chair turned around.

A stunningly beautiful woman came into view: "Mr. Gu." He nodded softly at the woman.

Although I don't have a good impression of Mr. Gu, since the other party came to the door in person, there should be some courtesy: "Sit whatever you want."

He then directed Yan Chen: "Make tea."

Yan Chen nodded quickly and went to make tea.

Gu Man stood on the spot without moving.

The face in front of her was like a curse. When she saw it, her heart and feet froze, and even her brain couldn't function.

Just staring at him blankly like that, after a while, she lowered her eyes and said, "Thank you, Mr. Cheng." Her voice was a little more imperceptibly hoarse than the cold one just now.

Cheng Jinyu sneered from the bottom of his heart.

Over the years, he has been used to seeing those women rushing to stick to him. When they saw his expression, it was exactly the same as this woman's expression just now.

Some doubts can suddenly be explained.

Because of this woman admired herself, she secretly did everything for herself: the dark pile arranged by the second uncle around the community, let her son get close to her son, and let her son call her father, and even buy it early next door at her house. I bought a villa just to be my neighbor!

Oh, in order to get close to herself, she really took great pains!

He was thinking about it, but Gu Man, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at him calmly, and saw that his expression was unpredictable, and finally became a little more determined for no reason.

He looked over with jokes in his eyes, and his voice became a little frivolous: "Miss Gu, why do you do this?"

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