The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 124 Rush to Country M!Deep into the tiger's den!

Guo Guo secretly made up his mind that when the time comes, he will secretly arrange a few capable men to protect Gu Man at the scene.

Those people in Star are not vegetarians.

Seeing that Guo Guo finally let go, Gu Man let out a sigh of relief.

After a deep groan, he continued: "There is one more thing."

"You said."

"Help me get a private jet and fly directly from country M to country Hua."


The top floor of the Future Technology Building.

Xiao Wangchu was sitting in the conference room, a black suit made his suddenly thin body look more upright and elegant.

After listening to the work report made by Li Weilai and a group of executives, Xiao Wangchu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Because of the high computing power chips, Star headquarters specially proposed to praise the branch's future technology.

And invited himself to participate in the upcoming annual meeting of Star Technology in M ​​country.

Li Weilai just said in his report that the headquarters has established an unshakable position and influence in the international technology field because of the core technology of "high computing power chips".

So the headquarters was very satisfied, and specially invited him to receive the year-end award.

Xiao Wangchu had no intention of participating at all.

Since Gu Man left Xiao's house that day, he has not heard from her for several days.

He knew that, according to her temperament, knowing that the child was snatched by Star, she would definitely not sit still.

He was really worried that she would do something impulsive.

The meeting dispersed, Xiao Wangchu looked at Li Weilai, and said in a very calm tone, "Go for me."

Li Weilai was a little surprised: "You are the person in charge, and Star headquarters invited you."

"Usually you take care of many things about Future Technology, and you are the veritable person in charge." Xiao Wangchu lowered his eyes slightly, making it difficult for people to see the color in his eyes clearly.

"But..." Li Weilai hesitated.

Xiao Wangchu raised his head and looked at her again wearily.

"There specifically mentioned your child's matter, saying that this time maybe I can let you meet..."

Xiao Wangchu suddenly widened his eyes.

This look fell into Li Weilai's eyes, and she smiled: "So Mr. Xiao, have you changed your mind?"


Country M, Wen's Manor.

In the underground wine cellar, beside a large dark black marble table.

Wen Qi, who was wearing a nightgown, curled his slender fingers with distinct bones, and lightly tapped the red liquid in the transparent wine decanter.

Eyes lowered, voice low and lazy: "Is everything done?"

Across the table, standing opposite him was a woman of Chinese descent, with her hair neatly arranged and delicate makeup painted.

Hearing this, she bowed her head and said, "Yes, Mr. Wen, it's all done."

Wen Qi raised his eyebrows, nodded, and then opened his eyes. Those deep eyes exuded a soul-stirring light: "Wei Lai, work hard, Star will not treat you badly."

Yes, standing across from Wen Qi and reporting on his work was none other than Li Weilai, the founder of Future Technology, a man of the hour in Dijing.

This was probably the first time that Li Weilai heard the powerful man in front of him calling his name so affectionately.

She hurriedly straightened her back and stood up straight: "Thank you, Mr. Wen."

"En." Wen Qi nostrils in response, then took a deep look at her, raised his chin, and said, "You go back first."


After Li Weilai stepped back, Wen Qi poured himself a glass of red wine, gently pinched the glass with cold white and slender fingers, and shook it.

I don't know what I thought of, and my eyes became dark for a moment...

Li Weilai left the underground wine cellar and was led by the butler to walk on the way to the gate of the manor. He vaguely heard the sound of a baby crying from a villa in the manor.

The footsteps could not help but pause.

He stopped to follow the sound and looked around, identified the direction of the sound, and frowned slightly.

"Miss Li?" Seeing that she was not going any further, the housekeeper also stopped.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Li Weilai quickly looked away, pulled the corner of his lips at the housekeeper, and walked out again.


Wei family.

Weiser didn't think about food and drink these days, and he lost a lot of weight.

Wei Chengfeng and Lin Yan'e, who had been to Country M during this time, came back and were shocked to see her like this.

Their daughter has always been an existence that no one can defeat, when has she been so weak?
Realizing that something must have happened, the two of them dragged Weiser to ask the reason, and Qiqi became furious.

"This Xiao Wangchu! You don't take our Wei family seriously!!" Lin Yan'e stroked Weiser's head affectionately, her tone full of dissatisfaction with Xiao Wangchu.

Wei Chengfeng sighed.

"In the final analysis, our Wei family has not established a firm foothold in the imperial capital for long, and it is not enough to make the Xiao family afraid of us..."

When he said this, he changed the subject and his eyes darkened, "But our family has a huge influence overseas." As he spoke, he took out an exquisitely carved wooden box from his pocket.

Handed it to Weiser.

"Good girl, to solve this problem, we must solve it fundamentally."

"This is?" Weiser asked suspiciously.

"This is a treasure found by your grandfather. It is invaluable. It can cure the illness of that great man in country M." Wei Chengfeng lowered his voice and spoke solemnly.

Weiser's pupils shrank slightly, and kept secret: "Father said..."

As soon as the eyes of the two met, they understood each other.

Wei Chengfeng nodded: "Exactly."

"But as far as I know, the big man is weak and is on the verge of dying..."

"The pills in this wooden box are the magic medicine that can cure that great man."

Hearing what his father said, Weiser became even more puzzled: "Is there any connection between 'healing that big man' and 'resolving Brother Wangchu's unwillingness to marry me'?"

"Of course I have my silly daughter..." Wei Chengfeng folded his hands into horns, brought it close to Weiser's ear, and lowered his voice.

I don't know what he said, Weiser's eyes lit up after hearing this, and then hesitated a little: "Is this... can it be done?"

"Of course it can!"

"it is good!"

Weiser rekindled his fighting spirit, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at the wooden box in his hand.

He shouted in ecstasy in his heart: Gu Man, you bitch!Wait!In the end, elder brother Wangchu will definitely belong to me, Weiser!
Just as she was thinking, Wei Chengfeng pondered again, hesitatingly said:
"There is one more thing about the Guo family in country M. As you know, all eggs cannot be put in one basket. Now the Guo family's Zeus technology research project has encountered a bottleneck.

Your grandfather secretly found the world's top scientific research talents to conduct research on that project, and after a lot of effort, he finally came up with a plan that could just solve the urgent need of the Guo family. "

Weiser frowned: "What does grandfather mean?"

"What your grandfather meant is that although Star is now well-known in the technology circle with its chip technology, Zeus is powerful and should not be underestimated. If we can not offend both sides and take the golden mean, this is the best." Wei Chengfeng road.

Weiser nodded: "Grandfather is thoughtful, I understand!"

Wei Chengfeng patted Weiser's shoulder in relief.

He took out a document bag and handed it over: "This is the solution that can solve Zeus's current research and development problems. If you go to country M, just contact our dark line in Zeus, and he will introduce you to the Guo family to take power." Human."

Weiser nodded, and took the document with a solemn expression.


The annual meeting is just around the corner, and today is the day to leave for country M.

Gu Man boarded Guo Guo's private plane and found out that Zhu Qiqi was also on the plane.

After asking, I found out that after Zhu Qiqi learned about his "crazy plan" from Guo Guo, he volunteered to go to country M with him.

Gu Man couldn't help but feel a little headache, she knew that this trip was not easy, maybe there was more danger than good, Zhu Qiqi might be in danger if she was with her.

Seeing that the plane hadn't taken off yet, he advised Zhu Qiqi to get off the plane and go back.

But Zhu Qiqi was determined to go, no matter how much Gu Man tried to persuade her, she refused to go down.

Gu Man had no choice but to agree, but he was thinking in his heart that when the time came, he would find a way to get Guo Guo to detain Zhu Qiqi in the Guo family.

take off.

Guo Guo and Zhu Qiqi cuddled up and watched a movie together.

Gu Man directly took a blindfold and put it on, and fell asleep wrapped in a blanket.

She knew that there might be a tough battle to fight next, and she had to put up 12 points of energy if she wanted to bring the child back safe and sound.

It is definitely not acceptable to look haggard like this.

She slept until the plane landed, and she was already in country M on the other side of the ocean, and then she woke up leisurely.

Because of the several hours of rest, the whole person's spirit has improved a lot.

When the three of them got off the plane, they saw many cars parked outside the plane.

There was a big battle, more than [-] luxury cars lined up on both sides of the airstrip, seeing them coming out, the black-clothed bodyguards standing beside the luxury cars bowed in unison: "Hello, Miss Gu!"

Gu Man was taken aback, and looked at Guo Guo in a daze.

Guo Guo scratched his head in embarrassment at the side: "Master, don't be surprised. My old man has this personality. He knew you were coming, so he couldn't sleep because of excitement yesterday. You are my family's great benefactor, and the old man values ​​it very much!"

Gu Man was even more at a loss after hearing this.

She knows that the Guo family is very powerful in country M, but the reception specifications...

It's too exaggerated...

"Uncle Guo!" Zhu Qiqi and Father Guo knew each other very well, and greeted him with a smile when they met.

Guo Zhongyi's whole body was full of aura. It could be seen that he had been immersed in the business world for many years, but when he heard Zhu Qiqi's greeting, Guo Zhongyi smiled heartily, and his aura restrained a lot.

In those wise eyes, there is only the elder's love for the younger.

"Qiqi is here too?"

Zhu Qiqi nodded hurriedly.

"Dad! This is my master!" Guo Guo recommended Gu Man for Guo Zhongyi.

Guo Zhongyi turned his eyes to look at Gu Man, and his eyes lit up: "Ah, this is the benefactor! I have admired him for a long time!"

Obviously, he didn't expect that the powerful hacker M in the legend turned out to be such a beautiful girl.

Gu Man twitched the corners of his lips, met Guo Zhongyi's smiling gaze, and smiled politely: "Uncle Guo, I don't dare to be a benefactor, it's just a small effort, just call me Manman."

Gu Man spoke without arrogance or impetuosity, modest and polite.

What's more rare is that she has a stable temperament that doesn't belong to her age, which makes Guo Zhongyi admire and surprise even more.

"Okay~ okay~ Manman, it's been a tiring journey all the way, it's been hard work, let's go back first, I've already hosted a banquet at home to welcome you!" Guo Zhongyi laughed loudly.

Gu Man was not hypocritical, nodded and said: "Then thank you, Uncle Guo."

They were about to leave when another plane landed at the airport, the door opened, and a familiar figure slowly walked down the stairs...

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