For a moment, Xue Tianqi felt that he was superfluous?

He was worried that their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would not get along well, and that Xian'er would not come and be bullied.

The two of them are like a mother and daughter, so how can he play the role of a husband!

He stood at the door blowing the cool breeze for a long time, but he didn't attract the attention of the people in the room, so he had no choice but to cough a few times.

Hearing the sound of coughing, Xian'er looked out of the door, wondering in her heart, it's not that people are not allowed to spray and disturb, who is so bold and desperate to be disobedient?

Seeing this, she was stunned immediately.

Xue Tian withdrew his armor and hadn't had time to change. The unshaven man looked very tired. He stood straight by the door, like a soldier guarding the door.


The thoughts in Xian'er's heart rushed to Tianling Gai, she put the last lump of rouge on her mother-in-law's face, threw away the rouge box and jumped out.

Xiao Ronghua's face was smeared redder than a monkey's buttocks, she let out an ouch, and was angry at Xian'er's reckless temper, and helplessly wiped her face with a handkerchief, but how could the rouge be wiped off so easily? The more I wiped it, the handkerchief was dyed red, and my whole face was as festive as the red-faced doll that was hung up during the Chinese New Year.

Although Xue Tiancai heard his mother's cry, relying on his own wife, he pounced on him in vain and plump, subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch it for a moment, the fragrance was in his arms, and he never let go.

Xiao Ronghua kept yelling, "Son, get mother a basin of water quickly, my daughter-in-law, quickly get mother a basin of water!"

In the end, she lost the strength to shout, and the two people who hugged her didn't know whether they couldn't hear them or they didn't want to go on purpose. In short, the maids outside couldn't stand it anymore, so they dared to catch the water and sent it into the house.

In and out have to avoid the sweet two in the middle.

Xiao Biesheng was newly married, Xiao Ronghua understood, so he could only be supported by others, and walked out wiping tears, and closed the door behind him.

Hey, the son is useless, married a daughter-in-law and forgot the mother!

"Snow Lang~"

Xian'er was shy and tight, as if the two of them were still in the bridal chamber, she lowered her head shyly, the bright candlelight made her face pink and tender, it seemed that people couldn't help but take a bite.

Xue Tianqi's heart melted after being called, he wished he could clean up this little wife inside and out, thinking that he just came back and didn't take a bath, so he resisted the urge.

"Hey, wait for me on the bed. You must have sprained your ankle when you jumped just now. I'll show you later for my husband."

Xue Tian's intention to withdraw was very obvious, and Xian'er became even more shy.

"Hmph~ Do you only look at the feet?"

She winked at him, Xue Tianxie almost couldn't help it, but felt angry rising, so she forcibly controlled it, put Xian'er lightly on the bed, and pecked her cherry lips.

"wait for me."

Then he ordered someone to prepare water, and he wanted to take a bath.

Xian'er was rolling happily on the bed with a smile on her face like a blossoming flower. She really couldn't sleep at night these few days. At first she felt nothing, but later she felt that the room was getting colder and colder.

Now that he's back, he's getting hotter.

Outside the door, a few gossiping girls leaned against the window to eavesdrop on what was going on inside, only to see that the bright lights were suddenly extinguished, and in the pitch-black night there were endless buzzing of insects, mixed with a few small human words.

All of them blushed when they heard it, they were all from the girl's house, where had they heard such a sound before, it was like a cat stealing for a while, and they thought it was very fresh.

On Xiao Ronghua's side, someone was also sent to watch and report the situation to her from time to time. The experienced maid described what she heard and saw vividly in a few words, as if she was in the scene.

"Master, the general and the general's wife... I'm afraid the bed will be repaired tomorrow, especially the general's wife, how such a small body can withstand such a blow is really puzzling. The slaves who listened are worried for her. Will it be unbearable... If it damages the body and delays childbirth in the future, it will be bad."

Mingzhu, the old maid beside Xiao Ronghua, recalled the sound she heard just now, and felt a little frightened in her heart, thinking that some robbers were demolishing the house inside!

Sure enough, it's good to be young!

After Xiao Ronghua heard this, an invisible blush was added to the cheeks that were already dyed red by rouge.

Cough, these two people are better than her back then, they are indeed her sons.

I think it was the same with his father Xue Zhengba back then, but in that encirclement and suppression of the enemy, he was betrayed by spies and died in the line of duty.

The emperor saw that he had made great military achievements during his lifetime, so he made him a first-rank wife, and let Tian Tuo inherit her father's position.He also became a general.

It's just that the focus was on destroying the enemy at the time, and the spy hadn't been found out. It seems that this matter can't be delayed any longer. It must be investigated quickly, otherwise she will die underground, and I will feel sorry for his father!

Back then, there were only two deputies following him, Wu Yong and Liu Qingfeng.

They were brothers who were born and died with him and trusted him very much. At that time, someone suggested that no one in the enemy could go forward and destroy him. Xue Zhengba believed in it, so he led most of the army to attack the enemy in one go. , and a large number of soldiers and horses surrounded them all at once.

The news that came out at that time was that Xue Zhengba attracted the troops alone, and the two lieutenants survived.

It now appears that both are suspects.

"Mingzhu, do you still remember what I asked you to investigate?"

As early as a few months ago, Xiao Ronghua ordered Mingzhu to investigate the matter thoroughly.Just don't know how it's going.

Mingzhu replied: "Of course I don't dare to forget this. After inquiring about the news and visiting many veterans, I was able to confirm the residence of the two assistants. One started a small business and set up a stockade in the outskirts of the city, and the other lived in a small village. The county bought a county magistrate, and based on the face-to-face relationship, it is still passable."

"Let's go investigate tomorrow. I want to see who betrayed my husband!"

There was a trace of indifference in Xiao Ronghua's eyes. If someone hadn't betrayed her, she wouldn't have become a widow at a young age and be criticized by others.

She must avenge this revenge!

In the early morning of the next day, when Xian'er woke up, her waist was almost broken, and it was Xuetian who supported her, and she barely got down to the ground, her eyes were covered with dark circles from not sleeping well.

She yawned a lot, and was about to fall down and fall asleep again, but was pulled into her arms by Xue Tian and shook her, "Miss, it's already high in the sun, it's time to wake up."

Xian squinted his eyes and glanced at Xue Tianqi, seeing that he was full of energy and his face was rosy, he couldn't help but get angry.

"It's not a good thing you did!"

She pushed hard on his chest, but he didn't feel any pain, instead he smiled happily.

"Yes, it's all my husband's fault. I apologized to my wife because of my husband, so it's time for my wife to get up?"

While talking softly, Xian'er had already passed out, soundly asleep, with her head thrown back, almost drooling.

Xuetian couldn't help but pecked that little cheek a few more times before leaving satisfied.

He came back this time to help Si Qi.

Since they have a common goal, let's earn a future together!

Today's dog emperor is becoming more and more suspicious. He not only raises his own soldiers in private, but also secretly weakens his power. This is not the time to use him.

This is a job of desperately being angry, whoever loves to do it, anyway, he quits it!

Xue Tianqi has an unimpeded token on his body, it was rewarded by the emperor who was over excited when he made meritorious deeds, with this token, he can go anywhere that is under the jurisdiction of the royal soldiers.

I thought it would be useless, but now it is convenient.

At the gate of the harem, the two eunuchs saw the man and wanted to stop him, but when they entered, they saw the face and saw the token.

Xue Tianzuo swaggered into the harem, and met many beautiful concubines. They boldly looked at him, a strange man in the harem, who had only heard his name, but had no chance to meet him. Now If you see it, you won't think about the general.

In order to keep a low profile today, Xuetian specially took off the armor he usually wears, and put on a elegant robe. His skin is not rough at all, and his facial features are exquisite, he has suddenly become a creamy niche.

He strode towards Concubine Mei's palace, causing people to talk about it, saying that Concubine Mei seduced men openly.

Naturally, Xue Tianqi doesn't care about this, since his mouth grows on other people, he can't control it even if he wants to.

Concubine Mei was pruning flower branches at the moment, when she heard the sound of someone walking in outside the door, she called Yuru to take a look, but Yuru faltered and couldn't explain why, she looked up and saw the snowy sky behind her, and then she understood .

"Go down."


Yuru knew that the master had something to say to this man, although she was very curious, she still held back and retreated.

In this part of the palace, the most taboo thing is curiosity. Curiosity will cause many accidents for no reason.

After Yuru went down, Concubine Mei said unhurriedly: "Come and look for me, but the facts are settled?"

"Of course, Yuxi has been handed over to your general Si Qi, who is very worried about you and almost impulsive."

Concubine Mei paused when she was pruning the flower branches, and cut off a very beautiful leaf, her eyes wandered.

"Oh, is he here?"

"No, I persuaded you."

"That's good, he's still so impulsive."

Concubine Mei completely lost the intention of pruning, so she simply put down the scissors and looked up at Xuetian to retreat.

"Did you tell him what I said?"

"Not a single word, I still have a plan, I think we should be considered allies now."

Xue Tian withdrew to express his meaning.

"What, you want to rebel too?"

Concubine Mei was taken aback. As the general who protects the country, does he know what he is talking about? She already finds it unbelievable that he can help her. Now tell her that he also wants to rebel?

Is this emperor really so unbearable?

Just when Concubine Mei was puzzled, she suddenly heard shouts from outside, "The adulterers and whores, get out!"

Xue Lihong was still reading the brochures, one concubine after another went to complain, saying that a wild man had entered Concubine Mei's palace.

Xue Lihong didn't believe it at first, but couldn't stand the increasing number of people, so he finally couldn't help coming over to check.

The empress just did that thing yesterday, and today is Concubine Mei, Xue Lihong only felt a burst of anger in her chest that she couldn't let out!

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