After finishing speaking, he walked straight towards the car where Li Xiaoxiao was not far away. Huo Qiyang stood not far behind him and heard every word they said clearly.

When Zhou Yinan opened the car door and got in, Huo Qiyang opened the co-pilot and got in.

Li Xiaoxiao immediately closed her eyes when they came here.

She really didn't know how to face this man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

The driver started the car and left, Zhou Yinan rolled down the window, when the car passed by Xie Shaohan, Huo Qiyang saw the two of them looking at each other and nodding from the rearview mirror.

Immediately, Zhou Yinan rolled up the car window, took off his coat, and gently put it on Li Xiaoxiao's body.

Su Tang on one side was also hugged by him on the other side. Wearing black leather gloves, he lowered his head and took the palm of the little woman beside him, and placed it in his palm.

"Zhou Yinan, where have you been all these years?"

Huo Qiyang asked without any emotion, just coldly.

"Is what you said true?"

Zhou Yinan didn't answer the question instead, what he was referring to was Huo Qiyang's saying that he fell in love with Li.

Huo Qiyang is upright and upright, without any hesitation.A fair lady, a gentleman loves you.

He was the one who left her and left without leaving a word.


"I'll leave it to you, I wish you happiness."

He said it lightly, as if it had nothing to do with her, more like an item that could be given away at will.

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't pretend anymore, she pulled the man's coat off her body with one hand, raised her hand and slapped him on the side of the face.

That slap almost exhausted all her strength, she trembled uncontrollably, staring at the man beside her with scarlet eyes.

So strange, so cold-blooded.

"What do you think I am? An object? A garbage that can be thrown away anytime and anywhere?"

She doesn't want to cry, not at all, it's not worth crying for such a man.

She persuaded herself like this in her heart, but the tears defeated her reason and flowed out like a gate.

The man raised his hand, intending to wipe away the tears on her cheeks, but his hand was just clutched in his pocket, and he didn't even have the courage to take it out.

"Qiyang is a man you can rely on. Follow him and you will be happy."

Unlike me, there are always unresolved things and debts that cannot be settled.Follow him and you will have peace of mind.

Just in time, he fell in love with you too, didn't he?

Huo Qiyang yelled, but the driver didn't listen to his command at all. He glanced at the silent man in the back seat through the rearview mirror, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and drove on the highway at high speed.

"I can't take it anymore, Zhou Yinan, tell your people to stop, let's fight!"

Zhou Yinan's cell phone rang suddenly, he picked it up and stuck it to his ear.

The man who thought about it day and night was sitting beside her, and her familiar face was reflected in the car window.

But she felt strange and terrifying, and had imagined countless times under what circumstances they would meet again.

She even thought that if he said something nice, she would rush towards him.

Or, if he just stood there without saying anything, she would rush over to hug him full of joy, and he would rub his hair, and she would forgive all the past.

Yes, she is so worthless.

The only thing he didn't expect was that he would present himself to Huo Qiyang like an item, and even wish them happiness.

"Burn it, pay a sum of compensation to the local... ok... I'll deal with it later... I'm going to trouble you this time..."

You see, even the voice of speaking has become so strange.

Huo Qiyang and Li Xiaoxiao looked at him at the same time, and when he hung up the phone, they ignored their gazes at all, but lowered their heads and were busy on the phone.

Li Xiaoxiao turned her head, not wanting to look at his face again.

She only believed in one thing in her heart, this man was not Zhou Yinan.

Soon, the black car stopped in front of Tianze Shuijingwan. To her surprise, the guard didn't stop their car.

Li Xiaoxiao pushed open the car door and went down, Su Tang followed behind her, his little hands tightly clutching the hem of her clothes, as if he was afraid that he would be abandoned again.

She squatted down, raised her hand and rubbed the child, "You go in first, and Auntie will come in to find you later, okay?"

Su Tang shook his head, his mother also checked with him and sealed it, but she still disappeared.

Zhou Yinan was tall, but he could still see the hatred in the corner of his eyes.

"You come with me."

Zhou Yinan said this while looking at Su Tang, Li Xiaoxiao sneered, standing between them, looking at such a strange man with a raised face.

"Who are you, why should I trust him to you?"

"Didn't you wish us happiness? I have received the blessing, you can go!"

After finishing speaking, she took Huo Qiyang's arm and Su Tang with the other, leaving him only the back view of the "harmonious family".

As soon as her front foot stepped into the living room, Li Xiaoxiao supported her waist, and with a 'poof' sound, she spat out a large piece of blood, and the bright red blood flowed along her feet and splashed on the floor.

Huo Qiyang exclaimed, reaching out to hug the fainted Li Xiaoxiao.

Except for the operation on his sister's operating table, no matter how difficult the operation was, he never blinked his eyes or trembled his fingers.

But at this moment, his fingers trembled uncontrollably.

Hearing the movement inside the door, Zhou Yinan rushed in like crazy, just when he opened the door, there was a large amount of blood on the ground, which hurt his heart.

Auntie ran up from the basement, and ran into Zhou Yinan running upstairs in a panic.


The surprise at first, the excitement later, and the horror when I saw the blood stains at the door.

In the bedroom, Huo Qiyang was in a hurry, looking through the cabinets, but he couldn't find the emergency supplies he gave to Li Xiaoxiao.

Huo Qiyang found them from the floor cabinet in the study opposite the bedroom, brought them to the bedside, opened them with ease, and checked them one by one.

Huo Qiyang stood behind Zhou Yinan in a daze with his half-rolled sleeves.

This man, as far as he remembered, he didn't know these things, and even hated all kinds of medicines, so before, he didn't even prepare a simple first aid kit at home.

It lasted for about half an hour before he breathed a sigh of relief, pursed his thin lips, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Her clothes were still stained with blood, like freshly blooming flowers, dazzling and burning.

The aunt brought a basin of water, and a towel was placed beside the basin.

He lowered his head, looked at his injured leather gloves, and gave up the plan to wipe her body.

He got up suddenly and told his aunt, "Wipe it for her."

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out of the bedroom, Huo Qiyang followed him directly, walked around in front of Zhou Yinan, and blocked his way.

"Why don't you wipe it for her? From the beginning to the end, you have been wearing this worn-out glove, why? After seeing the world outside for a few years, you even dislike your first-haired wife?"

What Huo Qiyang said was grotesque, and the corners of his mouth were full of disdain.

Zhou Yinan's silence made Huo Qiyang even more confused.

The cell phone in his pocket rang suddenly, Zhou Yinan first glanced at the man across from him, then lowered his head to answer the phone.

Huo Qiyang's ear was full of sneers as the voice from the receiver came into Huo Qiyang's ears word by word.

Zhou Yinan's Adam's apple slid up and down, and when he was about to answer, Huo Qiyang yelled, "Get out!"

Li Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the bed, closed his eyes, and the tears from the corners of his eyes secretly fell, soaking the pillow, rendering a dark splash.

It was Xie Shaohan who called and asked him when he was leaving, so he took people back first.

After Huo Qiyang heard it, he would lose his temper.Less than a day after they reunited, someone on the phone urged him when to leave.

Where else does he want to go?So before Zhou Yinan could answer, Huo Qiyang yelled loudly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhou Yinan turned around and wanted to go downstairs.Quiet around, let him calm down.

Huo Qiyang followed, just took two steps, then stopped, "Why do you know where the medicine box is? You have never left her world, have you?"

He wanted to know, desperately wanted to know.

I want to know the reason why he left, why he is so familiar with everything here, and even more want to know all of this.

However, nothing was heard. After a long time, there was only the sound of the man's footsteps going downstairs.

Li Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, tears were still flowing down, she raised her hand to block, the quilt on her shoulders slipped to one side, Su Tang didn't speak, crawled to her side, pulled the quilt, and climbed out of bed again, Just staring at her.

When the aunt went upstairs, she saw Huo Qiyang lying on the window smoking a cigarette, and there were already a lot of cigarette butts in hand.

Pushing open the door, I saw a child lying on the bed, staring at the person on the bed intently.

She walked up to Su Tang lightly, and whispered in his ear, "Auntie will take you to change clothes?"

She timidly pointed to Li Xiaoxiao on the bed, and then pointed to her own eyes.

"You mean, the sister on the bed is crying?"

Su Tangyan nodded, and the aunt smiled, and then said, "My sister may be missing my mother, little baby and auntie will go change clothes together and take you to bed, okay?"

Su Tang hesitated for a long time before slowly nodding.

The aunt led Su Tang out of the bedroom, Huo Qiyang stubbed out the cigarette butt at some point, and stood at the door with his hands in his pockets.

"I contacted the psychiatrist, you take him there, and someone will pick him up tomorrow morning."

Auntie glanced at the child she was holding, and instantly understood what she was doing, she nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Huo."

Huo Qiyang took steps, step by step on the gray carpet, as if he knew that the world ahead did not belong to him, but he still walked forward, but he was afraid that that person would be sad and at a loss.

His slender palm lightly patted the woman who blocked his gaze with her arm, "Li Xiaoxiao, get up and go to the hospital, you must go for an examination!"

"Doctor Huo, go back first. I will go to the hospital by myself tomorrow morning."

Fearing that he would not believe it, she immediately added, "Really, I assure you!"

What she needs is calmness, she doesn't chase after him, because that person has been away for too long, she is a little shaken by the fact that he loves her.

Not sure, it's like, meeting again after leaving, really became the most familiar stranger.

The former love, his doting, is like a dream in Nankey. When he wakes up from the dream, the short-term warmth also disappears.

"Where you feel uncomfortable, you must contact me as soon as possible. Don't force yourself, you know?"


Huo Qiyang went downstairs and stood at the door, staring at the intersection in a daze.Zhou Yinan, what were you thinking when you just left?Why can you be so unhesitating?

Looking up at the bedroom on the second floor where the lights had been turned off, he sighed softly. He still couldn't bear to leave her alone under such circumstances.

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