Entering autumn, Zhou Xingle started his new journey as a university student. The university is still in City A, and it is still very convenient to go to and from home.

Unable to reach Zhou Muchuan, Zhou Xingle still studied financial management, and his electives were also about economics, but he still secretly chose other subjects.

What made her happy was that Li Xiaoxiao also enrolled in the adult class, and occasionally when the courses overlapped, the two of them would attend the class together.In the rest of the time, Li Xiaoxiao writes scripts at home.

After all, this kind of life didn't last long, and bad news came from M state far away abroad——Su Yan was injured, bleeding heavily, and was being rescued, and his life and death were unknown.

Zhou Yinan also set off for State M as soon as he heard the news, but he didn't tell Li Xiaoxiao.

At night, Zhou Huaichen was tossing and turning, restless, and the amount of wine bottle in the bedroom was poured into his stomach, but he still felt uneasy, so he slammed the door and walked out of the bedroom.

I saw Zhou Muhai sitting in a wheelchair, and the wheelchair was parked at the entrance of the living room, with his back facing the living room.


Zhou Huaichen called him, and Zhou Muhai could hear the slight trembling in his tone, and he said angrily, "What are you afraid of?"

Zhou Huaichen scratched his hair, and when he approached, Zhou Muhai could smell the alcohol on him.

"Ask you! What are you afraid of?"

Zhou Huaichen secretly looked at his father in the wheelchair, his face was filled with hatred, a look he had never seen before, and he forgot to answer for a while.

He didn't speak slowly until those fierce eyes were fixed on him, "That woman is dead..."

"You moved your hand?"

Zhou Muhai continued to ask.

Zhou Huaichen panicked for a while, "I just revealed that there is a beautiful woman living there, with a hot personality, she will definitely appeal to them..."

Zhou Huaichen confessed bit by bit, but the middle-aged man in the wheelchair didn't panic at all, and he was more tormented and anxious.

"But Dad! I didn't know they would kill people, Dad, you have to help me..."


A crisp applause echoed in the living room in the early morning, silence, indifference, and chills everywhere.

"Trash! Isn't that woman still dead?"

After Zhou Huaichen drank, he couldn't straighten his waist, and just drooped his head slightly.

"But the hospital has issued a critical illness notice, and I won't live long."

Zhou Muhai gave him a disdainful look, "Zhou Yinan just passed by tonight, you let your people watch."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Huaichen was operating the wheelchair and was about to go back to the room. Zhou Huaichen suddenly turned his head and blocked Zhou Muhai's direction, as if wanting to leave, he smiled at Zhou Muhai, "I know what to do."

Zhou Muhai directly maneuvered the wheelchair around him, "It's no wonder that your mother always looks down on you, what can you do with your drunken body?"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of the door being slammed hard. Zhou Huaichen stood in the empty living room, his naturally drooping hands clenched into fists involuntarily. Because of the excessive strength, veins burst out on the back of his hands.

When Zhou Yinan arrived at M State Hospital, Su Yan was already dying and was pushed out of the operating room.

At the door of the operating room, she saw Zhou Yinan's figure, like a fish out of water for a long time suddenly seeing the sea, her pale eyes were instantly covered with light.

The man always appeared with such a face, serious and calm, as if nothing had anything to do with him.Looking at the pale Su Yan, Zhou Yinan still opened his legs and walked towards her step by step.

Approaching, Su Yan raised his hand almost with all his strength to grab the man's wrist, but Zhou Yinan withdrew it gently, Su Yan could only hold onto his suit cuff, because he was too excited, his cuff was trembling of.

"I beg you, help me take good care of Su Tang. Uncle Zhou's people are in State M. He wants to blackmail your father with our mother and son. They will definitely do this. Only you can save him now!"

Zhou Yinan sneered, "If I knew now, why bother, you were so happy back then?"

Su Yan shook his head, tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, across his face, and finally fell on the back of his neck.

"That was really an accident, and I didn't want to. I entered your house because I liked you..."

Su Yan wanted to continue, but the man's eyes were too cold, she lost the courage to continue, and finally blurted out "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Not far away, a policewoman pulled Su Tang over.

Sure enough, it was a mother-child connection. From a long distance, Su Tang recognized Su Yan lying on the hospital bed dying, let go of the female police officer's hand, and ran straight towards Su Yan.

Lying on the bed, the tears were like soybeans, pattering and falling, 'Mom, what's wrong with you, mom? "

Su Yan exhausted his last strength and raised his hand to wipe off the tears on Su Tang's face, "Don't cry, Mom is sleepy, it's time to go to bed, don't make trouble, or Mom will be unhappy."

Su Yan glanced at the man at the side again, "Since you are here, it means that you are not a cold and heartless person, right? Tang Tang, I'm begging you. In this life, I will be sorry for you, and your mother... ···”

The tears in the corners of the eyes fell silently.

Just like that, with worry and uneasiness.

Su Tang beside him cried, but did not cry out.

So, she should have left quietly.

Outsiders said that Zhou Yinan was fierce and terrifying, it was because they didn't understand Zhou Muchuan's ruthlessness, let alone how affectionate and kind-hearted Zhou Yinan was.

In the end, Zhou Yinan brought Su Yan back to China, and settled her in an unknown area in the west not far from City A.

The sky seemed to be unhappy. On the day of the burial, it was foggy and drizzled. It didn't wet the clothes, but it was covered with a layer of damp.

Zhou Yinan stood in front of the tombstone, and Su Tang next to him was kneeling neatly, with his back straight, with a serious face, without the slightest appearance of a baby-like child.


Su and Tang followed suit one by one.

Zhou Yinan had no regrets, after Su Tang kowtowed three times, he turned and left directly.

Su Tang looked at Su Yan's photo on the tombstone, "Mom, I'll come and see you next time."

He got up and chased after Zhou Yinan. After the man got into the car, Su Tang opened the door and got in.

He stared ahead without saying a word, as if he was trying to remember the way here.

More than an hour later, the car stopped in front of an orphanage.

"There is a person who looks very similar to you. My mother cries every day after seeing him. Can you take me to meet him?"

Su Tang, who hadn't spoken all the way, suddenly spoke at this moment.

His voice was so gentle that Zhou Yinan suddenly paused for a second while fastening his seat belt.

Seeing that the man in the driver's seat had no intention of speaking, Su Tang unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car.

"You don't need to get out of the car, I'll go in by myself."

Zhou Yinan really didn't go in, and sat in the car looking at that little figure, well-behaved and independent.Walking to the door of the gate guard, tiptoeing, grabbing the window sill vigorously.

Zhou Yinan stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly disappeared at the entrance of the orphanage.

The guard came out of the security room when he heard the noise, and saw Su Tang standing outside the door, he quickly squatted down, "Little friend, are you alone?"

Su Tang glanced in the direction Zhou Yinan left, and there was no trace of Zhou Yinan's car.

"From now on, I will be alone, and I will be an orphan."

The uncle guard looked at his chubby face and the clothes he wore didn't look like a real orphan, so he began to be puzzled and asked questions.

"Where's your mom?"


"What about your father?"

"I don't have a father!"

The tone of this sentence was particularly strong, and the guard uncle was stunned, so angry?
Then I saw the dean running towards here in a hurry, and the uncle guard waved, "Hey! Dean!"

The dean ran too fast, and was still panting when he stood still.

"Anyone send a baby?"

The uncle doorman raised his chin, "No one saw the child off, but this child came here by himself, without looking at any adults."

Dean Xunxun squatted down, 'What's your name? "

"I don't have a name."

Zhou Yinan didn't have much to say, except for one very important sentence, which he followed carefully.

At that time, he took out a cigarette, lit it and extinguished it after only one puff, and then said, "Do you want to start over?"

Since it's a fresh start, let's start over with the name.

The dean didn't say anything, bent over and pulled Su Tang into the room.

Lin Xifeng had just finished a meeting abroad. While waiting at the airport, she took out her mobile phone and checked the news.He called Hangfan again and asked him to pick her up at the airport when the time came.

In China, Xuyuan Group General Manager Office.

Zhou Huaichen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding a cigar in his hand, and occasionally exhaled a puff of smoke slowly, curling upwards.

Then he turned and walked to the desk, picked up the phone on the desk.

"let's start!"

After Lin Xifeng got off the plane, she was surrounded by human bee pupae at the exit, making it difficult to move.

The eyes hurt from the flash light, Lin Xifeng raised his hand to block it, someone in the crowd stretched out his hand to pull Lin Xifeng's hand away, and patted her face directly.

A: "Mrs. Zhou, what do you think of Mr. Zhou's illegitimate child?"

B: "It is said that the illegitimate child is already four years old. Mr. Zhou has been rude to you for so long, didn't he explain it to you before?"

C: "The Lin family was considered a leader in the industry 20 years ago. Now that you are here, do you have anything to say?"

There were too many people around, and they suddenly asked her like a bombardment.

But also heard the main words, "Mr. Zhou" "illegitimate child"

Lin Xifeng straightened her hair, with a look of disdain on the corner of her mouth, her eyes were directed at the face of the man who just pulled her.

"When did you stop using your mouth and hands in an interview?"

The camera flickered non-stop, and someone even focused the camera on Lin Xifeng and the man's face.People in the media like these conflicting images.

Before Lin Xifeng had time to say another word, there was an abnormal bustling sound from the crowd, and then the man's foot was trampled on by Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao and Hang Fan protected Lin Xifeng from left and right, and Li Xiaoxiao went into battle with baseball caps and masks, and those people couldn't take pictures of her face at all.

Those people just swarmed in and chased them all the time, which was obviously designed on purpose.

Li Xiaoxiao was because an artist friend she worked with before happened to be transiting at the airport in city A. She happened to have time, so she drove to the airport to meet up.

Unexpectedly, before arriving at the airport, I received a call from Zhou Xingle, asking if I could drive her to the airport. After asking, I found out about the sudden news. Lin Xifeng's flight happened to be today, and those reporters must have received the news of.But the sail has already left for the airport.

When we got to the parking lot, Li Xiaoxiao's car was parked at the exit, and Hangfan's car was on the other side.Li Xiaoxiao directly pulled Lin Xifeng into his car, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly left the place.

I thought it would be fine to leave the airport, but Li Xiaoxiao took a look in the rearview mirror, several cars followed closely behind her car, and she could vaguely see a camera in the middle, looking straight at them , not sure if it was photographed.

Li Xiaoxiao had no choice but to bite the bullet and step on the accelerator, and the speed increased a lot.

Lin Xifeng, who had never said a word, glanced at the rearview mirror casually, and then at Li Xiaoxiao who was sitting next to her in the driver's seat. Her face was blocked by a hat and a mask, but her piercing eyes, and the The clean light that emanates is unstoppable.

Suddenly, Lin Xifeng laughed out loud.

After hearing the laughter, Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed.

At this time, Li Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang suddenly, but the current speed was too fast, she didn't dare to focus on picking up the cell phone at all.

As if seeing Li Xiaoxiao's mind, Lin Xifeng said, "Shall I help you?"

Li Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly, "Thank you, that, the phone is in his pocket."

Lin Xifeng took out the mobile phone from her pocket, tapped the speakerphone, and slightly brought the mobile phone close to her ear, and heard Zhou Xingle's loud voice.

"Sister-in-law, those people were stopped by us, so don't rush to dump them."

Li Xiaoxiao glanced at Lin Xifeng beside her, and then replied to Zhou Xingle on the phone, "Okay, I see."

"Well, that's how it is, little sister-in-law, drive hard and hang up the phone!"


The last sentence was said by Lin Xifeng, and after finishing speaking, he put the phone back into Li Xiaoxiao's pocket.

"Are you going to the airport to pick up a friend?"

Lin Xifeng asked, her voice was full of tenderness, unaffected by what happened just now.

Li Xiaoxiao instantly felt a sense of being told, even her back straightened unconsciously.

"Well, an artist friend who I worked with before changed planes. I haven't seen you for a long time. I just have time."

Li Xiaoxiao answered slowly.

The speed of the car slowed down bit by bit, and Lin Xifeng's eyes quickly caught Li Xiaoxiao's breath of relief, as if he had relaxed.

"Have you met your friends?"

"Did not have time."

Li Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly, and briefly looked at Lin Xifeng.

In the end Li Xiaoxiao drove the car directly to Zhou Yinan's apartment, Lin Xifeng didn't seem to be very familiar with his place, Li Xiaoxiao closed the car door and hurried forward.

The aunt always comes here on time, and she will leave in time after finishing her work.

Pushing open the door, although Lin Xifeng was standing in front, she still waited for Li Xiaoxiao to enter the door before she followed.After arriving in the living room, Li Xiaoxiao realized that he had drawn a conclusion too early.

Lin Xifeng went straight to the kitchen, took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and sat on the sofa.

Li Xiaoxiao was suddenly at a loss.The two of them have never been together so alone as they are at this moment.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Lin Xifeng spoke suddenly, and Li Xiaoxiao quickly waved his hand.

"No, it's just a little—nervous."

Lin Xifeng smiled heartily, got up and pulled Li Xiaoxiao to sit beside her.

Even at the age of 50, Lin Xifeng's maintenance is excellent, and the years seem to be reluctant to pass by her body, her fingers are slender and white, as fragile as a baby.

Just brushing the ring on Li Xiaoxiao's right ring finger.

"When did this happen?"

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