The man's 1.8-meter height was indeed not for nothing, he just took two steps, and the man who came out of the study walked in front of her, and went to the restaurant within a few steps.

Li Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry, she tidied her clothes while walking, and walked slowly to the nursery wearing slippers. The man standing in the dining room could not help but twitch his lips, watching the casual and comfortable figure go to the nursery.

When he retracted his gaze, he caught a glimpse of a pile of things beside the carpet as soon as he entered the door. He couldn't help frowning, "Aunt Wang?"

Aunt Wang hurried over, "Sir?"

Zhou Yinan raised her chin, "What's the matter with that pile of things?"

Aunt Wang looked in his direction, was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, bowed forward, and said in a low voice, "It was my wife who told me not to move, and she will clean up by herself."

The man originally frowned, but now the frown deepened.


"Who is the wife in this family?" Zhou Yinan scolded, the servant hiding behind the kitchen shrunk his neck instantly to keep safe, Aunt Wang also nodded slightly, shut her mouth tightly and did not speak.

When Li Xiaoxiao came out, Zhou Yinan had already had breakfast and changed into his suit, it looked like he was about to go out.She couldn't help being happy in her heart, this was the kind of result she wanted, she didn't want to sit there with him and have breakfast quietly.

She walked slowly on purpose, just to kill time, without talking.But the man seemed to understand her meaning, he stopped and looked in her direction in a daze.

Seeing that her plan could not be carried out, Li Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows slightly and walked towards Zhou Yinan.

Seeing that he had been staring at him with indifferent eyes, there was a sign that something bad was going to happen, so he spoke first, "What's wrong?"

Sure enough, as soon as she spoke, the man glanced at the door, "What's the matter with those things?"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the past, and then remembered that when she came back yesterday, she was only focused on arguing with him, and forgot to put the pile of things away. At that time, the aunt wanted to take it away, but she said casually, don't move, she will wait later clean up by yourself.

Judging by the location of the things, probably no one dared to move them.

"Oh..." There is indeed a guilty conscience, "I asked to put it there, but I didn't say anything and just kept it there!"

"The room is so big, you can't even fit this little thing?" The man thought leisurely, Li Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, remembering that he just teased him not long ago, and now the original words are being used to cover his mouth.

Cough, people really can't show the refreshing meaning of quick tongue!
"I said I'll clean it up, why are you always being so aggressive!"

Zhou Yinan looked blank, what?
Has he been aggressive?

When did he get aggressive?
Could it be that something is in the way at the door, so can't you say a word?When did she become so mean-spirited?

Really angry!

"Remember who this is." After leaving a word, the man walked out with slender steps over the pile of big bags.

"I know! Isn't it your house? People have to bow their heads under the eaves. I don't understand this truth. You don't need to remind me every time!" Li Xiaoxiao turned around and muttered in a low voice, "If it weren't for you Begging me to come, do you think that I just like Shang Chazi to come to your house to see your face..."

Aunt Wang in the kitchen couldn't help sniggering when she heard Li Xiaoxiao talking to herself, and looked back along her thin body, the man's face became gloomy little by little.

I really didn’t sleep all night, let alone, when I left the study door early in the morning, she was pissed off. When he went out, he found that he didn’t have a mobile phone at all. In the past, it was impossible for him to appear even if the world was destroyed. Condition.

That woman really doesn't know what to complain about, but she can still chatter endlessly, "What's wrong with my children's godmother who likes to spend money on them? It's not good for multiple people to care about and pamper them. Besides, I didn't forget about it on purpose." It's not cleaned up there..."

"Hmm," the man suddenly responded, "That makes sense, let's continue?"

Li Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she suddenly turned her head and saw the man looking down at her seriously, "What did you say?"

Ignoring Zhou Yinan, she walked directly to the door, picked up the bag on the carpet at the door, and was about to walk to the room. When passing by Zhou Yinan, she even quickened her pace, but she never thought that the man would directly reach out to stop her. When it became more intense, the big plastic bag was torn off by the two of them...
For a while, the ground was full of children's toys, clothes, hats, socks and all kinds of cute little things, one blue and one pink.Next to a pile of children's supplies, a square men's tie in a transparent box is particularly eye-catching.

Li Xiaoxiao was a little flustered for a while, and quickly squatted down to pick it up, trying to block the tie with baby items.

But in fact, it was still a step too late, the tie was held by the long arm of the man who suddenly squatted down, and when she raised her head, she met the man's incomprehensible eyes, looking at her like a torch, she The bottom of my heart suddenly became chaotic, and I reached out to snatch the tie, "If you can have a woman, why can't I buy a tie from someone else."


The man just sneered, and walked upstairs directly, leaving her alone, crouching down there to pick up things, because there was a plastic package, and the sound rustled when picking it up. In such a quiet space, it seemed even more embarrassing, even a kind of embarrassment.

It seemed that the blurred light board between the two was broken in an instant, revealing the real embarrassing situation between the two.

Not long after, the man came down from upstairs again, this time passing by directly, with his back to her, Li Xiaoxiao still heard the words, "My child doesn't need things that others spend money on, if you don't have money ,I can give it to you."


This time it was Li Xiaoxiao, she really couldn't stand what this man said.

What does it mean that his children don't need other people's money to buy things!

What else can I give you if you don't have money? It's ridiculous.

Her temper really came up, she threw the things in her hands on the ground, turned around and walked in front of Zhou Yinan with firm steps, and blocked his way with open arms, "If you want to quarrel, just say so, I will accompany you to quarrel That's fine too."

She looked into the man's dark and deep eyes that stretched as far as the eye can see, without any timidity, "Don't be so eccentric, what do you mean?"

"I don't care."

Saying that, Zhou Yinan was about to leave, but Li Xiaoxiao squeezed his wrist tightly, "You were the one who said that I was incompetent, but now that I am competent, I moved here to take care of two children anytime, anywhere, and you I have this face every day. I really don’t understand, and I’m not as smart as you, can I beg you, sir, to just speak up if you have anything to say, I really don’t understand your insinuations.”

Her clean eyes were full of exhaustion and helplessness at this moment, he couldn't help moving the corners of his lips, "I..."

Just as he was about to say something, the sudden moistness of his palm made him look down, and the back of his hand dripped several times in a row. The bright red spots made him forget to breathe, and he subconsciously grabbed that little hand and pulled it. She's going to deal with it.

But before he took two steps, the little hand was pulled away from his palm, and he clenched the air for a moment.

"You don't need to be merciful."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoxiao turned around and went upstairs carrying the bag she had thrown on the ground.

He looked back, only to find a long red mark on Li Xiaoxiao's arm, which was dripping with blood.

Why is it bleeding all of a sudden?
She said that the servants at home were not allowed to collect those things, and she insisted on cleaning them up by herself. Was it because she was afraid that others would scratch herself if she didn't know?
The man couldn't help smiling wryly: Zhou Yinan, you have lived so many years in vain.

Thinking that pretending to quarrel could naturally increase their communication, he even deliberately found some topics for chatting.But the loss and tiredness in her eyes told him bluntly that his thinking was really stupid.

Back in the room, Li Xiaoxiao directly took out the tie box from the big bag, threw it into the trash can without even looking at it.

It's just that the five thousand oceans who love her dearly left her for no reason, so you shouldn't think about it. Two people who are clearly divorced, even if there are children in the middle of the bond, can they really do it? It's really unrealistic, my friend.

She had better stop this idea as soon as possible, and just take care of herself and her children.

There was no medicine box in the room, Li Xiaoxiao just took out a tissue, wiped the wound casually, put those things away before going downstairs to get the medicine box.

Aunt Wang obviously saw their actions just now. At this time, Aunt Wang was sitting on the sofa in the living room, arranging the medicine box. When she saw her figure coming down the stairs, she got up and waved to her.

In front of Aunt Wang, she felt that we were like juniors in front of elders. For so many years, Aunt Wang has been silently by her side.Feeling aggrieved for a moment, she curled her legs and rolled on the sofa. Aunt Wang gave her a doting look, "Treat the wound first."

"Aunt Wang, I feel wronged..."

"Hmm" Aunt Wang pulled her arm, dipped some alcohol in a cotton swab to disinfect the wound, and wanted to wait for Li Xiaoxiao to continue talking, but she just said that and didn't say anything, even the alcohol cotton swab When she touched the wound, she just flinched subconsciously, and she didn't even gasp in pain.

"You are also very good. He was so angry that he forgot to take his mobile phone."

"Aunt Wang, you are partial to him. A normal person would do such trivial things as throwing things away!" Li Xiaoxiao pouted, quite dissatisfied with Aunt Wang's biased behavior.

"Then if I say, he has never been so forgetful before?" Aunt Wang paused to see Li Xiaoxiao's reaction.

"So I was so angry that he didn't bring his mobile phone?" Aunt Wang nodded, and Li Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, "But you heard it too, he is the one who is looking for trouble, what's wrong with Zihan buying something for the child, What did he say? I asked him to pay me back if I had no money, and I was very angry too!"

Aunt Wang didn't say anything else. After all, in the current situation, she didn't want to take sides too clearly, so she could only secretly cheer for Zhou Yinan.

Rubbing Li Xiaoxiao's hair with her palm, she just lay there obediently.The sunlight was just right, and it shone into the room, dyeing it with a touch of life.

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