Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 67 Take her with you (please recommend a ticket)

On the way back, Yu Xingxing said: "Coach, I'm not that delicate. Since it's okay, let's continue practicing tomorrow."

He said this to reassure Tian Yaolong.

Tian Yaolong looked at him, her sharp-edged face glowed with vitality again.

"You can continue to practice squatting, and Xiaoyao's attack training will be suspended for a few days." The coach said that the training cannot be stopped unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Coach, it's fine, as long as it doesn't start, everything else is fine." Yu Xingxing was telling the truth.

"Even if you let me fight, do you think I have the heart to fight?" Tian Yaolong said.

Yu Xingxing turned to look at her and gave her a bright smile: "You didn't hurt at all."

Tian Yaolong turned her head, her face turned red with embarrassment, and her ears were also blush.

If Bang Bang was there, he would immediately say: "Brother Xing, do you just need to be beaten?"

Seeing her appearance, Yu Xingxing knew it was not good to tease her, and the coach was also in the car, so he obediently kept his mouth shut.

He secretly observed Tian Yaolong's body shape, they should be about the same size, and he will make protective clothing on weekends, it doesn't matter if he is bigger.

He thought again that the octopus he had just seen might indeed be seriously ill. No wonder Wu Ling'er was so angry.

However, he cheated first, so I can’t blame him.

"Zhang Yu looks very weak and looks very bad." Tian Yaolong treated everyone like a bodhisattva.

Yu Xingxing kept his mouth shut. He couldn't tell them the truth now. His words were unfounded. No one except Sister Fang would believe what he said.

"I estimate it will take at least half a year, maybe longer." The coach also said, he also saw it.

They were careful not to mention what happened to Yu Xingxing and him in Zilian Library, it must be something unspeakable.

It would be better not to mention it, and Yu Xingxing couldn't explain clearly.

After being silent for a while, Yu Xingxing said, "Coach, I'm going to equip the two girls in the team with a set of stronger protective suits, and I will also bring one for Tian Yaolong when the time comes?"

He was simply looking for something to say. He didn't want to stay in Zhang Yu's mood for too long.

"Huh?" The coach didn't respond for a while.

Tian Yaolong heard it, and she turned to look at Yu Xingxing again. She didn't dare to tell her father about the crocodile Shi Nengzhu last time.

I secretly absorbed it, and the time line period has risen many levels, but it has not reached the time period, so I have not been discovered.

Yu Xingxing will continue to give things this time?
Why is he so nice to her?

Yu Xingxing felt that Tian Yaolong was looking at him, and she also turned to look at her, her little face became even more red.

"Anyway, if we do it together, there will be a discount for the large quantity meeting, so it's settled." Yu Xingxing looked at Tian Yaolong and said.

"Are they all the same color and style?" Tian Yaolong suddenly asked this question, which directly stopped Yu Xingxing.

She thought: It would be embarrassing if the shirts were bumped, and it's not a uniform, so they can't be dressed the same.

"Well, it's different, it's definitely different." Yu Xingxing finally understood, it's quite troublesome.

However, when the time comes, leave the trouble to Boss Zhang.

"Then thank you Xing Xing." The coach was also polite.
Seeing that her daughter wanted it so much, and Yu Xingxing also ate so many apples from their family, it would be obvious to be polite.

"It's okay, it's easy to do." Seeing that they agreed, Yu Xingxing heaved a sigh of relief.

Soon, Yu Xingxing arrived at the door of the house. He got out of the car, waved off the coach and the others, and entered the house.

Mao Ling'er was waiting for him at the door as always.

"I smell the hydrogen peroxide from the hospital, have you gone to the hospital?" Mao Ling'er's smell detection is quite sensitive.

"Yeah, I accidentally fell on my head, but there is nothing wrong with it after inspection."

"As long as there is no problem, why are you so careless?" Mao Linger started nagging again.

"I'll be careful later." Yu Xingxing said perfunctorily as usual.

He went to see the little guy, the little guy is resting, and he is growing really fast now, and the cage will be changed in two days.

After eating, he continued to do the questions.

The octopus stimulated him quite a lot today. Why did a man who was so strong before suddenly become a sick man?

He really didn't do anything, and in heaven, Tianlei couldn't find him.

It seems that it is better to master more skills. Even if you can't be an enlightened person, you can still study science.


On the weekend, Yu Xingxing went to Fat Hu’s house, and they made an appointment to go to Boss Zhang’s place to make protective clothing.

Fat Tiger's parents happened to be at home, and they warmly welcomed Yu Xingxing into the house.

Fat Tiger looks very similar to his father, about the same size, with round heads and round brains, chubby, like a Maitreya Buddha, and his father will look more like him if his belly is stretched out.

Fat Tiger's mother is slender, not very tall, in her early 160cm, with curly hair, bleached and dyed a little maroon, very fashionable.

After they let Yu Xingxing into the house, Fat Tiger's younger sister Li Lingyue also came out when she heard the voice.

The little guy is still chubby now, I don't know if he will be as slender as her mother when he grows up.

After sitting down, Fat Tiger’s mother brought fruits and milk tea.

Fat Tiger's father looked at Yu Xing Xing with concern: "Xing Xing, I heard from Fat Tiger what happened to you on the road, if you need help with anything, just ask."

Yu Xingxing finally knew why they were at home when they were free, so he purposely wanted to say this to him.

After hearing this, he was quite moved. Although Fat Hu's family was not as powerful as Zhang Yu's family, he was very content if he had this heart.

"Uncle and aunt, thank you for your concern. I'm fine now."

"Xing Xing, as an uncle, I still have to say something, tolerance is the truth; but some people have been bullied to the head, so they have to show some color, otherwise they will continue to cause trouble."

It seems that Fat Tiger and the others have been worrying about this.Also, I forgot to tell Fat Tiger and the others.

"Uncle, Uncle Fang Zhen has helped to deal with it. They should not act rashly in the near future."

Yu Xingxing didn't hide it. It was better to let Fat Hu and the others know so that they wouldn't have to worry.

"That's good. I'll contact Professor Fang again to see if he needs my help. You can study and exercise at ease!"

Fat Tiger's father patted Yu Xingxing's shoulder, and Yu Xingxing nodded: "Thank you, uncle."

"Xing Xing, come over when you are free on weekends, have a light meal together, go shopping, and relax!"

Fat Tiger's mother also suggested.

"Okay, thank you, Auntie." Yu Xingxing continued to nod.

At noon, Yu Xingxing ate a big meal at Fat Tiger's house, which was indeed much more delicious than that cooked by robots; let's talk about the lion's head, which not only contains meat, but also shrimps and shiitake mushrooms. One bite, it is full of fragrance .

After eating to their satisfaction, they went to the cloth shop in the afternoon.

Pang Hu's younger sister also wanted to go, but Pang Hu refused to let her go.

Li Lingyue grabbed Yu Xingxing's hand with her chubby hands and refused to let her go. She knew that pulling her brother's hand was useless, so she shook it off after a few strokes.

Bringing her didn't seem to have any effect, Yu Xingxing looked at Fat Tiger: "Take her, you can fit in the car anyway."

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