Let go of the villain and let me come

Chapter 3 Conscience Feeds the Dog


Knowing how to find a weapon for herself, Gu Ling said that she shouldn't ask for too much.

"Bastard!" While standing on the second floor looking outside, Gu Ling found out with a cold face that the group of zombies had been purposely driven outside her villa!

The zombies seemed to smell the breath of people, waving their severed arms and slapping the door continuously.

Others have already climbed the walls!

At this time, An Xiong brought a group of vicious supernatural beings to visit again.

This time, he did not hide his malice and said, "Little girl, look, we have quite a few supernatural beings who can easily clear out a bunch of zombies. Why, why don't you consider joining us?"

Gu Ling wondered, did she kick him out, or gouged out his eyeballs?

Seeing that she didn't answer, An Xiong boldly stretched out his salty hands——

An ax covered with blood and rotting pieces of zombie flesh appeared one centimeter away from his salty pig's hand.

He was terrified!
Gu Ling turned his head in surprise, the little mute was holding her mountain axe, just looking at An Xiong so eeriely!

An Xiong was so frightened that he trembled all over, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, wait for me!"

Watching a group of them leave and deliberately disperse the group of zombies nearby, Gu Ling squinted his eyes.

"Bah! Disrespectful! Vixen!" At this moment, the door next door opened a gap, an old woman gave Gu Ling a contemptuous look, put her arms around her grandson, and said sarcastically.

Gu Ling was speechless, who did she provoke?
The little mute swung the mountain ax away, as if he had found some interesting toy, and rushed directly to the group of screaming zombies.

Gu Ling hesitated for a moment, did not stop him, but looked around vigilantly, once the little mute lost, she would help.

Fortunately, the strength of the little mute was not blocked, and he quickly dealt with the group of zombies.

When the two of them entered the villa to wash up, the old woman next door slipped out.

After a while, she came back out of breath, with a bag on her back.

I don't know what she did, but she attracted several zombies!

Gu Ling just went out, ready to continue to strengthen his abilities, the old woman cried and cried, "Help! Girl, please help me! I don't want to die, I still have a grandson..."

Gu Ling ignored her, but still used the ice ability to kill the two closest zombies chasing her!
As a result, the old woman grabbed the leaking bag of rice, ran into the door quickly, and bolted the door hard!
Unexpectedly, those zombies seemed to be leading the charge, followed by one after another, and a large group of zombies came densely!

Gu Ling thought it was just the right time!

She has mastered the ice-type powers. Originally, it was just an ice pick as thick as a finger, but it gradually became as thick as a wrist!
I don't know when the little mute will come out!
He swung the mountain axe, and directly and roughly chopped off the zombie's head.

But soon, Gu Ling noticed something was wrong.

More and more zombies are besieging the little mute!

He didn't pay attention and used too much force, and even threw the mountain ax out!

Coincidentally, the mountain ax fell into the yard of the old woman next door!
Seeing the little mute fighting with the zombies with bare hands, Gu Ling was very worried. He glanced at the closed door and raised his voice, "Please, throw us the mountain axe!"

She saw that the old woman was watching the situation outside through the gap, but unfortunately no one responded!
The bastard who will take revenge!
Really feed the dog with conscience.

"Ah, little girl, look, there are too many zombies!" At this moment, An Xiong appeared again with a group of supernatural beings, and helped clean up the zombies together.

Afterwards, he said with a smile: "Although it is for the safety of the entire community, but we have helped you, so many brothers have to eat, right? Look——"

"Wait!" Gu Ling pursed her lips and pulled the little mute back. After a while, the little mute came out carrying a bag of rice. Gu Ling said, "Is this bag of rice enough for the reward?"

"Hehe, that's enough." An Xiong resumed the Maitreya smile that he had at the beginning, and with a gesture of his eyes, someone came out and picked up the rice.

The old woman opened the door at this time!

Gu Ling took a look, then pursed his lips and smiled coldly.

The old woman yelled, dragged half a bag of rice, and said obsequiously: "Anxiong, look, we are old acquaintances too, I am a useless old woman and I have a grandson, can you—"

Looking at An Xiong's fierce eyes, the old lady didn't say the words to protect their grandparents and grandchildren, but she kept smiling obsequiously, and blowing rainbow farts by the way, praising them for how powerful they are.

An Xiong flashed his eyes, and said with a smile: "Aunt Zhao, we are old neighbors. You see, it is not easy for you. I am willing to help, but you see that I have a lot of brothers, and I have to eat. In this way Well, if you are willing to go back to the compound with us, cook for us and clean up for us every day, then it is not impossible for you to bless your grandparents and grandchildren."

When he said that, he took a special look at Gu Ling, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.


Gu Ling stopped listening, she could completely imagine the fate of the old woman, grandparents and grandchildren.

In a short time, zombies will appear as second-level zombies with a little bit of intelligence.

And her ability has evolved to level three, she just needs to stabilize the level, it is best to evolve to level four before leaving, so it will be more secure to take the little mute on the road.

After continuing to strengthen it for a few more days, Gu Ling took the little mute this time, and was really ready to leave.

As a result, the two had just left the villa, and when they walked to the green belt, they heard hysterical crying.

Taking a closer look, another wave of zombies came outside, but An Xiong and his group of supernatural beings did not step forward, but pushed a few people over to act as bait!

The crying person was an acquaintance, the old woman who used to live next door.

"My poor grandson! An Xiong, how could you treat my old lady like this? Thanks to me serving you a group of old men every day, you are so ungrateful and pushed my grandson to die..."

It turns out that the wife and grandson are also part of the bait.

An Xiong said blankly: "Aunt Zhao, I don't agree with you. If you wash and cook for us, we will naturally guarantee your safety. But your grandson will do nothing, and we will not support the disabled. If he It's useless, so it can only be used as bait..."

"Oh, god damn it, my poor grandson!" Aunt Zhao cried, but unfortunately no one paid attention.

Gu Ling frowned, she was not the Holy Mother White Lotus.

At the beginning, she saved Aunt Zhao, but after she was saved, she hurriedly closed the door, and even let the little dumb man throw out the mountain axe, but she ignored it.

She was one of those typical poor people who must be hateful.

Don't look pitiful at the moment, once she is out of danger, she will be more cruel and vicious than anyone else.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Ling pulled the little mute and prepared to leave.

As a result, I accidentally glanced over and saw a little girl!

Uh, the heroine Zhou Qing!

However, she may have a gray face at the moment to protect herself, but she is very slender, even if she hides behind the crowd, she is still very eye-catching.

Pursing her lips, Gu Ling looked at the little mute and said, "I've changed my mind, let's join them, do you agree?"

After a pause, she added: "It won't be long, don't worry, I won't wrong myself."

The little mute nodded when he heard the words, and made a gesture, which meant that he would listen to her.

Gu Ling couldn't help but patted his head and smiled.

Since she decided to stay, she couldn't hide her clumsiness, but she couldn't be too strong, so she kept her water ability at the primary peak state, and sent out ice picks as thick as wires at the zombie group.

An Xiong noticed the movement, turned his head, and saw the scene of Gu Ling helping.

His eyes flickered, not knowing what to think.

When the zombies were all cleaned up, An Xiong's smile became a little more apprehensive, but he said more enthusiastically: "Little girl, how are you? Have you changed your mind?"

"Well, I don't know if we are still lacking in the team of supernatural beings? I am a supernatural being of the water type, and he is a supernatural being of strength. The two of us are teamed up, and our strength is not bad. I think it won't be a hindrance." Gu Ling changed his mind. , but they will not lower their posture. This group of people is not of good quality, and they are the kind of villains who push forward.

As long as she is weaker by one point, they will be arrogant by three points.

"Oh, welcome, we are short of masters like you, little girl!" An Xiong clapped his hands first, and the rest of the supernatural beings, who had seen Gu Ling's strength, also applauded to express their warm welcome.

Follow Anxiong and a group of people to their base camp.

It is to enclose several single-family villas, and thick steel bars are used to form a fence outside.

An Xiong pointed to one of the villas and said, "Your room is on the third floor. As for this little brother, he has to go to the other building."

The little mute immediately turned cold, and grinned, as if he was about to rush up and give An Xiong a few fists.

Gu Ling pulled him back, and said with a half-smile: "Don't bother, it's a waste of resources. We are together, and I can share a room with him."

An Xiong's complexion was a little gloomy, but he still nodded and said, "That's fine, as long as you don't think the room is too small."

Hey, when is it, you are still playing with your little daughter's love.

He has seen through the so-called true love of these young girls and young people!

Among the women of the brothers, many of them are girls who used to love their boyfriends to death. Didn't they take the initiative to climb into the bed of the supernatural being just to survive, or even a bowl of instant noodles?
The third floor has a layout of three bedrooms and two living rooms. No one has moved in yet, so Gu Ling chose the largest bedroom with a bathroom.

The little mute watched Gu Ling skillfully take out quilts, four-piece suits and other things out of thin air, and began to make the bed, showing confusion in his eyes.

Seeing his innocent eyes, Gu Ling couldn't help explaining with a smile: "Oh, this is a spatial ability, it can hold some things."

The little mute looked clear, picked up the pillow beside him, thought for a while, and the pillow disappeared out of thin air in his hands!

Immediately, it appeared out of thin air again!
He seems to have found something interesting, and he enjoys it.

Gu Ling didn't realize it at first, but when she finished making the bed and started thinking about dragging the couch in the living room in to make a sofa bed, she accidentally saw this scene!
"You—" Gu Ling rushed over, held his hand, and said pleasantly, "You awakened the space ability?"

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