W dragged his cumbersome body and hid in a corner of the warehouse...

Although w knows that this place is not considered a safe place, but given his current situation, this is the safest place he can think of...

And the space outside is no longer silent and dark, all the lights are on, and the bodyguards are looking around. w's whereabouts.

Someone has already called Anderson and Belit! ! !

And all of this, W hiding in the warehouse doesn't know, the only thing he knows is that it's messed up outside! !
The people outside looked for W one by one, and W could already hear the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to him. The footsteps seemed to be stepping on W's heart, and there was a loud bang...

And there was a person in the living room who was scolding the man in black who was guarding room w, and kicked him on the shoulder angrily while saying so! !The man didn't dare to resist after being kicked, but his bent body got closer to the ground, and his sweat dripped down on the ground...

"A bunch of trash, you can't even look down on an individual!!!"

The man called Anderson to explain the reason, and was undoubtedly scolded by Anderson.

After Anderson finished cursing, he said directly to Belit.

"Go back to the base, that traitor is gone!!"

It stands to reason that W's escape is equivalent to giving half of his life to the god of death. After all, without Anderson to treat him, he couldn't live for so long!Anderson doesn't need to worry too much...

But he was about to get the vaccine in Yufeng's hand, and he was just about to hit the door, but w ran away! !

As soon as Anderson arrived at the door of Lu's house, he was called back. Anderson didn't even think about explaining to Lu's house, after all, Lu's house was just a pawn.

It is important that nothing catches w now! !

Anderson thought, it seems that he gave it this time. The space of w is too big, making him forget his identity! !
And in the Lu family waiting for Anderson's arrival, Lu Xingchen and Lu Mu waited in the living room.

Another important reason for Lu Xingchen to send Xue Fan away is that Anderson is coming today, otherwise Lu Xingchen would not let go of this good opportunity to discredit Lu Xingmang in front of Xue Fan...

"Mom, is that person coming or not?" Lu Xingchen asked anxiously as he walked up and down the living room.

"I don't know, how about it, I'll make a call and ask!" Lu Mu said with a frown.

To be honest, not only Lu Xingchen was in a hurry, but Lu's mother was also a little anxious...

If it was Lu Mu who hadn't entered the house before, naturally she wouldn't have any dissatisfaction. After all, she was used to it, but after years of pampering, no one in this family was polite to her. She really didn't wait for anyone... …

Needless to say, Lu Xingchen has always maintained a good image through her painstaking efforts. The person outside saw that she was not polite to her, so how could she wait for someone like this.

Mother Lu picked up her mobile phone and called a person whose note was b.

"Hello" Belit's voice rang on the other end of the phone, and it turned out that the b was Belit.

It seems that the Lu family has always relied on Belit and Anderson to contact them.

"It's me, when will you and the boss come?" Mother Lu asked.

The boss is of course Anderson.

"I'm not going, I still have something to do!" Belit hung up the phone impatiently after finishing speaking.

Lu Mu looked at the hung up screen with a bad expression, she hadn't been hung up for a long time.

"How is it, Mom?" Lu Xingchen asked.

"They won't come tonight because they have something to do." Mother Lu said angrily.

"Ah, why don't you call me?" Lu Xingchen complained.

I pushed Xue Fan away because of this meeting! ! !
"How do I know?" Mother Lu and the others only knew that there was Belit and another person next to Anderson, and they had never actually seen w...

"It should be something very important!" Lu Mu said.

...And Anderson and his party quickly returned to the base...

Once inside, all the men in black stood on both sides with their heads down. They knew that Anderson was about to lose his temper...

"What about people?" Anderson asked.

"Not...haven't found it yet, boss, don't worry, Mr. Yi, no, W must still be in the base." The person who called Anderson before said bravely.

"Then what about the person you're looking for? The base is only this big, what about the person? Turned into a fly and flew away? Shit."

Anderson scolded angrily, he didn't expect that such a big trouble would happen after he went out for a while! ! !
"Belit, bring someone! Find it yourself!"

Anderson didn't bother to rely on these waste, and said directly to Belit.

Bailey nodded and said.


W, who was hiding in the warehouse, heard a moment of silence outside, and knew that it was Anderson and the others who had returned...

"Now, there is less hope of escaping..."

W thought worriedly.

The pain in his body has subsided, but w doesn't know when it will come back, looking at his bleeding arm bitten by the pain, w smiled bitterly.

And Belit took a dozen people to look for w.

"Where did you all look for?" Belit asked.

"...I've searched for it all, but I can't find it." The person behind said cautiously.

Belit felt that his forehead was getting bigger, this answer was like saying nothing!
What did you think of...

"Have you searched for W's house? Kitchen? Warehouse? Bathroom? Have you searched all of them?"


Hearing these words, Belit looked at the people behind with sharp eyes,

"Is this what you call looking for everything?"

"..." The few people behind did not dare to answer.

"Go find it for me!! The three of you follow me to W's house, you go to the bathroom, kitchen and warehouse to find it." Belit directly ordered.

The few people who got the order hurried towards those directions.

Several people from Belit came to W's room, and when they entered, they saw the pillow with cotton wool exposed, and said.

"How did the person following w die?"

"The throat was cut by a relatively sharp thing, and he should have bled profusely and suffocated to death." The person behind said.

Bailit nodded, so it seems that W's escape was not a whim, but... a long-planned plan.

This pillow should be where he hid the murder weapon...

Search the house and see if you find anything.

After those people heard the words, they immediately started to act.

Although Belit said so, he already guessed that w is not in his house. Although it is said that the most dangerous place is the safest place, but this place is too small...

Sure enough, nothing...

"Let's go, take a look at the warehouse." Belit said indifferently.

Now it seems that the warehouse Tibetans are the most likely! ! !

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