Lin Dongxu smiled wryly, feeling like his brain was going to explode, "The Lu family is Anderson's minion... It seems that we still have a lot of things that we haven't found out..."

Jiang Rou: "It's almost there. Many things have gradually surfaced over time. Now the people in W thought they got the real vaccine and all left the country. When they find out that the vaccine is fake and want to come back, it will be difficult. "

Shen Wanqing: "But after this, it will be difficult for us to catch them. The vaccine has been given to the research institute. If Anderson and the others want to do it, they will not come to us again. I am afraid that the research institute will suffer."

"No, the vaccine from the research institute is also fake." Lin Dongxu laughed suddenly, and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Shen Wanqing and Jiang Rou were taken aback for a moment, they looked at Lin Dongxu in astonishment, and asked in unison: "The research institute's is fake too? So it's true?"

"It can't be completely fake, but the vaccine we gave to the research institute is not real anti-cancer serum, but other virus reagents, not a complete product." Lin Dongxu said, explaining all the vaccines in foreign research institutes. out.

In the refrigerator, there are three reagents hidden.

At that time, the two were hunted down by Anderson's men. Both Yufeng and Lin Dongxu were not sure whether they would survive, and a group of people chased after Lin Dongxu.

He didn't dare to take the real anti-cancer vaccine, but fled back to China with other reagents. Fortunately, he came back alive and attracted all Anderson's men abroad.

Yufeng was able to investigate the events of the year without any restrictions abroad, and Anderson was also attracted to their territory, so there were many restrictions on his hands, which were beneficial to Lin Dongxu and the others.

"So the real reagent is in Yufeng's hands." Shen Wanqing suddenly realized, and then his eyes turned cold, and he stared at Lin Dongxu, "So Yufeng hasn't disappeared since the beginning! Are you cooperating with Anderson's people to lie to us?"

Lin Dongxu blushed from the stare, and smiled awkwardly, "How can this be considered a lie? We are in such an embarrassing situation, and I don't know if there is any eyeliner around me. If I said it at the beginning, it must be If we can't hide it from them, President Yu will be in a very difficult situation then."

Jiang Rou nodded, and said in agreement: "Assistant Lin is right, only if he is kept in the dark can he not reveal his secrets. It is estimated that Anderson's people still think that Yufeng is missing."

Shen Wanqing sighed silently, in fact, everyone hoped that Yufeng was fine, hoped that it was just a trick of theirs, even if they were kept in the dark, it didn't matter.

At least Yufeng is safe.

At this moment, Lin Dongxu's cell phone rang again, and the eyes of Shen Wanqing and Jiang Rou fell on Lin Dongxu's cell phone instantly.

Lin Dongxu immediately picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID on it and pointed, "Don't get excited, it's not Mr. Yu Han Yichen."

After speaking, Lin Dongxu picked up the phone.

"Come to the bureau." Han Yichen said in a heavy tone.

"Where is Ye's?" Lin Dongxu subconsciously raised his eyes to look at Shen Wanqing and Jiang Rou.

"Shen Wanqing is here?" Han Yichen pursed his lips.

"Here I am."

"Come here together! She also needs to know about this." Han Yichen's tone was a bit complicated, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Dongxu looked at Shen Wanqing, "Han Yichen told us to go to the bureau."


The three of them walked out together.

Half an hour later, the three arrived at the bureau.

Han Yichen specially asked for a separate room, and opened up the relationship so that no one would disturb him.

In the small interrogation room, four people sat facing each other.

"Did something happen again?" Seeing Han Yichen's complexion, Shen Wanqing asked worriedly.

"Look at this first." Han Yichen said, throwing a stack of envelopes on the table in front of Shen Wanqing.

The envelope was opened, and the photos inside fell out instantly.

With just one glance, Shen Wanqing's gaze was frozen, and she sat stiffly in her position.

"This is……"

Lin Dongxu was dumbfounded, and immediately looked at Shen Wanqing.

Jiang Rou seemed much calmer, but her eyes fell on Shen Wanqing with worry.

Han Yichen looked at Jiang Rou, knowing it in his heart.

Shen Wanqing picked up the photo, and guessed who it was just from a back view.

"This is Ye Zhen?" Although she was sure, she still asked.

"Yes." Han Yichen nodded.

"When did you take it? When you were abroad?"

"Yesterday." Han Yichen looked at Shen Wanqing with burning eyes, and said word by word.

As his voice fell, Shen Wanqing's ears seemed to explode. She stared blankly at Han Yichen, then at Jiang Rou and Lin Dongxu beside her.

Lin Dongxu's expression at this moment was not that different from Shen Wanqing's, and he was equally shocked and speechless.

Lin Dongxu shook his head and asked, "It's impossible, Ye Zhen has been dead for half a year, your photo... photo..."

Han Yichen tilted his head, as if he was waiting for Lin Dongxu's next words.

But Lin Dongxu couldn't say anything, the date was clearly written in the corner of the photo, it was yesterday.

What's more, Han Yichen doesn't need to lie.

Lin Dongxu quietly raised his head and glanced at Shen Wanqing, "Could it be that Ye Zhen also faked her death?"

"Impossible, I saw him die in front of me with my own eyes. He was covered in blood and his body was pierced. How could he be alive?" Shen Wanqing shook her head, threw the photo on the table, and looked at Han Yichen with scarlet eyes .

"I won't lie to you." Han Yichen said.

"It's not cheating to keep your name incognito for more than ten years? Or to you, if you cheat too much, forget it?" Shen Wanqing sarcastically said, her heart was in a mess, all kinds of feelings mixed together.

Her rationality told her that this was good news, Ye Zhen was still alive, Ah Li still had his father, she did not lose him.

But her heart was tingling, tingling, full of resentment, hatred, and even guilt and grievance.

She wanted him to live and hated him for deceiving her.

Shen Wanqing's eyes were red, and her body was shaking like chaff because of her emotional excitement.

"I'm sorry." Han Yichen suddenly lowered his head and apologized in a low voice.

Shen Wanqing's face was startled, and tears fell down. She grabbed the photo on the table and put it in front of Jiang Rou questioningly, "Ye Zhen, is Ye Zhen still alive? Jiang Rou, tell me, is this true?" Is he setting up the game again?"

"You, calm down, listen to me telling you slowly." Jiang Rou took Shen Wanqing's arm, and pressed the other hand on the excited and trembling shoulder.

"What do you want to say? So you know it?" Shen Wanqing suddenly sneered.

Jiang Rou paused and wrinkled her face. She had expected this day to come, and she even watched Shen Wanqing suffer so much torture and pressure because of Ye Zhen's death.

A Li was even more autistic and refused to speak for half a year.

She also expected how Shen Wanqing would react when she knew the truth, but she didn't expect it to be today.

Seeing Shen Wanqing's almost crazy appearance, Han Yichen felt a little regretful, shouldn't he have told her at this time.

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