"..." Yu Wan couldn't answer.

Ah Li frowned, tangled into knots, he patted Yu Wan's hand comfortingly, and assured him, "Don't worry, Mommy, the doctor Daddy hired must be the best doctor in the world, and he will cure you." Good for your eyes."

Yu Wan looked helpless, "A Li, I've told you many times that I'm not your mommy, but because I like you very much, that's why you keep calling me that..."

"That's not the case, you lied! You are my mommy... Mommy, don't you like Ah Li?" When Ah Li heard this, the circles of his eyes turned red, full of grievances.

Daddy clearly said, let the doctor at home treat Mommy, and Mommy will get better soon, and will like him more and more.

But why, why does Mommy still say that.

Ah Li was so wronged, he looked at Yu Wan with his mouth suffocated, and tears fell one by one.

Sensing Xiao Baozi's depressed mood, Yu Wan felt a bit of guilt in her heart. Ah Li liked her so much, and when he came to see her, she still said something that made him sad.

"Ah Li, don't cry, Daddy still has a fiancée, she will marry your Daddy, and she will be your mommy from now on." Yu Wan was hard-hearted, Xiao Baozi was already five years old, as far as he could remember, If you don't correct him, it will be even harder in the future.

Even if you break his heart now and say some cruel words, it's better than not being able to correct him later.

Shen Qiao's incident taught her some lessons. What if the fiancée hates her because of this and kidnaps her again, can she still be as lucky as this time?

"Couldn't she be my mommy! Daddy just doesn't like her, that's why he quarreled with grandpa! Mommy is a big liar, a heartless person! You betrayed Ah Li, and you want to abandon Ah Li again, Ah Li Li Mingming didn't do anything wrong, but just wanted to find a doctor for Mommy... woo woo woo..." A Li rubbed his tears for no reason, opened and closed his pink mouth, and said angrily.

Yu Wan's head grew dizzy when she heard that, Ah Li's cries successfully disarmed her and surrendered, she reached out and groped to hold Ah Li's small face, for fear that her nails would accidentally scratch Ah Li.

She gently wiped away Ah Li's tears, and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, okay, Ah Li, don't cry, it's all Mommy's fault, Mommy will definitely listen to Ah Li in the future, and treat Ah Li well."

"Really?" Ah Li hiccupped.

"Really." Yu Wan nodded repeatedly.

Ah Li stretched out his little finger and hooked Yu Wan's hand, "Then let's pull the hook, it's the puppy who lied!"

"Okay!" Yu Wan pursed her lips and laughed out loud. After being with Ah Li, she became more and more childish.

He will be serious like a child, arguing and entangled with A Li, although in the end, he is the first to admit defeat.

One big and one small childishly checked, Ah Li laughed contentedly, threw himself into Yu Wan's arms, and hooked her neck.

"Mommy, I'll ask sister Jiang Rou to call the doctor uncle to treat you!"

"Tomorrow, Mommy wants to go out with Ah Li today." Yu Wan rubbed her sore waist, felt the warm wind blowing from the window, and couldn't help but want to go for a walk.

"Mommy can't see, so I can't go out." A Li tilted his head, looked at Yu Wan's dull eyes, and frowned.

"With you here, I will definitely protect Mommy, right?" Yu Wan snickered and pinched Ah Li's cheek.

Ah Li nodded vigorously, the pride of being recognized and being able to do things for Yu Wan came out of his heart, he jumped out of bed happily, and held Yu Wan's hand, "Then Ah Li will be Mommy's eyes !"

"Ah Li is so good!"

Yu Wan praised, knowing that it was inconvenient for her to go out like this, she asked Ah Li to dig out a set of casual clothes, sunglasses and a hat for herself in the closet.

These were all sent by Lin Xiaozhuo. She thought she would be discharged from the hospital soon, but she became temporarily blind and had to stay in the hospital for observation.

With A Li's help, Yu Wan put on casual clothes over the large hospital gown, then put on sunglasses and a hat, and got up from the bed.

A Li's calf thumped and ran to the bottom of the shoe cabinet to find Yu Wan's sneakers, and brought them over.

"Mommy, Ah Li will put on your shoes for you! Ah Li knows how to wear them!" Ah Li said proudly, with a tone of begging for praise.

Yu Wan was moved and distressed, she really wished she could have a child as beautiful and sensible as Ah Li.

"A Li, give me the shoes and tell me that one is left and the other is right. Mommy can wear it by herself." Yu Wan said distressedly.

"Mommy can't see, let's do it, Ah Li." Ah Li refused with a stern face. A pair of small hands had already started to remove the shoelaces, and then helped Yu Wan put on the shoes.

Yu Wan accepted it with a smile, and found that she and A Li became more and more sympathetic and liking each other more and more.

As if he was really his own child's kind, the kind of love that is connected by flesh and blood.


Outside the ward, there was a very low "click", and Hei Ying glanced at the photos taken on the phone, and then left quickly.

Bandung Plaza, coffee shop.

Su Ho took off the sunglasses on his face, and his gloomy eyes fell on the mobile phone that the man handed over.

On the phone is a photo of A Li putting on shoes for Yu Wan.

"Little bastard, I'm so ungrateful to him, I insist on running to Yu Wan's side! It's really a mother-child relationship, no wonder I can't compete with her." Su Ho's eyes were full of scorn, and his eyes were full of disgust.

In the past, she thought that Shen Wanqing was dead, so she was willing to accept Ye Li's existence, but now, she absolutely cannot.

As long as Shen Wanqing is still alive and by Ye Li's side, she cannot become the real Mrs. Ye.

Her existence is a threat to her.

"Have you found out the purpose of Ye Zhen sending Ye Li there?" Su Ho narrowed his eyes and asked with a gloomy face.

"Boss Ye invited a well-known doctor to treat Yu Wan. According to the information from the hospital, Yu Wan is blind."

"Is she blind?" Su Ho suddenly shouted joyfully, his heart was full of joy and curiosity.

Good people, never heard of hurting the eyes, how could they go blind.

"I heard that it is only a temporary blindness, and it may recover at any time." The man continued.

"...Recover at any time... How can I do this?" A vicious thought flashed in Su Ho's heart, since he did nothing else, let Yu Wan learn a lesson first, otherwise it would be too bad for him to lose face .

Now, all the high-ranking ladies know that the name of her Ye family's fiancée is just a vain name, and that Ye Zhen loves someone else.

At the beginning, everyone flattered and flattered her, but now they all catch up to mock and humiliate her, all because of Yu Wan.

"What do you want to do?" The man looked a little ugly, and stretched out his hand to compare a number, "If you want to do other things, you need to add money, at least this amount."

"Hmph, don't worry, you won't lose the money. You continue to follow this woman and tell me any news. As for the other things, I'll tell you when I think about it."

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