"I didn't tell him." Shen Wanqing became short of breath, put down the water glass and stared at Yufeng with burning eyes, and begged, "Please keep this matter a secret for me, I don't want Ye Zhen to know the existence of this child..."

Yun Xin put in a cold face: "Ye Zhen is not worthy to be the father of the child at all. When Wanqing's belly grows bigger, I will arrange for her to go abroad for childbirth."

"Yun Xin..." Shen Wanqing looked at Yun Xin restrainedly, shook her head, and signaled her not to continue talking.

Yun Xin groaned and shut her mouth, simply sat on the sofa beside her and didn't speak.

Yufeng's eyes flickered, his hands hidden in his sleeves were slowly clenched, and the thin hair on his forehead covered the deep thought in his eyes, making him swallow all the words in his stomach, leaving only one sentence: "You have a good rest, police Leave the affairs of the bureau to me, I won't let you go to jail...I'll go first."

After Yufeng finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Shen Wanqing stopped him.

"Wait, Yufeng..."


"Thank you." Shen Wanqing bent her lips, her beautiful eyebrows stretched out, revealing a refreshing smile.

Yu Feng was slightly stunned, his dark pupils gradually enlarged, and a look of memory appeared on his warm face, then he lowered his eyes and nodded, and left silently.


The Internet was already boiling, and Yun Xin's phone was about to be blown up by those entertainment reporters. At first, she would explain a few symbolic words, and in the end she simply turned off the phone before she calmed down.

Shen Wanqing frowned and thought: "Who actually put that document in my bedroom secretly..."

"Who else has the key to your house besides you? What about the former servant?" Yun Xin said.

"The servant has been driven away by me a long time ago. She has never had the key to the villa, only Ye Zhen and I have." Shen Wanqing shook her head, eyes full of confusion.

She had checked it when she came back just now, and the door lock was intact, not even a scratch, and there was no trace of being pried at all.

And Ye Zhen hasn't been back for a long time, not to mention she believes that Ye Zhen will not do such a thing.

Because he didn't bother to trick her at all.

Ye Zhen hated her because she had no hidden revenge on her.

"That's weird..." Yun Xin stroked her chin, thinking about it.

Shen Wanqing's eyes trembled, "That file should have been put in when I went to your house a few days ago. I remember cleaning it before that day, and I didn't see that file in the room..."

"Go and check the surveillance!" Yun Xin immediately suggested.

Shen Wanqing's eyes lit up, and she nodded immediately, unexpectedly forgetting such an important point, she can check the surveillance in the community, and she can tell who has been here at a glance.

With that said, the two acted.

An hour later, after watching the surveillance, Shen Wanqing's face became even more ugly. She actually forgot that Shen Qiao also had the key to the villa.

It was clearly shown on the surveillance that only Shen Qiao came when she was away.

But there was no file bag in Shen Qiao's hand.

"Did Shen Qiao really do it?" Yun Xin asked tentatively.

Shen Wanqing frowned fiercely, and shook her head: "Probably not, like me, she doesn't know anything about Dad's company at all, and she also has no access to the company in country m."

The clue was interrupted, Shen Wanqing rubbed her swollen head and leaned aside, Yun Xin threw the notebook on the table, and fell down on the sofa.

"Whether it's Shen Qiao or not, I have to ask her."

"Hmm..." Shen Wanqing replied sullenly.

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