Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 223: Men Can't Be Trusted

"Then you can't ignore anything..."

Li Sinian wanted to say something else, when the screen of Zhou Chengyan's phone on the table lit up——

Zhou Yi: Mr. Zhou, the acquisition of the media that slandered Mrs. Shao has been completed today.

Li Sinian: "...Is this what you said not to interfere?"

Zhou Chengyan said as it should: "I did not intervene, I just helped her prepare for the counterattack in advance."

Qiao Ai came out with a drink, and what she saw was that Zhou Chengyan was replying to messages on his mobile phone, while Li Sinian looked numb with the vicissitudes of life.

"Did something happen again?"

"No." Li Sinian said mechanically: "It's just that I suddenly felt that the phrase on the Internet that 'you can't believe a single punctuation mark in what a man says' is quite true."

Qiao Ai looked puzzled.

He is also a man, is this self-deprecating?

Zhou Chengyan put down his phone, took a sip of black tea, and said to Qiao Ai: "He came today to apologize to you about his mother."

"That's right, that's right." Li Sinian said solemnly, "I didn't expect her to be so restless even after being hospitalized. Don't worry, Qiao Ai, I've already arranged for her to be transferred, and I will never give her another chance to talk nonsense. And I will also go online to clarify the rumors she said."

Just as Qiao Ai was about to speak, her cell phone rang. She smiled apologetically. Seeing that it was from the PR manager, she turned slightly and picked it up: "Is there any result?"

"Yes. We have already found out that the first passer-by videos posted on the Internet were instigated by a woman named Li Xin. She also bought a navy, but the amount was not large, so there was no disturbance."

Li Xin is Li Sinian's mother.

Qiao Ai was not surprised that she would intervene in this matter, and said calmly: "What about that nurse?"

The public relations manager replied: "As soon as Changwen became popular, we found her immediately. But the other party said that she just heard the conversation between her and her aunt when she was changing Qiao Lu's dressing in the ward. She just posted a long article on the Internet. As for the popularity being so high... she didn't expect it herself."

"Are you sure there are no problems with her and her family's accounts?"

"Sure." The PR manager said: "It seems that she is indeed just a person with a sense of justice, and no one ordered her."

Qiao Ai pursed her lips: "Then don't worry about her."

"Yes." The public relations manager continued: "In addition, we also contacted those navy companies, but the person who placed the order used a foreign ip and account. After investigation, it was found that it was a false ip. Confirm the other party's identity."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became.

Qiao Ai is very tolerant: "The other party has long been prepared and will not let us find out easily. I have already made up my mind about this matter..."

Besides, she had already guessed the other party's identity.

Apart from Gu Youyou, who else could have so much money, and throw trouble at her the first time?

It's just that being able to hide people so quickly, and knowing how to hide ip and account addresses, is really not something she can do.

Today's conversation with Shen Yue also dispelled her doubts that Shen Yue was helping Gu Youyou.

As for Qiao Lu, she had been sent to watch her all the time, but after she came out, she was very peaceful and didn't run around, and it couldn't be her.

Could it be that Gu Youyou's brain has finally opened up?

But this possibility is too small, so who is giving her advice?

After hanging up the phone, Li Sinian asked, "Have you found the mastermind?"

"Not yet." Qiao Ai picked up the juice in front of her and took a sip: "It's just cousin, I hope that after this matter is over, you can help reduce the number of times auntie sees Qiao Lu, can you?"

Li Sinian quickly realized: "My mother also intervened in this matter? Damn it!"

He cursed in a low voice, got up and said, "I'll go back and talk to her right now, Qiao Ai, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

Qiao Ai smiled slightly: "Auntie is not in good health yet, not to mention she is not the mastermind of this matter, we are all relatives, there is no need to be so serious."

That's what Qiao Ai said, but Li Sinian knew that, strictly speaking, there was no relationship between his family and Qiao Ai.

The reason why Qiao Ai didn't pursue it was because of Zhou Chengyan's face.

He appreciates it in his heart, but he also knows the severity: "Don't worry, I promise that this kind of thing will not happen again."

Li Sinian left quickly, leaving Qiao Ai and Zhou Chengyan alone.

"You really don't want my help?" Zhou Chengyan still asked.

"No, I've already thought of a solution." Qiao Ai smiled confidently.

The person she suspects is irrelevant, and the clues she pursues are useless, so there is no need to delay any longer!

"So outstanding?" Zhou Chengyan raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." After Qiao Ai finished speaking, she gave Zhou Chengyan a warning look: "Don't secretly help me behind my back, I must solve this matter myself."

"My wife has a life, so how dare you refuse to follow her husband." Zhou Chengyan said in a hoarse voice: "I just ask someone to do something, and I have to give some favors."

Qiao Ai's eyes were full of disbelief.

What kind of fallacies is this? Instead of letting him help, she still wants to benefit him?

"Then what if I ask you to help?" Qiao Ai couldn't help asking.

Zhou Chengyan pondered: "Then the price to be paid will be relatively high, for example..."

He whispered a few words in Qiao Ai's ear, Qiao Ai jumped up suddenly, glared at him angrily, turned around and left: "Rogue!"

When Zhou Chengyan saw the deal, he accepted it and pulled him back: "Okay, now it's just the two of us, tell me about your plan."

But Qiao Ai sat on the other side: "Now it's time to get down to business, stay away from me, don't try to make a move."

Zhou Chengyan was very wronged: "I haven't done anything yet."

Qiao Ai snorted softly: "I warn you in advance."

When she first saw the news on the Internet, Qiao Ai was so angry that she almost lost her ability to think.

But soon she calmed down. After telling the secretary to do something, she immediately thought that the camera at the entrance of the company could be used by her. As long as she took it out, the matter could be resolved immediately.

"It's just that the matter was resolved so easily, it's not good, so I wanted to hold back and wait until I found someone who hired the navy. But I didn't expect that the other party was very cautious and left no trace."

"Let's let them be proud for another night for the time being. The more proud they are, the harder they will be hit tomorrow."

Zhou Chengyan pondered for a while: "It's good to uplift your opponent and throw her down, but this way, once an accident happens, it's easy to get rid of it."

"No." Qiao Ai is very confident about this: "The Qiao family is all my people now, and no one will take the opportunity to sneak in."

But Qiao Ai never expected that Zhou Chengyan's reminder turned out to be a prophecy!

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