Unexpectedly... Pan Guocheng now regrets and feels distressed. There is really nothing he can do about Pan Chengyan.

After Pan Chengyan was taken home by him, he was quite peaceful for the first two days. Although he had a weird temper and liked to beat people, he was still a little normal.

But since he accidentally saw his current appearance in the mirror, his temperament has changed drastically. Throwing things and beating people is light, and when it is serious, he even beats himself.

Pan Guocheng was terrified, so he found a psychiatrist to see him, and ordered people to hide all the porcelain and glass, but there was always a time when he couldn't hide it, and Pan Chengyan was always able to find it.

It's okay to be noisy during the day, and it's okay for Pan Chengyan to be noisy at night, and it's okay for the servants to be so noisy that they can't rest. Pan Guocheng is now supporting Pan with one hand, and he is often very busy. There is no day that he is not tired.

With Pan Chengyan making such a fuss in the middle of the night, he couldn't rest well, and gradually his energy couldn't keep up.

Pan Guocheng is miserable now, and often thinks viciously, let Pan Chengyan die and be clean.

But...he couldn't bear it.

"Hey...you're such a good person, why did you become like this?" Pan Guocheng said to himself, and found a tissue to wipe the saliva from Pan Chengyan's mouth.

Recently, he can't eat well. He feels like he has Alzheimer's disease. His mouth is a little crooked, he can't eat, and he also likes to drool. It's really disgusting.

Pan Chengyan grabbed Pan Guocheng's hand suddenly, his strength was incredible, he didn't look like a sick person at all.

Pan Guocheng was taken aback, "Son... what's wrong with you?"

Pan Chengyan grinned, and the voice that came out of his mouth was intermittent, "I want...I...want...see...Meng...Meng...Mengxi..."

He repeated this sentence several times. Pan Guocheng struggled to hear it, but he finally heard it clearly.

"What else did you see that woman doing?" Pan Guocheng frowned, thinking that Pan Chengyan was already like this, and still wanted to pick up girls?
After thinking about it, he felt something was wrong. He, a father, knew better than anyone who Pan Chengyan was. It was impossible for Pan Chengyan to hang himself from a tree, let alone the woman Meng Xi!

"If you want to meet, others may not necessarily meet."

"Since you caused Meng Dashan's car accident, their family has moved away, and they don't know where they live now. That boy Meng Dashan rarely goes to the company. He handles company affairs at home. His wife It seems that he is taking care of him by his side, and his daughter travels with bodyguards, but he is very cautious, and he doesn't know who he is guarding!"

Pan Guocheng frowned and said in a very disdainful tone.It was just a car accident. It scared the Meng family, as if someone would mess with their house anytime, anywhere, boring!

"No...no...not..." Pan Chengyan became agitated after hearing his words, and his expression became distorted.

"No...not...not...me!" He repeated with difficulty, hoping that Pan Guocheng would believe him.

At that time, his body had already been occupied by the Eyeless Man. Although he could know what happened outside, he couldn't control his body.

Meng Dashan's car accident was not caused by him either, it was obviously the eyeless man.

Although he is a bit of a jerk, he can't do murder and arson by himself!
Unfortunately, Pan Guocheng didn't understand what he meant at all, and rubbed the space between his brows impatiently, "Okay, okay, if you want to see that woman Meng Xi, then I'll help you find a way!"

"I really don't know what kind of bad luck you have in your life. The ex-fiancée and the ex-fiancee actually became friends. It's so funny!"

Pan Guocheng said a few words to himself, ordered his servants to take good care of Pan Chengyan, and left the room.

Pan Chengyan listened to his words in his heart. When he was occupied by the eyeless man, he knew that Shen Mulan and Meng Xi had become friends.

At that time, he was also very angry, but his body was occupied by others, there was really nothing he could do.

It had been a while, and he only wanted to take revenge on the guy who ruined his body, but now he heard Pan Guocheng unintentionally mention Meng Xi and Shen Mulan, he felt as sick as eating flies.

Back then, if it wasn't for Shen Mulan, he wouldn't have gone to Xia Yu and got himself into trouble!
However, he wasn't the only one in misery, Xia Yu lost his life, at least he was still alive!

Thinking of this, Pan Chengyan grinned and laughed weirdly, drooling while laughing, looking creepy and funny.

When the servants saw him like this, their backs turned cold, and each of them dared not show their breath.


Meng Xi woke up from a nightmare.

During this time, the dreams she had were all related to Meng Qingxi and Si Yancheng. Although she was troubled, she never woke up from fright.

This time, her dream was a little different.

In her dream, there was no Si Yancheng, nor Meng Qingxi, only a vast expanse of whiteness, a haggard old man with a face like a skeleton, chasing after her with rotten flesh hanging from his body, and while chasing, he smiled strangely, Still drooling, Meng Xi was really scared.

So I woke up suddenly.

Huo Shen wasn't asleep yet, the light by the bed was on, and he was flipping through a magazine.

Meng Xi took a breath, "Ah Shen, why are you still awake?"

She still has no idea what happened during the day.

Huo Shen has hardly slept recently. Seeing her wake up, he frowned, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Meng Xi nodded, "I had a very strange nightmare. A scary old man kept chasing me, drooling, and scared me to death..."

Although it was just a dream, Meng Xi still had lingering fears when she recalled the appearance of the old man in the dream.

Fortunately, in the dream, she wasn't caught by that old man, otherwise she probably wouldn't be able to wake up, and would have died of fright...

Meng Xi let out a breath, and subconsciously hugged Huo Shen's arm tightly, "Ah Shen, do you feel that there is something wrong with me recently, or do I seem to be a different person sometimes?"

Huo Shen's eyes were slightly deep, "Why do you ask such a question suddenly?"

Leaning on his shoulder, Meng Xi sighed heavily, "Will you listen to me? It's me and Si Yancheng..."

The name Si Yancheng was a thorn in Huo Shen's heart.

"I'll listen to what you say."

Meng Xi's eyes lit up, and he was about to blurt out what he had been brewing for a long time.

But for some reason, she suddenly felt very sleepy, and she fell asleep as soon as she tilted her head.

Huo Shen had already guessed that this would be the result. The other Meng Xi in her body would not let her speak out.

Huo Shen got up, hugged her and lay down again.

Meng Xi grabbed his hand instinctively, "Ah Shen..."

She called his name with a weird smile on her face.

One body, one soul, but two consciousnesses living in one soul.

Huo Shen held her hand instead and placed it over his heart.

Silent night.

Shen Mulan, who stayed overnight in the bone dragon's room, also woke up from a nightmare.

Bone Dragon hardly sleeps at night, so he got up quickly and turned on the light.

Shen Mulan was sweating profusely and threw herself into his arms.

"Bone Dragon was chasing me, and there was a scary old man who kept chasing me."

Bone Dragon patted her back lightly, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, "Don't be afraid, it's just a nightmare, I'm here!"

He didn't sleep all the time, Shen Mulan was lying beside him, he knew about the dream, but he didn't know that she would have such a strong reaction in the dream.

Shen Mulan calmed down in his arms for a while before her heart gradually calmed down.

"It's scary. I've never had such a nightmare. The old man was so scary. He kept chasing me and drooling. I thought he was going to eat me."

She had had many nightmares before, but none of them were as scary as today.She had never seen such a terrifying old man. He was covered in skin and bones, his head was like a skeleton, and there were sticks of meat hanging from his body. His bones could be seen. It was disgusting and terrifying.

And she was drooling... It felt like she saw some big meal, and she woke up with a start.

Fortunately, it was just a dream.

"Want to drink water?" Gu Long saw that she was sweating so much, his mouth was dry.

Shen Mulan nodded, but she was afraid of being alone in the room, so she followed the bone dragon downstairs to pour water.

Unexpectedly, they ran into Meng Xi and Huo Shen downstairs.

Meng Xi was wearing pajamas, with a big belly, messing around in the kitchen.

Huo Shen stood in the kitchen without making a sound or entering.

This scene was weird, Shen Mulan looked at the bone dragon, and asked silently: "What's going on?"

In the past few days, Meng Xi has been really weird, even an ordinary person can feel it.

In the middle of the night, to actually get up and dump things in the kitchen is really not like what Meng Xi would do in the past.

Gu Long shook his head, beckoning her to keep silent, telling her to wait where she was, and walked forward alone.

As soon as he got close, Huo Shen stretched out his hand to stop him, and told him not to enter the kitchen through sound transmission.

In the kitchen, Meng Xi was cutting fruit, her movements were slow but graceful.Meng Xi has always been a person who doesn't go into the kitchen, and is also a person who is frizzy when doing things. Bone Dragon knows this, but the way Meng Xi is doing things in front of him is nothing like Meng Xi.

During this period of time, he was focused on Shen Mulan, but he still knew something about what happened.

"Tianzun, going on like this is not an option." Bone Dragon said to Huo Shen through sound transmission with a solemn expression.

Huo Shen didn't respond, but stared at Meng Xi in the kitchen.

Meng Xi seemed to realize that someone was looking at her, and suddenly turned around with a smile on her face.

That smile was faint, yet strange.

Shen Mulan was already frightened by the nightmare, but seeing Meng Xi's sudden smile when she turned back, she almost screamed in fright.

She covered her mouth tightly and took a few steps back.

Gu Long noticed her abnormality and hurried forward to support her.

"Don't be afraid." He comforted softly.

Shen Mulan swallowed her saliva, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with Meng Xi? Is he bewitched?"

Bone Dragon shook his head, "Sleepwalking."

He was afraid of scaring Shen Mulan, so he made up a white lie.

Just after finishing speaking, Meng Xi in the kitchen suddenly fell down.

Huo Shen stepped forward to hug her, and disappeared into the kitchen in the blink of an eye.

Shen Mulan blinked her eyes, rubbed her own eyes repeatedly, and was sure that she was not mistaken, so she asked a little scared, "Where did they go?"

"Go back to the room." Bone Dragon replied.

Although Shen Mulan already knew the identities of Huo Shen and the group, but seeing it with her own eyes, she still felt... as if she had run into a ghost.

She took a deep breath, hugged Bone Dragon's arm tightly, "I don't drink any more water, let's go upstairs!"

Bone Dragon knew that she was afraid, but he still went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, and let her go upstairs together after drinking the water.

In a bustling city, even though it is late at night, there are still lively places.

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