After hearing Xia Nuan's explanation, Ming Sen felt a little lost. Seeing Xia Nuan's serious and serious look, he had to face the reality.

Xia Nuan had no intention of dating him at all, but Ke De made trouble out of it...

But he couldn't blame Kodd, after all, Kodd wanted to match them up.

"Mingsen, I'm really sorry, you're fine, but I really don't have that plan yet." Xia Nuan saw that Mingsen kept silent, thinking he was angry.

Mingsen scratched his head in embarrassment, with a trace of unwillingness in his embarrassment: "Xia, what do you think is wrong with me, I can change it."

 Xia Nuan paused, and looked at Mingsen friendly: "Mingsen, you are fine, you don't need to change anything for me, I believe you will find the right person."

Mingsen wanted to say something, but seeing Xia Nuan's determined face, he stopped talking.

Suddenly speechless, the two walked into the villa.

Mingsen pushed the cart and watched Xia Nuan walk into the living room.

Xia Nuan turned her head and waved at Mingsen: "Go back to your room and rest, Owen is going to wake up later."

"It's okay, Owen has someone watching for me. I see you going in and I'm going back." Mingsen said word by word, muffled.

Looking at Xia Nuan, he was a little lost.

Xia Nuan had no choice but to speed up the pace.

"Xia!" When Xia Nuan was about to open the door and enter the room, Ming Sen raised his voice and stopped her.

At this time, Ah Hui and Susan, who were hiding in the dark, pricked up their ears, covered their mouths, and listened carefully.

"Is there anything else, Mingsen?"

Xia Nuan asked Ming Sen beside the bonsai softly.

Mingsen plucked up his courage: "No matter when, I will wait for you."

Xia Nuan wanted to say something, Ming Sen blushed, turned around pushing the bicycle and walked into the house.

There was a hint of helplessness in Xia Nuan's moved eyes.

She doesn't care about her children now, she just wants to raise money as soon as possible.

Seeing Xia Nuan entering the living room, Ah Hui and Susan came out from the hiding place.

"This bitch is quite popular with men." Susan curled her lips and muttered.

Ah Hui supported her elbows: "Since Mingsen likes her so much, we should help them. When things are done, my wife will definitely give us a big bonus."

There was a golden light in Susan's eyes, she nodded in agreement with Ah Hui, looked around, took Ah Hui's hand, and disappeared into the moonlight.

Xia Nuan looked at her watch, it was eight o'clock, and she wondered if Ye Sichen had come back.

But it's too late, let's talk about it tomorrow.

Thinking of Ye Sichen instructing Ke De to match her and Minsen, he panicked.

Probably he didn't want her to have any unreasonable thoughts, so he introduced Mingsen to her. In fact, he was completely overwhelmed. She is not one of those fanatical fans. She thinks about how to be with him and how to meet him every day. She doesn't like chasing stars, and she doesn't like to do anything like flesh and blood.

Xia Nuan took a deep breath and went upstairs.

Opening the room of Wuyou Nianci, seeing them sleeping soundly on the cradle, she couldn't help herself, walked in, looked at the two treasures with eyes full of doting, lowered her head, and kissed each of them on the forehead .

"Baby, if I leave, will you still think of me?" She murmured in a low voice, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes.

She won't leave for a while, but as they grow up day by day, she can't be their nurse all the time.

"I've had babies before, but I'm not worthy of being a mother. I just hope that your mother can love you well. She has no reason not to love you, because you are so cute." touching.

Behind her, the awe-inspiring aura enveloped her little by little, making her extremely uncomfortable. She clutched her chest, turned around, and bumped into Ye Sichen.

Yesichen was standing less than ten centimeters away from her, if she moved forward, she would bump into him.

Xia Nuan's chest jumped, her mouth opened, and she looked up at Ye Sichen helplessly.

Ye Sichen was wearing a black bathrobe, with the neckline slightly open, revealing the lean muscles inside. His thick black hair was a little fluffy and messy, as if blown by a hairdryer, and his dark eyes shot straight into Xia Nuan's heart.

The breath of cold mint mixed with the faint smell of cigar made her feel strange.

Ye Sichen never smoked.

Xia Nuan stepped back, leaning against the shaker all the time, with her hands behind her back, tightly holding on to the shaker.

"Sir, I didn't know you were here, that... I'm going back to my room first." If she knew he was inside, she would never come in.

"Is one month enough?"

Ye Sichen's eyes looked like an aggressive sharp blade at this moment, looking directly at Xia Nuan, making people panic.

"What...a month?" Xia Nuan looked at him in a daze.

What does one month mean?
Why can't she understand what he said?

"Then approve your two-month marriage leave. If Mingsen can afford to support you, you can quit your job. There are two-legged nannies everywhere. If I want, I can find them right away." Ye Si said coldly, Turning around, walked to the sofa and sat down, crossed his legs, poured a glass of red liquid, and drank it down.

Only then did Xia Nuan realize that he was drinking.

Drinking and smoking are not good for your throat. He has always paid attention to protecting his throat, and he seems to be letting himself go all the time tonight.

It can be seen that he is in a bad mood.

But she is not his punching bag.

Xia Nuan bit her lips and looked at Ye Sichen: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, even if you don't match me and Mingsen, I won't pester you. You don't have to bother to match me with Mingsen. I'm not Mr. Ye." Those crazy and extreme fans will not have other thoughts about you, I only know that I am Wuyou and Nianci's nanny, of course, if Mr. Ye can find a suitable nanny to take care of them, he can fire me now."

What happened to Mingsen already made her feel uncomfortable, but when she came back and heard Ye Sichen's words, she felt even more uncomfortable.

From the looks of it, Ye Sichen wanted her to leave immediately.

Just leave, sooner or later, 500 million, she is thinking of a way, not to ask him.

"Then you go, no one will keep you." Yesi said deeply, and picked up the phone: "Akon, pay her salary."

When Xia Nuan heard it, she endured the resentment in her heart, shook her head, and left.

Yesi was pinching the wine glass, pouring down the wine without stopping at all, he was afraid that after he stopped, he would lose control of his legs and put down his body to chase her.

Xia Nuan walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs, Aken greeted her.

"Are you really going?" Aken stopped her.

Xia Nuan smiled faintly: "Well, you tell Mr. Ye that I will pay him back that debt slowly, as well as liquidated damages. When I have money, I will also pay him back together."

Aken frowned: "Wait a minute, I'll ask Mr."

Xia Nuan didn't stop Aken, and when Aken went upstairs, she walked out of the living room silently.

With a bang, a dazzling lightning flashed from the eastern sky and shone on Xia Nuan's pale face. She walked through the garden and walked out of the villa.

From behind, Mingsen called: "Xia? Where are you? It's going to rain, you can't leave!"

Xia Nuan ignored Mingsen, but stood silently in the hidden jungle, watching the moonlight in the sky.

Suddenly, someone covered her mouth from behind, Xia Nuan was about to turn around, but she couldn't open her eyes due to the smoky smell...

It was pouring rain outside, Ye Sichen sent people to search outside, but there was no sign of Xia Nuan.

Ye Sichen's heart sank unconsciously, except for Wuyou and Nianci, no one had ever made him so nervous.

He stood in the living room and paced back and forth, looking outside from time to time.

The bodyguard team sent by Bill searched around the villa, but there was still no news. Ye Sichen couldn't sit still anymore, took an umbrella and walked out, blending into a deep rain.

Damn, why did she run out?
Even if we have to leave, can't we wait for the heavy rain to pass?

Ye Sichen kept looking for Xia Nuan in the rain, behind him, Birched and a large group of bodyguards followed.

"Sir, she might have already taken a taxi home." Kord walked over holding an umbrella.

Bill came over with his coat and tried to put it on Ye Sichen's body, but Ye Sichen took a step forward and sank into the dense jungle.

"You guys wait here, I'll follow sir." Uncle Xiang chased after him holding an umbrella.

"Ahem!" Ye Sichen was drenched all over, coughing violently after catching a cold.

Uncle Xiang walked over with concern, holding an umbrella for him: "Sir, she is just a nanny."

Ye Sichen smiled bitterly, held hands, and leaned on the tree trunk: "Yes, Uncle Xiang, she is just a nanny, but she gives Wuyou and Nianci endless maternal love, I really deserve to die, why do you say those words to shock me?" Her?" He regretted it too much, and a trace of grief flashed in his melancholy eyes.

Uncle Xiang sighed and supported him: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely find her back."

Xia Nuan woke up quietly, but found herself lying on a soft bed. She opened her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Mingsen's concerned eyes.

After moving her hands, she found that she didn't seem to be wearing any clothes under the quilt.

Xia Nuan gasped, and couldn't help wrapping the quilt tightly around her body. She looked around and found that this was Ming Sen's bedroom, and a ray of morning light shone in through the open window.

When she left the villa last night, it was raining heavily. In the rain, she was covered with her mouth, and then she fell into a coma and became unconscious.

"Xia, you're awake." Mingsen smiled happily. Seeing that she was always on guard, he explained, "You were almost bullied by bad guys last night. I saved you from them. Your clothes are all wet." , so I took it off for you, and slept in wet clothes and caught a cold. Don’t worry, I haven’t seen your body, I turned off the light and let you take it off.”

Mingsen was afraid that Xia Nuan would regard him as a villain who took advantage of others.

Despite this, Xia Nuan still felt embarrassed: "Thank you, Mingsen, but you shouldn't have brought me back here, after all, I have already been fired by Mr. Ye."

Mingsen smiled: "Mr. Ye is very generous. Even if you are fired, he will not be so cold as to drive you away. He is saying that you have no credit and hard work."

Xia Nuan felt sour in her heart, it wasn't a taste, but she tried her best not to show it in front of Mingsen.

"Xia Nuan, you are too shameless to stay overnight at Mingsen's place!"

At this time, a woman kicked open the door of Mingsen's room, and Owen was so scared that he burst into tears in the cart.

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