Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 688 Bring Fiennes to See You

"Master, if the young lady continues like this, her body will not be able to take it anymore. Why don't you listen to the doctor's arrangement?"

Rong Bai leaned against the icy cold wall decadently, his clothes were already soaked in sweat, he was very confused, like a lost child who can't find his way home, he stared blankly at the secretary who was speaking, what the doctor said As if it was still in my ears, and the gentle, pale and decisive gaze was also lingering in my mind.

Rong Bai doesn't know what else he can do now, what else can he do, when Wen Wan's life is dying.The secretary was silent, and didn't know what to say at this time.Wen Wan's smiling face appeared in his mind in a trance, and he remembered that when Wen Wan knew that she had lung cancer, her heart was very calm, as if she was relieved.

At that time, he had already sought out the top doctor in the world to treat Wen Wan, but Wen Wan refused.She no longer has any nostalgia for this world, and it would be a relief for her to leave as soon as possible.She is willing to wait for death slowly while knowing that she may die at any time.

The lights in the operating room went out.The doctor came out with a stern face, and the nurses behind him looked calm and unmoved. They had long been used to these life and death, and they were mentally numb.

"Mr. Rong, Ms. Wen's cancer cells have spread. We still recommend that you send Ms. Wen to the hospital for treatment immediately." In Beicheng, Wen Wan's attending doctor was Wen Cen's attending doctor. He knew that Wen Wan also suffered from lung cancer. After that, she was also very surprised, because her mother Wen Cen died of lung cancer.

Rong Bai was stunned, and he nodded blankly. It is very difficult to persuade Wen Wan to be hospitalized and receive treatment, and he is not confident that he can persuade her.He stood by the side, looking at the unconscious Wen Wan who was pushed out, his heart was filled with despair.Things in France, Wen Wan's situation improved obviously, he thought that was the beginning of happiness, then...

The age difference between the secretary and Rong Bai is not too big. He is the secretary, but in fact he and Rong Bai were playmates who grew up together. The secretary's father is the housekeeper of the Rong family, and Rong Bai's father also grew up together.The secretary sighed helplessly, walked over, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder lightly a few times, and said, "Master, according to the doctor's arrangement, the young lady may live a little longer."

Live longer?Now even surviving has become a luxury, and I can only pray that Wen Wan can live longer?Rong Bai leaned against the wall weakly, slid down slowly, squatted on the ground, covered his face with his hands, a hot tear flowed from the socket of his eyes, and fell on the palm of his hand.

Rong Bai had never felt that the time was so long yet so fast. He stayed in Wen Wan's hospital bed for two days and two nights. During these two days, he watched Wen Wan wake up from the pain with his own eyes. Zhong passed out, and the doctors and nurses subdued him forcibly, so that he couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

The sky lightened up slightly, and the dark night sky was slid open by the white belly that suddenly lit up in the sky, revealing the faint light. Rong Bai sat quietly beside the hospital bed, staring intently at him with his eyes closed so that he couldn't see his gentleness.He looks forward to the day when she recovers, but he also knows that day will never come.

Suddenly, the fingers tightly held by him twitched slightly, he didn't even dare to blink his eyes, so he locked all his eyes on Wen Wan's eyes that were about to open, seeing her eyelashes trembling slightly , A trace of excitement rose in his heart, he hoped that Wen Wan would wake up, and even more hoped that when she woke up, it would not be with pain.

Wen Wan slowly opened her eyes, her vision was slightly blurred, she moved her fingers only to find that there was still a needle inserted in the back of her hand, she couldn't help frowning, the strong smell of disinfectant in the ward made her feel very uncomfortable, even I really want to leave the hospital immediately.As long as she is in the hospital, she will know very clearly that her life has entered a countdown state.

Although they are all waiting to die, she is unwilling to lie on the hospital bed and wait for death slowly. She wants to spend the last time with Rong Bai well, and then do something within her power, or go to Meet the people she misses all the time.She blinked, tilted her head to look at Rong Bai, in his eyes, she seemed to see more despair than herself, facing death, she seemed to be more calm than Rong Bai.

The corner of Wen Wan's mouth slightly raised, she looked at Rong Bai with a faint smile and said, "I'm in good health, you don't have to worry about me."

"Wanwan, let's receive treatment, shall we?" This sentence almost cost Rong Bai his whole body. He knew what Wen Wan was thinking now, but he still hoped that she could live longer and stay in the hospital for treatment. .Is he being selfish?Rong Bai thought about it, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

"Rong Bai, do you know why I want to go back to Beicheng?" Wen Wan said to herself, "Although many things happened here that made me despair, I still want to go back to this life for more than 20 years. A place where there are people I want to meet, and there are..."

"I see." After hearing Wen Wan's words, Rong Bai couldn't help but interrupt. He knew that the main reason for Wen Wan's return must be to see Fiennes again before leaving the world.So he admitted it, and he didn't want to argue with Fiennes, as long as he wanted to have a place in Wen Wan's heart, that was enough.

Rong Bai stood up slowly, and slowly let go of the hand in his hand. He looked at Rong Bai who was standing with his back facing him in a gentle and puzzled manner. Before she could ask him what he knew, he heard Rong Bai speak again. Said, "I'll bring him to you."

As soon as the words fell, Rong Bai turned around and left the ward. He didn't have the courage to stay here any longer, let alone see the picture of Wen Wan and Fiennes getting along.He admits that he is cowardly in front of love and cautious in front of Wen Wan.When he walked out of the ward, he happened to meet the secretary who came over, so he said flatly, "Take care of Wen Wan, and I'll do something."

"Master, what are you going to do? Why don't you leave it to me?" The secretary was very surprised. The young master, who has always been reluctant to leave Wen Wan, would take the initiative to say that he would leave. He didn't know what else could be better than being with Miss Wen. Being around is more important.

Rong Bai didn't speak, but left silently after giving his orders.The secretary didn't react until the elevator door was closed, but the person had disappeared before his eyes.

Rong Bai drove directly towards Fei's old house alone.When the car was parked outside Fei's old house, he was pulled over.

"Sir, who are you looking for?"


"Our young master is now with the master and has no time to see you."

Hearing this, Rong Bai didn't talk too much, he just stepped on the gas pedal, startled the guard in front of him, and drove straight into the courtyard. The bodyguard who received the news thought that someone broke in on purpose, This also had to alert Fiennes.

Mr. Fei looked at Fiennes suspiciously, and asked, "Who is this Rongbai? Do you know him?"

Fiennes frowned slightly, didn't Rong Bai go to France with gentleness?Why did he appear in Beicheng now, and why would he still come to find him?Could it be...Wen Wan is back?

"Grandpa, I'm going out for a while." As soon as Fiennes finished speaking, he turned around and left. He walked ahead quickly and saw Rong Bai fighting with the bodyguard at the door.This was the first time he had seen Rong Bai's skill, no matter how you looked at it, Rong Bai's skill should be on par with his.

"Stop!" Fiennes shouted suddenly.

The bodyguard stopped immediately, but Rong Bai didn't think so, he was still attacking, but pointed at Fiennes, he rushed straight towards Fiennes, the old man who followed behind saw this scene, Suddenly gasped, this person should not be underestimated.

Fiennes fought with Rong Bai calmly, and the old man became more and more startled as he stood beside him, and even felt very familiar, especially Rong Bai's moves, he seemed to have seen them somewhere before.Just when the two of them were fighting hard to part, Fiennes suddenly stopped.

Rong Bai had no choice but to attack, so Fiennes took a punch hard, with a faint smell of blood on the corner of his mouth, he turned his head to stare at Rong Bai, and said in a cold voice, "You came here specifically to find me, It's not just for fighting with me, what about Wen Wan?"

"You don't deserve to mention Wen Wan's name!" Rong Bai roared, gesticulating to make a move.

Unexpectedly, the bodyguards rushed forward again and hugged Rong Bai.That's right, just hug.limit his activities.

Fiennes coughed a few times. The punches he just hit him were real. He didn't feel it before, but now he felt a little pain. He walked up to Rong Bai and saw that he was very emotional, so he said, "Where's Wen Wan? Didn't she come back with you?"

"Fiennes, you are not a man! All the pain is borne by women, what use is there for you to live in this world? You are a bastard!"

"You came to me just to scold me, so I won't accompany you."

Seeing that Fiennes was about to be taken out, Rong Bai took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions when he saw Fiennes, and after a long time, he said slowly, "I want you to go immediately See Wen Wan!"

"Where is she?"

Rong Bai was silent.Seeing this, Fiennes let people relax.Follow Rong Bai out of the old house.But the old man who was standing by the side had been staring at Rong Bai with scrutiny and inquiry in his eyes. Rong Bai looked so much like an old friend of his, even the way he made a move just now was somewhat similar to him.

"Housekeeper, how do you think that man makes you feel?" The old man asked seriously to the housekeeper beside him.

The butler pondered for a few seconds, then shook his head, "I don't know."

"Xiao Si called him Rongbai just now, which Rong family do you think it is?" Only then did I realize that it had been so many years.

"Master, hasn't the Rong family left from Beicheng?"

"Back then, the Rong family did leave from Beicheng. Now that it's been so long, I don't know if they're coming back?"

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