Liu Xu woke up before dawn. She checked the time on her phone. It was almost 4:[-]. She was about to get up and wait for the sunrise. When she sat up, she realized that Ouyang Hao was still holding her left hand. The hazy light Looking at his sleeping face, the seriousness of the past is gone, and the corners of his mouth are still curled up nicely. He didn't want to wake him up, so he tried to pull out his fingers little by little, but after only one movement, the other party opened his eyes : "Where are you going?"

"Uh... I just want to get up, freshen up and watch the sunrise, so can you let go?" Liu Xu asked cautiously.

Ouyang Hao followed suit and sat up: "Let's go together!" Not allowing her to shirk, he had already pulled her up and walked out of the tent.Liu Xu thought that she would have to brush her teeth and wash her face later, and the most important thing was that she had to urinate now, so she couldn't take him with her: "Don't you think it's inconvenient to do so?"

"That's right, I'll let you move around freely first." Ouyang Hao's tone sounded like a kind of imperial grace, and as soon as he let go of Liu Xu, he immediately wanted to use the temporary toilet by the beach.After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he thought whether he should call his cousin to watch the sunrise together: "Ouyang Hao, do you need to wake up my cousin?"

Ouyang Hao thought about their battle situation last night and probably didn't have much energy to watch the sunrise. Seeing that this girl is very thin-skinned, it's not easy to point it out directly: "Don't worry about them, we will watch ours."

"Alright then." Liu Xu walked forward alone, trying to find a suitable spot to watch the sunrise.The seaside is cold in the early morning, and it is cool to step on the sand wearing single shoes. After walking a few steps, Ouyang Hao called out: "Come here!" Being hugged by the other party, he hurriedly shouted: "Ouyang Hao, what are you doing?"

Ouyang Hao walked forward with big strides: "I'm afraid that the soles of your feet will catch cold, but the main thing is to let you get used to me slowly." After walking for a few minutes, he chose a place to put her down, spread his coat on a stone by himself After sitting down: "Girl, come here."

With the experience just now, Liu Xu will not pass this time: "I'll just stand aside and watch..." Seeing the change in Ouyang Hao's eyes in the middle of the sentence, she still walked to him weakly, and was not surprised. He pulled him to the side and sat down, with his whole upper body still nestled in his arms, not allowing her to retort: ​​"Sit down, look ahead, the sun is about to rise." Liu Xu looked over, and sure enough, a white belly appeared in front of her, gradually turning white It turned pink, and on the sea level, the red sun slowly emerged, and it jumped out of the water in a blink of an eye until it was firmly hanging on the other side of the sea.

This is the first time for Liu Xu to watch the sunrise at the seaside. This kind of sunrise seems to bring hope to people more than usual. At this moment, she is actually a little immersed in Ouyang Hao's arms, feeling that this embrace is very warm and safe. .Ouyang Hao looked at her intoxicated expression. If she was intoxicated by the scenery, then he was already intoxicated by her expression. He held her hand again: "Are you happy?"

"Happy!" Liu Xu looked at the scenery.

Ouyang Hao tried to divert her gaze, and raised her chin with his index finger to face him: "Have you seen enough of the scenery?" "Yes!" Liu Xu passively looked into his terrifying eyes, and responded foolishly.

"At this romantic time, should we do something romantic?" After Ouyang Hao finished speaking, he did not give the other party a chance to question, and pressed his lips to Liu Xu, but with yesterday's experience, Liu Xu immediately reacted, and quickly Cover his mouth with your hands: "Ouyang Hao, you are here again!"

Ouyang Hao took her hand and smiled lightly: "The reaction is very quick!" But she didn't react for a while, and when she did, the other party's long tongue had already invaded her mouth, and the kiss was a little domineering.He wantonly snatched her aura. After getting along with her for this period of time, he understood that sometimes this girl can't be too accommodating to her, otherwise she will completely forget their current relationship.

Everything seemed to be taken for granted, but she felt unprepared, and before she could resist, he had already let go of her, looked at her flushed cheeks and caressed: "Don't say that I don't mean anything, I'm just letting you get used to it slowly." I, I promise not to do anything out of line."

"..." Liu Xu was a little annoyed at herself, obviously she was taken advantage of, why she fell into it a little bit, and broke away from his embrace while the other party was not paying attention: "Anyway, I can't beat you."

Ouyang Hao didn't allow her to avoid him all the time, some things had to be faced by her, this girl didn't have any emotional experience, so if he didn't take the initiative, it would only be more difficult for the two of them to get along in the future, so he stepped forward and hugged her again: "I take you somewhere."

"Where?" Liu Xu was too lazy to resist in his embrace.

"Didn't you say that our relationship was unreal yesterday? So, go to a place that gives you a sense of reality." After Ouyang Hao finished speaking, he walked in the direction of the car, and Liu Xu looked at the two tents behind him: "There is no need to fight with them." hello?"

"I'll text Qin Mo later, let's go first."

After Qin Mo and Angle got up, it was more than an hour later, and it was not surprising that Qin Mo looked at the text message on the phone: "Ah Hao, this kid should be done, Angle, next is the two of us." The world of two."

Ouyang Hao drove the car to the door of a wedding dress shop, Ai Yi, the name of this shop, Liu Xu, had been read in a magazine, and many celebrities or business people were looking for this shop, the grade can be imagined.Did Ouyang Hao bring her here to try on the wedding dress?

Ouyang Hao closed the car door: "You should have guessed it? Yesterday they informed me that the custom-made wedding dress has arrived. Go and try it on. If there is something that doesn't fit, there is still time to change it." Ouyang Hao stretched out his right hand, passing through his wedding dress last night. After some "education", Liu Xu lost some scruples, stretched out her hand wisely, and interlocked her fingers.

After entering, a lady with a manager's sign on her clothes took the initiative to greet her: "President Ouyang, the clothes have been prepared according to your requirements, please follow me." Ouyang Hao nodded slightly, and took Liu Xu by the elevator to the third floor In a private room, the manager invited the two to sit down, greeted them with drinks and fruits, and then personally brought a large box with exquisite packaging and a box with a smaller box: "President Ouyang, this is the one that was delivered yesterday. The wedding dress, without your consent, we haven't opened it yet."

"Okay, you guys go down, don't come in without my order."


After the staff left, Ouyang Hao pushed the bigger box in front of Liu Xu: "This is for you, so you should be its first audience."Liuxu obediently walked to the box and unpacked it. After opening it, there were pure white and jasmine patterns inside. Although it was still neatly placed inside, it must be very beautiful as you can imagine. My sincere thanks: "Ouyang Hao , thank you! Very beautiful, I like it very much!"

Ouyang Hao walked to the side: "I'll take a look too." Liu Xu saw that the flesh-colored thing on the top should be underwear worn with a wedding dress, and quickly closed the box: "I'll see if it's okay after I wear it." ?”

"Okay, then go and try it now."

Liu Xu has no experience in wearing wedding dresses; "Try it now? I'm afraid I won't wear it well. Do you want to ask the staff to come in and help?"

Ouyang Hao picked up the box: "No, I can only show you your body in the future. If you don't know how, I can help you."

Liu Xu blushed when she heard his words, she looked at her body, and snatched the box from his hand: "I think I can do it myself, you are not allowed to come in!"

Ouyang Hao watched her flustered back, sat down, and did not forget to remind: "The waist of the wedding dress has a hidden button design, if you feel that the waist is a little tight, you can let it go."

"Hmm." Liu Xu wondered how he knew about this design, maybe he had seen the content of the design before, and it was really good to have this design, so he wouldn't be afraid of being strangled.

Catkins first put on matching underwear. The flesh-colored underwear is embroidered with silver and white jasmine patterns, which is very delicate. The wedding dress is a tube top design. The skirt of the wedding dress is designed to be short at the front and long at the back. position, with a long trail behind it.Don't worry about being tripped, the pure white skirt is cut into a skirt with countless pleats, a layer of light gauze covers the outer layer of the pleats with a layer of mist, and it is handmade from the chest down The embroidered faint jasmine pattern is completely hand-embroidered, connected intermittently, and the stamens are dotted with small diamonds. There are so many beautiful details that the catkins can't describe it in their own words. After wearing it, it turns out The size fits perfectly, which is completely tailor-made.In order to match the shape of the wedding dress, she simply tied her hair up in a bun, and because the casual shoes she was wearing didn't fit her very well, she simply took off her shoes.Looking at myself in the glasses, I didn't expect that I would be so good-looking. As expected, people rely on clothes, and after making sure that there is nothing wrong with what they are wearing, they opened the curtain of the fitting room.

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