Early this morning, Yun Muxi and Gong Yu were called by Zhao Yi to the crew for a meeting.

As soon as He Xin, Wang Hao, Gong Yu, and Yun Muxi took their seats, Zhao Yi sat up straight seriously, glanced around the crowd, and said straight to the point: "I asked everyone to come here today to communicate and change the script. This time, because of Ding Sisi's fuss, the plot of the finale has been leaked. It is not a trivial matter that such a crucial part of the finale has been leaked. Although I dealt with it in time, someone must have seen it. And there is no guarantee of continued transmission, so certain changes must be made to the plot. Do you guys have any opinions on the revision of the entire script?"

Wang Hao rubbed his chin with his index finger, thought for a moment, and said firstly: "Actually, for this part of the finale, I think this open ending is quite good, giving people unlimited room for reverie, but if It seems inappropriate to directly change to a resultant ending, whether it is a comedy or a tragedy ending."

Yun Muxi frowned and listened quietly, and accidentally met Gong Yu's probing eyes, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, a vague thought flashed by, and a subtle sense of uneasiness came to her heart .

Sure enough, after a while, Gong Yu's steady voice sounded leisurely: "I have a bold idea. Our drama itself is also a time-travel drama. Since the heroine can come and go freely in the ancient and modern worlds, why can't the hero follow the heroine in the end?" How about traveling to modern times with the Lord?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yi's eyes shone brightly. He raised his right index finger and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. He nodded and said, "Well, this proposal is very good! Audiences always like those perfect stories with elements of persistence, devotion, and true love." , we can add some obstacles here for the male protagonist to travel to the modern age or allow the male protagonist to accept a little suffering and add a little twists and turns, so as to make this love more touching, and this will also touch the hearts of the audience and make them cry. Tears or something."

Wang Hao continued to add: "Well, it's better to let the male lead almost die, or the male lead can't find the female lead and search hard, or the female lead loses her memory or something, anyway, it's the best way to deal with it!"

He Xin also slapped his hands excitedly, smiled heartily, and then said: "Well, not bad! In this way, this ending is better than the previous open ending. I like it! Gong Yu, yes, this idea is very good! Xiaoxi What do you think?"

Yun Muxi glanced at Gong Yu, and was facing Gong Yu's dark and surging eyes. There seemed to be a storm brewing in those eyes, which made Yun Muxi's heart drop for a moment, and then said with some concerns: "But I still don't have any good ideas about the setting of this ending, how did the hero follow the heroine through time travel?"

Gong Yu turned his gaze to everyone, and said in a deep voice, "It's simple, let's add a small opportunity to the heroine's time travel, such as adding something similar to a doll bear..."

Speaking of this, Gong Yu's eyes paused on Yun Muxi's face, and happened to see Yun Muxi's expression was extremely unnatural, and continued: "And this doll has special magic power, it can be used when the heroine is drunk and takes the girl The main time travels, when the heroine leaves at the end, she is sad and does not intend to come back here, so she throws the doll, an important object, in the ancient world at the last moment of time travel. The way to travel to modern times."

Zhao Yi nodded, with a hint of joy on his face, he agreed and said: "Well, this is not bad. Before, I thought that the heroine's time travel seemed to be short of something, but I didn't think much about it before. Now it seems that everything is more interesting. It makes sense! Having such a magical little object really adds some highlights to the whole plot!"

Yun Muxi was already a little upset at the moment, she couldn't calm down about Gong Yu's proposal, and everything was moving more and more towards the track designed by Gong Yu, which made her feel very uneasy.

The pen in Yun Muxi's hand randomly drew circles on the notebook, without opening her mouth for a long time.

Seeing that Yun Muxi didn't speak and was drawing something on the notebook, Zhao Yi thought he was still thinking, so he said directly to Yun Muxi: "Xiaoxi, let's change the whole plot like this! Let's shoot other people's scenes first these few days , you should concentrate on improving the script first."

Yun Muxi nodded.

Zhao Yi went on to say: "We will start your role after the script is revised. We are very satisfied with your performance last time, Xiaoxi. I hope you can maintain this state in the future. Don't let us down! "

Yun Muxi almost forgot about the female number one. Suddenly, Director Zhao moved forward again, and Yun Muxi felt even more miserable in his heart. He hesitated and said, "Director Zhao, how about we discuss this matter in the long run?"

He Xin chuckled and said to Yun Muxi: "Xiaoxi, don't be nervous, your performance last time was very good, definitely no worse than Ding Sisi, believe in yourself! We expect your performance!"

Yun Muxi actually wanted to say that although she performed well last time, she really couldn't bear the pain!If this goes on like this, she really can't imagine that if the filming of this movie is over, her heart will be riddled with holes.


After the meeting was over, Yun Muxi returned home.Feeling very tired, she found that she was becoming more and more afraid of Gong Yu, this man was too lethal to her, he could beat her back every time, she really didn't know how long she could last.

She lay on her back on the bed, staring straight at the ceiling...

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Yun Muxi only recovered after half a ring, and hurriedly got up to open the door.

When the door was opened, Gong Yu looked straight at her with a calm face, his eyes were so penetrating, as if he could see through her soul, making Yun Muxi unnaturally dodge.

Without waiting for Yun Muxi to speak, Gong Yu walked in from the room, as if returning to his own home.Yun Muxi closed the door, turned around and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Gong Yu took off his coat and put it on the back of the sofa, sat down on the sofa calmly, then raised his head to look directly at Yun Muxi, and said, "Let's have a good talk!"

Yun Muxi frowned slightly, and said softly: "What do we have to talk about!"

Gong Yu's face was still calm and composed, but a wave of anger began to rise slightly in his heart, and gradually spread.

Gong Yu looked directly at Yun Muxi with her phoenix eyes, as if she wanted to see through Yun Muxi's heart. After a full minute, she slowly said: "We have never communicated well, and it is impossible to keep talking. If things go on like this, it’s better to speak openly and honestly!”

Yun Muxi dodged Gong Yu's gaze, which was like infrared rays, which made Yun Muxi really have no time to fight. Yun Muxi tried her best not to see any ups and downs in her complexion, and pretended to be flat and said: "I'm really I don't think we have anything to talk about!"

Gong Yu stood up abruptly, strode in front of Yun Muxi, Bo Ang could no longer be suppressed, the dark light surged in his eyes, as if a violent storm was about to blow, condensing the power of darkness.

Gong Yu grabbed Yun Muxi's slender shoulders, and pinched Yun Muxi's sharp chin with the other hand, forcing Yun Muxi to look up into his own glasses, and said coldly: "Yun Muxi Why are you pretending to be stupid? Do you think this is really interesting? Or is this just a way for you to get caught?"

Yun Muxi's shoulders and chin ached from being pinched by Gong Yu, and the pain caused Yun Muxi to feel a little angry in an instant, and said angrily, "I'm playing hard to get, why should I play hard to get you, obviously you have been pestering me for no reason. OK!"

Gong Yu sneered, his eyes became sharper, and he said with a trace of sternness: "Heh... I don't know why? Yun Muxi, you clearly still have me in your heart, why do you deny everything? And tell me that I don't know why?"

Yun Muxi replied coldly: "Gong Yu, you are too self-righteous, right? Who told you that I have you in my heart?"

Gong Yu moved his head a little closer, his breath was mixed with Yun Muxi's, staring at those big black and clear eyes close at hand, and said word by word: "Your body is stronger than yours. The mouth is more honest! Shall I prove it to you now?"

Yun Muxi's heart suddenly became chaotic, like a flood, quickly hitting every corner of his heart, the onslaught was so fierce that Yun Muxi couldn't control the panic at all!

Yun Muxi hurriedly tried to break free from Gong Yu's fingers, and her slender fingers pinched Gong Yu's fingers that were pinching her chin vigorously, but Gong Yu's fingers seemed to be glued on by super glue, she was completely unmoved, and instead became more and more Tighten your strength.

Seeing the panic in Yun Muxi's eyes, Gong Yu smiled wickedly in satisfaction.Let go of the fingers pinching Yun Muxi's chin, wrap around Yun Muxi's waist, turn around, and easily bring Yun Muxi into the sofa. The whole movement is extremely graceful and smooth, just like the plot in a TV series, which makes people feel Looking forward to it with envy, he is simply so handsome, romantic and tender.

But at this moment, Yun Muxi had no time to think about these things, and was completely panicked.Looking at Gong Yu in horror, her already fair cheeks turned pale at the moment.Yun Muxi said in a panic, "Gong Yu, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was sealed by a pair of cool thin lips.

Yun Muxi was so anxious that she was about to cry, twisting her body, trying to break free, but she didn't move at all.

It is indeed difficult for Yun Muxi to resist Gong Yu's passionate kiss. The taste not only easily arouses Gong Yu's lust, but also has magic power to make Yun Muxi sink and be intoxicated!
Sure enough, in the end, Yun Muxi still couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the emotion, and gradually lost her sanity, and responded to Gong Yu's kiss with clumsy cooperation...

All the anger in Gong Yu's heart for Yun Muxi's response immediately disappeared, and his mood became more and more cheerful. He couldn't help but sigh inwardly: Yun Muxi is really the knot of his vitality, and he can't do without her all his life. entangled.

His love was born because of her, his hatred was also born because of her, even the motivation to survive is now because of her, his life can no longer live without her, but what about her life?Will it also be inseparable from him?It's just that she doesn't want to admit it?

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