Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 40 I'm a Big Star (9)

Chapter 40 I'm a Big Star (9)

Probably did not expect the month to be so early.

The person who broke the news sitting in front of the computer was dumbfounded, looking at the forwarded information that had just been refreshed.

Trembling hands.

Qiyue's words were like a slap in the face, burning hot.

Distraught, he wanted to delete Weibo.

But thinking that he had collected the money, he gritted his teeth and turned off the computer.

Anyway, he just took the order and broke the news, and got the money, who cares about the content of the news.

Qiyue's tough and arrogant answer is considered No.1 in the entertainment industry.

In the past, no one would reply to these marketing accounts like this, most of them meant to send a lawyer's notice letter.

Everyone doesn't know whether to sue or not, and the celebrity himself doesn't say anything. Most of the time, it will be nothing.

For a moment, the whole network boiled.

Since the beginning of the month, Weibo has flooded with a large number of onlookers.

@小情儿: Young lady is so handsome!Although I am not your fan, but today I decided to become a fan! ! !
@启月: Ahhhhhh, the little sister who sounds the same as my id looks so good-looking!The fairies have worked hard!Why didn't I realize that Miss Sister is such a cool big baby!It's pink!

@When the wind in June has no temperature: The marketing account is nothing more than a brain, the timeline is chaotic, I looked at the debut experience of the young lady, and she debuted for 20 years when she was only 15 years old!What kind of fairy is this, and the longer it grows, the better it looks, and it doesn't have any damage at all!What kind of fairy girl is this! awsl~

@起月是小喜cute: That’s right, I’ve never seen someone become a three-accompany at the age of five. The marketing account earns all kinds of black-hearted money, and I’m not afraid of going out and falling into the sewer and not getting out.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.I have licked the old photos and faded them, I urgently need new photos! ! !
@云深是一个猫 Reply @When the wind in June has no temperature: Yes, yes, Yueyue has always been super beautiful, especially when she was young, she was white and tender, with a chubby face, so cute!Now she is a super invincible and beautiful beauty. She is my favorite beauty, and she has no regrets when she dies!
@月月Have you eaten yet?Reply @云深是only a cat: Yueyue is a great beauty, but I think Yueyue is too thin now, like a bone frame. I was afraid that she would be blown away by the evil wind on location, so I have to ask Yueyue Have you eaten today?


The crowd who were rushing to watch the excitement, ended up entering Qiyue's Weibo and couldn't get out.

Because they are curious about what kind of person such a tough star would be.

Then I turned to various selfies and artistic photos.

Or cold, or naughty, or funny, or gentle...

Photos of various styles emerge in endlessly.

Without exception, it was the same beautiful girl.

Either happy or sad, or angry or laughing.

They are all amazed, how can there be such a good-looking person in this world.

They turned from passers-by to fans.

In the era when face is justice, Qiyue's impeccable face made them fall into the powder pit.

And said that he didn't want to get up again.

The number of fans on Weibo has soared since the beginning of the month.

From more than 8000 million all the way up, it can barely stop when it reaches more than 300 million.

The Weibo comment area was harmonious.

Because most of the new fans are Yan fans, I haven't paid attention to Qiyue's works.

On the square, old fans bring new fans, and Amway Science is so lively.

Of course, on the way, I also saw a few black fans jumping around.

They didn't even bother to look.

Reporting and complaints can be done in one go.

So when other moviegoers saw that Yue Weibo was incredibly calm and the number of Weibo fans increased dramatically, they all dropped their jaws in shock.

Is it so capricious to look good?

Sorry, it's okay.

Qiyue's Weibo was posted in less than an hour, and other related black material hot searches were suddenly withdrawn.

Even those marketing accounts have deleted Weibo.

Qiyue lay gracefully on the sofa, with Xin's long jade arms stretched out, she took an apple and gnawed it.

Biting the apple in his mouth, there was a crisp sound.

Her eyes were wide open, and she frowned as she watched the hot searches on Weibo's hot search list suddenly disappear.

Who is so capable to withdraw all the trending searches for her black material?
Huo Zhengqing?
Impossible, he wished that she would not be able to survive in the entertainment industry.

Qiyue is not really worried.

As far as she is concerned, after being hidden for a month without an announcement, there will be no popularity on Weibo.

Didn't the hot searches this time just give her popularity?

Seeing that the number of fans was about to exceed [-] million, she was just happy when the trending search was withdrawn.

Qiyue: "..."

But looking at his active Weibo fan group.

She is quite satisfied.

After eating the apple, he sent a message back to Mu Nanqin, and then went to dry his hair.

Qiyue's hair has almost dried naturally, but it is a little moist.

After drying your hair, finish your basic skin care products.

Looking at the pink-faced girl in the mirror, looking forward to the flying girl, she couldn't be more satisfied.

Ning Qi Yue's child is really good, he doesn't take care of himself much, his skin is so good.

Although it's a bit behind her body.

After appreciating her beauty, Qiyue turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The first day of being a big star is pretty good.

On the other hand, Mu Nanheng's mood improved a lot as he watched the hot searches on Weibo disappear in an instant.

He was planning to return to Muhuang Entertainment to support Qiyue's future development.

But when he browsed Weibo in his spare time, the sudden trending search made him suddenly irritable.

Mu Nanheng couldn't bear to see other people talking about Yue halfway.

Even if he knew that all the revelations were rumors.

But the woman he likes, can others discredit her?
Immediately, with a cold face, he called the secretary he hadn't contacted for five years.

When she received a call from her boss who had been autistic for five years, the secretary was both happy and surprised.

The good news is that Muhuang Entertainment is finally expected to rise again. In recent years, the people sent by the old man are too amateurs, and the signing of artists is a mess.

And to his surprise, his days are coming to an end.

As the president's secretary, he is very capable of working.

But even so, it is often not enough, and is often criticized and squeezed by the boss Mu Nanheng.

Having not followed Mu Nanheng for the past five years, his skin is almost loose.

Now that Mu Nanheng is back, he probably will lose his skin.

When he heard that Mu Nanheng asked him to delete all Weibo posts about Hei Qiyue on Weibo.

He didn't dare to procrastinate, so he went to do it immediately.

"Hey, Boss, I have withdrawn all the trending searches by the lady boss."

At this moment, the tail behind him was wagging happily, as if begging for a reward.

Mu Nanheng had never asked him to do anything because of a woman, and Qiyue who suddenly appeared now must be the proprietress.

Don't ask him why.

This is the intuition of Jiumu Nanheng, even after five years, the intuition is very accurate.

Sure enough, Mu Nanheng was in a good mood, and his tone was not as cold as before, but a little more cheerful, "Well done, this month's bonus will be doubled."

The secretary on the other end of the phone almost smiled crookedly, "Thank you BOSS, I will definitely work harder in the future."

Work harder to help the proprietress.

Although I don't know why the proprietress is not her own artist, but the opponent's.

But it's right to help the proprietress.

 Update to, ask for votes~

  Thank you for your recommendation tickets~mua

(End of this chapter)

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