Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 53 Falling in Love with the Vampire Earl (5)

Chapter 53 Falling in Love with the Vampire Earl (5)

Razel was in a good mood because he finally ate his china doll inside out from head to tail, and it turned out to be as delicious as he expected.She was lying naked beside him, sleeping cutely and cutely. He gently stroked her cheek and left a kiss on her forehead.

He couldn't hold back the first time we met, and gave Cheng Shuyao, whose life was about to end, his first embrace. Although he looked calm at the time, he was enduring more troubles.

According to the agreement of the four major families, foreigners are not allowed to become cubs, because this will threaten their status and power.No one thought that this agreement would be violated by him after only 18 years. Rezel thought of this and smiled, but he didn't care too much. Since he decided to let the little baby stay with him, he will do his best to fulfill himself wish.

In the dirty alley, the bloody girl was lying there helplessly. At a glance, he thought he saw his former mother and himself, and on a thought, he decided to save her, without any other reason.

"Baby, you must live well, the world of vampires is still waiting for you to explore." After speaking, he put his arms around her and fell asleep.

It was two days after she fell asleep... When Cheng Shuyao woke up, Leizer was no longer there. She first called her parents to make sure she was safe, and then called the school to ask for leave. Unexpectedly, Leizer seemed to have made arrangements for her. , the teacher who received the call was still concerned about her health. She dealt with it for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Sitting in the room, she couldn't help sighing, this Razel, it was really a gust of wind, he was eaten and wiped out, and he ran away after waking up, I really wanted to hang him with a small leather whip he!
And because she is a cub, her body is really weak, and she spends a lot of time sleeping. She asked the maid in the villa that it would take about a year for her to fully adapt to this transformation, and she was downcast. .

She can't go out during the day, and only dares to go out at night. This is a villa area, which stretches for dozens of kilometers. There are villas, and she can't meet anyone just by walking.She slowly noticed some changes in her body. She ran faster, jumped higher, and her strength and hearing were greatly improved.

So when there was no one around at night, she ran quickly. If anyone really saw her, they would only see an afterimage. Her current speed was not comparable to that of ordinary people.Cheng Shuyao felt that she was just like a stunt performer in the movie. All difficult actions were easy for her. So, was there some benefit to becoming a vampire?

She ran all the way home without being out of breath, as if she really went for a walk, and the maid in the villa knew her very well, took her coat and told her that Razel was here.

"Well, thank you." She walked towards the study, where Razel was inside.

"Baby, how are you doing recently?" Rezel has been touching her since he liked her. The girl dodged left and right but couldn't play with this old monster. She was hugged in her arms and struggled to no avail. Rezel Looking at her like treating a little baby, she surrendered, quietly in his arms.

"The cub period is so long, and my name is Cheng Shuyao!" She complained to Rezel, why a vampire's cub period is so long, which means that she needs a lot of sleep this year, and has no fighting ability, only Being able to stay in this villa depends on Rezel providing her with blood.

"Okay, baby Yao, you are like a kid who lost his temper now. It's only a year, and it will pass in the blink of an eye. You will know later that time is meaningless." Rezel can probably think of the girl Worrying about something, but he felt that time would teach her everything.

"But... I want to see my parents, I want to go out, I don't want to stay here, you are often away, I am alone, it's boring." This should be the longest sentence Cheng Shuyao said to Lei Zeer, Razel was lost in thought.

Said these words on the surface, but in fact she complained wildly in her heart, you left me here alone, how can I improve my favorability!

He lowered his head and kissed the girl until he was out of breath, and then said: "Okay, baby's request will be satisfied, but before we leave here, we need to dress up a little bit."

"?"What does this mean.

Cheng Shuyao quickly understood that the maids helped her dye her hair, she sat there depressed, but didn't ask why, anyway, it was the condition that Razel agreed to take her out, and she didn't care what the reason was.

However, Rezel patiently explained to her about the four major families and Satan's prophecy, she understood it as soon as she heard it. "So baby, you must hide your oriental blood, otherwise we will all have a little trouble, although I am sure no one can touch you in my hands, but if we can avoid it, let's make a small sacrifice."

Saying that, Rezel touched her hair with a regretful expression on his face. He seemed to love her long black hair even more than Cheng Shuyao. You must know that he really likes the little baby's hair. Black is his favorite color. When they are entangled When they are together, they will wrap around his body, making the girl look more attractive.But the girl looked very calm, and she was still a little excited. She had never dyed her hair before, and she didn't know what color the maids would dye her hair?
Rezel looked at the expressionless girl and said sadly, "Don't you love your hair, baby? You look indifferent."

"That's why Razel asked me to dye my hair?"


The girl spread her hands, and Razel felt unhappy, he was actually provoked by the little baby!Regardless of the maid who was still mixing hair dye, he pinched the girl's chin, gave her a deep wet kiss, then looked into the girl's clear eyes and said, "Baby is so uncute!"

Don't kiss me if you're not cute.The girl wiped her mouth indifferently, making Razel very angry.

The ingenious maids quickly dyed her hair, and it turned into flaxen hair, but Cheng Shuyao expressed doubts. Does this mean that she is Chinese?She looks pretty Asian.

"Come here, baby." Rezel beckoned at her, and he didn't know where to get a dark green hairband. Cheng Shuyao curled her lips, not wanting to waste time entangled in addressing issues, anyway, this old man won't change his words.

I saw Rezel looking at her hair with a distressed expression, and then combed it simply with his hands, helping her tie up some strands of hair, and the dark green headband was also hidden in her hair.

"Okay, baby, go and look in the mirror."

At first glance, she discovered the mystery of the headband. Now her eyes have turned dark green, matched with flaxen hair and skin that is almost as white as Caucasian, she looks like a foreigner. little loli.Because her height is only 165, she is not considered short in China, but it is not enough to be seen abroad, especially Rezel's height is almost 190, and she looks even shorter when she stands beside him.

Razel looked at the girl in the mirror with satisfaction, then hugged her, kissed her intimately, and said, "Let's go, baby, I'll take you to see the nightlife in New York."

(End of this chapter)

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