Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 375 Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine Fights! (1

Chapter 375 Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine Fights! (13)

When Cheng Shuyao woke up, she touched the bag on her head, and couldn't help but feel the black lines.

There was a lump on her head that was as big as an egg. She just touched it lightly with her hand and couldn't help but gasp.

"Hiss, hiss -" Who did this?
She looked around, only to realize that she was lying in a study room with a hard chaise longue under her body.

"Where is this place?" Cheng Shuyao was a little confused.

At this moment, a ball of snow-white paper fell in front of Cheng Shuyao from an unknown direction.

She was taken aback by the weird ball of paper, and then opened the ball of paper in front of her. There were two words written on the crumpled ball of paper, "School".

That's right, she came to the school today, intending to finish the painting that the eldest princess asked her to draw before, but she was hit by something on the way, and immediately passed out, and she was here when she woke up.

Cheng Shuyao grabbed the note, raised her voice and shouted, "Is there anyone there?"

Then another ball of paper hit her in front of her.



Cheng Shuyao looked at the note speechlessly, then looked at the study room, but there was still no one.

She couldn't help muttering, and said, "It's shameful..."

Xiao Li, who was standing on the roof, didn't pay attention to the inside of the house. He saw the commotion in the girls' school next door from a distance.

It seemed that there was a ten-year-old girl who said she was missing and was anxiously looking for him, but for some reason, the girl led him towards the boys' school, with a trace of resentment flashing in her eyes from time to time.

Xiao Li frowned and quickly realized that the other party's target might be the girl who was hit in the room.

Seeing that the injury on her head was serious, he immediately sent for an imperial doctor to show her, but now it seemed that it was too late.

He said to his friend Duanmuyou beside him: "You find a way."

"What's none of my business? I brought the girl back?" Duanmuyou immediately refused, "Didn't you see that follower Pingzhen is in the girls' school today! I won't even show up!"

The reason for Duanmuyou's rejection of Xiao Li is very simple. Where is his nemesis Song Pingzhen in the team looking for someone? If he exposes himself, there will be no peace today.

Xiao Li frowned when he heard Duanmuyou's words, and said four words, "You did it."

"...It's all your fault for robbing me." Duanmuyou argued without confidence.

Today Xiao Li got a piece of good ink, Duanmuyou saw it and wanted to come over and give it to his mother, his old mother would like this one, he wanted to please her, so that her old man would not keep urging him to get married.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Li, a generous person, would not be so generous today, and refused to give him the ink stick no matter what, the two of them snatched it up, and the ink stick fell on the students in the girls' school next door.

Duanmuyou saw that the people from the girls' school had already opened the door separating the boys' and girls' school, and ran away in a hurry, saying: "Brother, please help me today, I will leave first. Let me treat you to dinner tomorrow—"

As he said that, Duanmuyou used lightness kung fu, and he disappeared, as if his buttocks were on fire.

Xiao Li watched helplessly as Duanmuyou's leaving figure leaped down from the roof.

When Cheng Shuyao was about to open the door to see what was going on, Xiao Li also came to open the door, and the two collided.

Cheng Shuyao's body froze, and just as she was about to say something, she was picked up by Xiao Li and left the study.

"Qinggong..." Cheng Shuyao looked dizzily at the wall flashing past below her, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

Xiao Li glanced at her strangely. As a boudoir girl, wouldn't it be strange to be hugged by a strange man?There is still time to mutter there.

What Xiao Li didn't know was that Cheng Shuyao, who had cheating weapon 0047, knew Xiao Li's identity when he appeared.

Following the route in memory, Xiao Li sent Cheng Shuyao back to the girls' school from a rather hidden path.

After putting the person on the ground, Xiao Li said, "I will arrange for someone to see a doctor for you."

Cheng Shuyao was stunned, and understood that he was talking about the egg-sized lump on her head, she simply smiled and said, "Thank you King Xian."

Xiao Li glanced at her to make sure that he had no impression of her, Cheng Shuyao casually lied: "I once saw His Highness Xian Wang at the gathering of the two schools."


Leaving this sentence behind, Xiao Li left without looking back, while Cheng Shuyao moved towards the school step by step.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through the walk, they encountered a group of menacing people who were opening the door between the male and female schools and were about to pass.

Cheng Shuyao couldn't help asking curiously, "What are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, when she said this, everyone at the scene fell silent, and all turned their heads to stare at Cheng Shuyao.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Shuyao, who didn't know why, was frightened by the actions of these girls.

Soon, someone who couldn't help but said quickly: "Cheng Shuyao, where did you go just now? Your third sister said you went to a boys' school, and we are planning to go and have a look!"

A bunch of people are gearing up, and they seem to be particularly interested in gossip.After Cheng Shuyao heard it, she understood that Cheng Shuqing saw her being taken away by Xiao Li just now, and she couldn't wait to make a fool of herself, but Xiao Li sent her back at a critical moment.

Looking at Cheng Shuqing's face that turned red and white, Cheng Shuyao curled her lips and said bitterly: "What's the matter? I was in a hurry to go to the art academy. Unexpectedly, I was so anxious on the way that I tripped over a stone and fell on my head. I got a bag and it’s hurting! Look at it!”

As she spoke, Cheng Shuyao lowered her head slightly, and the people present saw the swollen lump on her head that was the size of an egg.

These young ladies exclaimed, and then called to ask for a doctor, Cheng Shuyao also took advantage of the situation and pretended to be weak, and let the people around her support her.

But she didn't intend to let Cheng Shuqing go, and then her eyes turned red, and she cried aggrievedly, "Sister, what are you talking about, why did I go to the boys' school, how could my daughter go to the boy's school by herself?" Go to school, don't make up for me in the future..."

He sobbed a few times as he spoke, looking really pitiful.Everyone glanced at Cheng Shuqing indiscriminately, and couldn't help feeling that Cheng Shuqing had a lot of scheming intentions, and that his previous silly and soft appearance was just a faux pas.

All the female students also automatically made up their minds about how the princess praised Cheng Shuyao a few days ago. It seems that Cheng Shuqing is really jealous.

Cheng Shuci also rushed over at this time. On the way, she heard her little maid tell what happened just now, and she couldn't help but have a headache!
She, the third younger sister, is usually a bit stupid, but she is cute and cute. Recently, she is so old and not smart. She made trouble for Cheng Shuyao but hurt herself. What can she say?
(End of this chapter)

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