Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 261 The End Times Strikes (13)

Chapter 261 The End Times Strikes (13)

Yuanyasu gathered a ball of thunder and lightning in the palm of his hand and struck it towards the oncoming Xia Xiaobin.

Xia Xiaobin has turned into a complete zombie, and his face has been destroyed, so he cannot be seen at all.But Xia Xiaotong and Yuan Kang who were familiar with him still recognized him at a glance.

Xia Xiaobin's skills are extremely flexible, if Yuan Kang from the supermarket can touch the hem of his clothes in front of him, this one is completely helpless.

They twisted together like this, flying sand and flying stones, the scene was very shocking.

Cheng Shuyao who came with an ax didn't know how to intervene, she was waiting for an opportunity.

In order to avoid Xia Xiaobin's hoarseness, Yuan Kang stepped back a few steps.

It's now!

Cheng Shuyao raised his ax and slashed at it. Xia Xiaobin was chasing after him with all his strength, but he didn't see such a big guy waiting for him behind him, so he didn't have time to back down, and he was chopped off by Cheng Shuyao's ax with an "Aww". half a hand.

Cheng Shuyao's eyes darkened, but unfortunately it wasn't his head!
Yuan Kang also stepped forward again, releasing the power of lightning in his body.

Fan Chengyi, who arrived at the end, was holding a steel pipe in his hand, which they got in the supermarket today.With a loud shout, he held the steel pipe and stabbed it towards Xia Xiaobin's body.

Unexpectedly, this Xia Xiaobin was so powerful that he grabbed Fan Chengyi's steel pipe and pulled it violently. The defenseless Fan Chengyi was pulled in front of Xia Xiaobin.

He could even smell the rotten smell from brother Xiaotong's body, and the white sharp fangs, like a wild beast, were biting towards his face without any emotion.

Life and death are on the line!

"Ahhh——" With Fan Chengyi's roar, an earthen wall was erected between him and Xia Xiaobin.

Xia Xiaobin's head hit the dirt wall with a "boom", and the wall shattered.

This also bought Fan Chengyi some time. He immediately let go and took a few steps back.

"Chengyi! Can you still release the wall just now?" Yuan Kang asked loudly.

"No problem!" He would definitely do it for his friends.

Cheng Shuyao brandished the ax in his hand, and approached Xia Xiaobin, who was a little slower, in the direction of Fancheng Yi.

Probably because she cut off one of his hands just now, Xia Xiaobin knew that she was very strong, even though he roared angrily, he didn't dare to approach her.

Fan Chengyi seized the opportunity and erected four walls around Xia Xiaobin, trapping him in the middle.

After doing all this, he fell to the ground exhausted.Cheng Shuyao rushed forward and dragged Fan Chengyi away.

Xia Xiaobin let out a hysterical roar, smashed through a wall and rushed out staggeringly, but what was waiting for him was a cloud of dark purple lightning.

The battle was over, Cheng Shuyao looked at Yuan Kang with a sad face, feeling a burst of emotion in her heart.

In this era, people are as fragile as reeds. If they say they are dead, they will die. Moreover, he ended the life of his friend with his own hands. He will not feel good about it.

The two worked together to bring Fan Chengyi back to the car. When they thought they could leave, Yuan Kang asked Cheng Shuyao to leave again with him.

"where are we going?"

"I just saw Xia Xiaobin's car."


Cheng Shuyao felt strange for a while, it is impossible for a zombie to drive, so did Yuan Kang become a zombie when he got here?
Yuan Kang's face remained unchanged, he said: "I'm afraid our plan has changed."

"Well, it's really not safe here." Cheng Shuyao nodded, originally thinking that the villa should be able to protect their safety, but today it doesn't seem to be the case.

When they came back from the supermarket, she also heard Yuan Kang say "too fast..." Maybe others didn't understand, but Cheng Shuyao understood what he meant.

Zombies evolve too fast, much faster than humans. If they don't work hard to find crystals to improve their abilities, they will fall into the passive situation they are today again and again.Hiding is not an option after all!
"It's not just unsafe, my mobile phone can't talk." Yuan Kang's melodious voice said this sentence, but the content made people feel horrified.

The signal of the special channel can no longer be used, does this mean...the country can't solve this matter as they think.

While talking, they came to Xia Xiaobin's car.The door was wide open, and the driver's seat was covered in blood.

Yuanyasu was silent and began to check the car. Sure enough, he found Xia Xiaobin's mobile phone under the gap in the driver's seat.

After he took it in his hand, he thought about it, entered a series of digital passwords, and unlocked it. The interface stayed on the recording software.

He clicked on the top recording.

"Yuan Kang, when you hear this recording, I should not be human anymore." The helpless tone made people feel pain.

"Because the special channel is unavailable, and I can't contact you, I decided to use my last time to inform you.

Xiaotong should be suitable for you to be together on the day of the accident, so please take care of her in the future.

This time the matter was too serious and completely exceeded the country's emergency response capabilities, so not many people could get official help in a short period of time.

Therefore, you must try your best to improve your strength in order to keep your name.

I heard that a safe zone will be opened in H City with a military base as the base. You must rush there quickly. When you get there, I don’t know... there is still a glimmer of hope..."

After Yuan Kang listened to all the recordings, he stood there quietly like a fossil, and Cheng Shuyao persuaded helplessly: "Yuan Kang..."

He seemed to be waking up from a dream, looking far ahead, and said quietly: "Let's go to H City..."

"Yes, go to H City!"

Cheng Shuyao nodded. At present, it seems that this is the best choice.

The two returned to the car, and Yuan Kang sat in the driver's seat and drove forward.

"Let's leave here now and go to H City."

Cheng Shuyao spoke to Jiao Yu and Yu Min, and explained to them what happened just now.

Jiao Yu covered his face and said helplessly, "This is the only way to go, alas..."

The sigh made everyone a little powerless, Yu Min looked at the gradually darkening sky outside, and murmured: "I didn't expect it to be so scary, can my parents survive until I see them?"

Cheng Shuyao didn't know how to comfort them, so she held Yu Min's hand and said, "Don't give up and there will be hope!"

"Eldest sister..." Yu Min looked at her, this rough girl finally couldn't suppress her fear, she buried her head in Cheng Shuyao's arms and cried.

Silent tears wet Cheng Shuyao's clothes, her warm hand has been holding Yu Min, they will not give up.

The night is gradually falling, and in such an environment, the night is destined to be a terrible time.

Everyone didn't dare to relax their vigilance. Yuan Kang was quite tired while driving and paying attention to the outside situation.

At this moment, Cheng Shuyao pointed to the front and said, "Look, there is someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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