Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 246 The Stunning Fox Demon and the Black-bellied Scholar (32)

Chapter 246 The Stunning Fox Demon and the Black-bellied Scholar (32)

Cheng Shuyao blinked, she didn't expect Cheng Shufan to leave just like that, she looked at Xing Xi and said, "What does my brother mean?"

"Kids don't know too much."

"..." Pooh, you're not as old as me, what's the point!

For nearly half a month, they were all drifting at sea, and the situation was unexpectedly smooth. Although there were occasional strong winds and waves, the ship was built quite solidly, so these minor problems were completely fine.

Many people on board knew what they were going to do this time, so the smooth progress so far made many people feel that it was a blessing from heaven.

Cheng Shuyao looked at some optimistic people and couldn't help sighing. It would be nice if they were still so optimistic when they got to the gate of Penglai.

"Why is the girl sighing?" A gentle and pleasant voice sounded behind Cheng Shuyao, although the voice was clear and clear like a girl, but from her figure and bone age, Cheng Shuyao still judged that she was a woman who was nearly forty years old.

And coincidentally, she also wore a gauze hat on her head, covering her pretty face.

"It's boring, there's nothing interesting on this boat." Cheng Shuyao quickly replied, she just learned from 0047 that this is Concubine De.

I really don't know why Concubine De has to follow. Princess Shengde was out of line to go out to sea with her, but after all, she is the only one who holds the puzzle, so it makes sense for her to follow, but Concubine De doesn't understand at all.

Just like she and Cheng Shufan represent the prince, but the prince is a daughter of gold, so naturally he will not come here with them.Judging from the actions of Concubine De and Princess Shengde, it seems that their mother and daughter are very sure that they will return alive.

"It will start soon." Concubine De said flatly.


Before she had time to ask anything, the ship vibrated, and the boatmen on board shouted: "We've met a sea monster, we've met a sea monster!"

Seeing that the dark tentacles with suction cups had already stretched out in front of Cheng Shuyao's body, she retreated quickly while muttering something in a low voice.

Concubine De didn't hear clearly, but the current situation required her to take action, so she left Cheng Shuyao and left.

In fact, Cheng Shuyao just said: "Damn it! 77, it looks like your tentacles!"

"...You really can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness." 0047 complained dissatisfied.

"I'll follow Concubine De and see what she's going to do."

In the blink of an eye, Concubine De walked a long way, and Cheng Shuyao followed quickly.Concubine De knew that Cheng Shuyao was following her, so she didn't deliberately avoid it, after all, there would be such a big commotion later, everyone would know what she was going to do.

It turns out that Concubine De came to Xing Xi's room door, and just as Xing Xi was about to come out, she saw a woman whom she had never met before, and behind her was Cheng Shuyao.

"Xing Xi, come with me." Concubine De revealed her identity, but Xing Xi ignored her, but walked past Concubine De, walked in front of Cheng Shuyao, and took her hand.

"Aren't you hurt?" He asked with concern.

"It's okay! But a mere octopus can't hurt me." Cheng Shuyao smiled and took his hand.

At this moment, Cheng Shufan and Princess Shengde also arrived, and Princess Shengde was surrounded by a group of guards.

Concubine De told them: "Okay, now is the time, you go and bring up the prepared materials."

The three of them looked at each other, but Shengde gave them some hints.

"Let's go to the deck soon, and Concubine Mu will open Penglai's natural moat there later."

Seeing that Xing Xi's hand was still holding Cheng Shuyao tightly, she gritted her teeth and left with Concubine De without saying anything.

Cheng Shufan patted Xing Xi's shoulder and said, "Shuyao and I will pay close attention to you for a while, and take you away if something goes wrong, and don't leave us too far, Concubine De... feels a little weird."


The three of them also rushed to the deck, and when they got there, they found out what the "materials" De Fei mentioned were exactly.

It's people, there are groups of people imprisoned in the iron cages, Cheng Shuyao took a quick look, there are already seven iron cages on the deck, and the group of guards are still dragging out the cages from the cabin, which shows that there are a lot of people.

There are a total of eleven iron cages, in which people of various ages are imprisoned, from fifty to sixty to eleven or twelve, both men and women.

Cheng Shufan frowned, his expression was not very good.

Cheng Shuyao asked curiously: "What is she going to do?"

"These people are sacrifices. Look carefully into their eyes."

Cheng Shuyao looked over and felt a chill in her heart. The hundreds of people's eyes were all stabbed blind. They couldn't see anything. Although their bodies still fluctuated slightly, they quietly did not show any resistance. Presumably they were drugged. .

"A total of one hundred and six people, Concubine De is very ruthless." Cheng Shuyao couldn't help but said angrily.

Cheng Shufan shook his head, and said: "I'm afraid that the emperor's handwriting is involved in this, the fate of these people... seems to be somewhat different, so many people can be gathered together, but Concubine De should not be able to do so quietly. "

Cheng Shufan glanced at Xing Xi from the corner of his eye. In fact, these people's fates were somewhat similar to Xing Xi's, but they were far inferior to Xing Xi's Dusha, and they were not enough for him.

The guards arranged the one hundred and six people according to the blueprint in Princess Shengde's hand, and formed a yin-yang gossip diagram, but the yang in the yin and the yin in the yang are missing.

Cheng Shuyao suddenly realized, could it be that they want Xing Xi to stand at the two points, but it's wrong, Xing Xi has only one person, can't occupy two places, is it possible to split the person in two?She shrunk her neck to protect Xing Xi even tighter.

Unexpectedly, it was not Xing Xi who attacked Concubine De first, but her own daughter, Princess Shengde,

"Shengde, let's go." Concubine De had already taken off her veil at this time, and there was an indescribable excitement on her beautiful and dignified face.

Shengde nodded, and took the initiative to stand in the position of Yang Zhongyin.

Cheng Shuyao and Cheng Shufan were stunned. If the humans present hadn't noticed anything, the two of them could have sensed a subtle change in the atmosphere on board.

"Xing Xi, come here and stand opposite Shengde!" Concubine De shouted anxiously. At this time, the hull of the ship was getting more and more bumpy, and the sea monster seemed to be piercing the giant ship. , but it seems to be afraid of this yin-yang gossip formation, and its tentacles dare not reach out to the deck.

Xing Xi and Cheng Shufan exchanged glances, and Xing Xi walked towards the center of the gossip formation. When he stepped into the yin and yang, the scene was full of wind and clouds.

The strong wind blew away Cheng Shuyao's gauze hat, revealing her stunning face. Xing Xi smiled at her, seeming to soothe her uneasiness.

Cheng Shuyao tugged on Cheng Shufan's arm, the feeling here was really weird, if she hadn't been a fox demon with thousands of years of cultivation to protect her body, she might be torn apart by the hurricane at this moment.

Many guards on the deck were swept away by the hurricane, Cheng Shufan protected Cheng Shuyao, stared at Concubine De, only to see Concubine De holding hands and muttering words.

After a while, a golden light descended from the clouds, and their giant ship, which was about to be destroyed, unexpectedly entrusted the hand of the sea monster and slowly rose towards the sky.

"Are you here?" A flat voice sounded from the clouds.

Concubine De held back her tears and choked with sobs: "Yes! Fortunately, my maid has lived up to her command."

(End of this chapter)

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