Chapter 9
On the vast snowfield, the two walked forward at high speed on a wooden sled.

Although the cold wind coming from the pavement is so cold, it still can't resist the happy heart.

Bai Luo'er was wearing a fox fur coat to keep warm and keep out the cold, but Xiao Ning was not so good, the clothes were very thin.

The weather in the snow-covered plateau was changeable, it was a clear day just now, but suddenly a fierce cold wind blew up, and ice shards hit Xiao Ning's face, causing severe pain.

Due to the intrusion of the cold, the human body is a constant temperature animal, so Xiao Ning's devil energy is constantly flowing to warm the body, and it is consumed quickly.

"Hey, why are you wearing so little? Is it cold?" Bai Luoer felt that the person in front was shaking.

"Cold fart! I was born in this icy and snowy place, and I was born with cold-resistant genes." Xiao Ning wanted to save face and suffer.

"Don't try to be brave, we should be outside the inner ring of the Snowy Center, where snow storms are blowing all the year round, if we don't have enough equipment, we will freeze to death sooner or later!"

While Bai Luoer was speaking, he took out another set of fur from the space bracelet, Xiao Ning subconsciously snatched it up and put it on, and in an instant, he felt an indescribable warmth.

"Hey hey, you are so stupid!"

"What are you laughing at? Don't laugh!"

Tie a knot with the rope on the fur, just fixed it, the girl next to Xiao Ning suddenly patted him twice.

"what happened?"

Bai Luoer stared forward with a serious expression: "Xiao Ning, look ahead!"

On the vast horizon, a group of white figures were slowly approaching here, and it would be hard to spot if they weren't moving.

"Don't you know I'm blind? Can't see!" Xiao Ning pouted.

Because the distance was too far, and the howling wind greatly covered up other sounds, Xiao Ning didn't notice anything in front of him.

When Bai Luoer's clear eyesight saw the unknown things in front of her, she couldn't help being startled.

"That, that is, the wolves!"

"What, there are wolves?" Xiao Ning immediately put down his hip-hop expression, became vigilant, amplified his mental power, and listened through both ears.

There was a sound of horseshoes, followed by the sound of a pack of wolves running after them.

"Damn it, there are wolves, and they're still chasing a horse!"

Sure enough, a horse rushed out first from the horizon, with the saddle and stirrups made by Xiao Ning hanging on it, who is not Xiao Ning's Huxue horse?
Bai Luoer hurriedly told Xiao Ning.

So Xiao Ning put his finger into his mouth, and a loud whistle sounded.

As soon as the Huxue horse in front heard the sound, it hurried to the owner's place.

Immediately afterwards, the roaring and chasing sounds of the wolves behind also came, noisy and chaotic, probably no fewer than dozens of wolves.

However, Bai Luoer next to him suddenly brought bad news: "Okay, there are wolves over there too!"

However, in the distance to the left of the two, a white surging line emerged at the same time, and countless snow wolves were frantically rushing here.

The good news didn't arrive, but the bad news came in droves.

After a while, Bai Luoer told Xiao Ning that not only the front and left side, but also the rear and right side also ran out many snow wolves at the same time.

"His grandma's, surrounded by wolves!" Xiao Ning couldn't help cursing, hearing the sound that Hu Xuema had already come running, he shouted: "Hurry up, get on the horse!"

Bai Luoer didn't hesitate, trotted over, turned over neatly, and sat on the horse.

"what would you do?"

"It's okay, two people can't run fast on horseback, I'll be sledding!"

"Can you see which direction has fewer wolves now?"

"It seems to be the right side, the right side has the fewest wolves!"


Xiao Ning decisively drove the sled to the right, and the Huxue horse next to him saw his master start to move, and immediately followed.

"Xiao Ning, the wolves are coming to you soon!"


Xiao Ning listened attentively, only to see that the chaotic and noisy roar became more and more clear.

With a shake of his right hand, the red and black magic sword slid out.

Death Sword Qi
Devil energy poured into the sword body, Xiao Ning swung his sword arm like a dragon, and the bloody sword light whizzed away.


Several snow wolves rushing forward were overturned directly and fell to the ground.

"Bai Luoer, cover me up!"

Xiao Ning yelled, holding a sword in one hand and a stick in the other, plunged into the snow, swinging wildly back and forth, the speed of the sled increased rapidly, rushed into the pack of wolves and quickly slashed and killed them.

There were too many snow wolves, Bai Luoer hurriedly used her skills, only to see that her delicate face suddenly became very charming, two pink fluffy ears grew out, and rose-colored beauty appeared in her eyes.

First Soul Skill: Charm

The spiritually powerful Bai Luo'er instantly invaded the minds of the wolves with sexy and charming power.

For a moment, all of them stood there stupidly like spring hair, forgetting to bite their prey.

good chance!
Xiao Ning, who had killed many snow wolves in a row, was overjoyed, unexpectedly, these wolves would not move.

It could not be better!

Stepping on a fast-moving sleigh, Xiao Ning judged a path based on the sound of his heartbeat and locked the position. Along the way, the long sword opened and closed, every sword and every blow was splashed with snow wolf blood, and he rushed out in a short while .

Huxuema followed closely behind and rushed out of the place where the pack of wolves were.

Then Bai Luoer canceled the charm, and felt a strong sense of dizziness. It was the first time to use charm on so many targets, causing her mental power to be consumed very quickly.

The roar of a king came from a distance, and the wolves behind woke up one after another, spreading their limbs and chasing the two. At the same time, the wolves in all directions turned their pace, chasing the prey that rushed out of the encirclement.

The pursuit battle lasted for a long time.

The distance between the prey in front and the pack of wolves chasing behind is slowly closing.

The Huxue horse had gradually started to lose its strength. Although it was very fast in the snowy area, it couldn't stand up to the snow wolf with better stamina.

Bai Luoer anxiously shouted: "Xiao Ning, what should I do, the pack of wolves behind is about to catch up!"

Xiao Ning kept panting heavily, and his brain circuits kept turning in desperation, and he suddenly thought of the classic sayings of his ancestors.

"Catch the thief first and catch the king first! The pack of wolves is chasing us in such a united manner, there must be a wolf giving orders. Do you see where the wolf is?"

"I can't see it, I only see that the horse's ass is about to be bitten by a wolf!" Bai Luoer wanted to cry but had no tears.

Looking back, I saw several snow wolves scrambling to jump up and down, only a few centimeters away from biting the wagging tail of the Huxue horse.

roar, roar!
Things changed suddenly, and a pack of wolves in a line suddenly gave way, and a snow wolf, which was much bigger than the other wolves, chased after it.

Fierce and fast as lightning.

Jumping several meters high, he jumped at Bai Luoer who was on the horse.

Damn, what the hell is this!

In the nick of time, Bai Luo'er clenched her teeth, her expression concentrated, the brilliance flowed in her hands, and several small sharp flying knives appeared, she raised her hand in a daze, then threw it back, pointing directly at its eyes.

Standing out in the teacher's training camp in the past two years, Bai Luo'er has practiced a good fighting and fighting skills.

The angle of the flying knife was tricky and the speed was so fast that the wolf in the air didn't react at all. With a howl, it was blinded and rolled to the ground.

At this time Xiao Ning felt that the existence with a very strong heartbeat suddenly rolled on the ground and screamed, he couldn't help being surprised by Bai Luoer's methods.

(End of this chapter)

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