Things about living in Marvel

Chapter 58 Classroom Matching

Chapter 58 Classroom Conversations
Without requiring Colt to explain himself, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents quickly sent him home and disappeared from his life.

After resting at home for a few days, Colt returned to school.

Looking at the campus in front of him, Colt felt as if he had passed away.When I came to school last time, although I also experienced the cooperation with the Avengers, I still had the mentality of an ordinary high school student, and now, this kind of life can never come back.Even if he didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D. to specialize in combating superpower crimes, but entered an organization that was more inclined to research and exploration, he still stepped into a field that did not belong to most people in the world.

"Extremely emotional?" The girl's voice sounded beside his ear.

Colt turned to see Valeria standing beside him with a schoolbag in one hand.

"So coincidentally?"

"Maybe." Valeria replied casually.

Perhaps it was because they revealed the secret of their identities to each other, and the two got along more harmoniously than before.

While chatting about some academic issues and daily life, the two walked into the teaching building together.

Because the courses were different, the two of them didn't attend class together, so they made a little appointment to meet after class, and then they went to their own classrooms.

After experiencing the strange eyes of some students around him, Colt sat in his seat without paying attention.

Looking at the whispers of the students around him, he knew very well that everyone still had a lot of doubts about his absence from class for nearly two months. The kidnapping case might be due to the intervention of S.H.I.E.L.D. All of this naturally attracted the attention of many people.

But these whispers will soon end. After all, in the eyes of many people, Colt is actually like an invisible person in school. He does not participate in social activities, group activities, and school ball games. The competition is always No.1, without any sense of existence.

Generally speaking, students like Colt are actually easy to be excluded or bullied by some bad students on campus, but it is strange that whenever someone plans to bully him, these people will either be inexplicable It was discovered that Colt did not follow the usual rules of action that day, but left early or took another path, or he would suddenly be found to have been exposed for violations of discipline and could not carry out bullying.

So over time, Colt became more and more hidden, so that in the days when he first disappeared, many people didn't realize it at all.

Sitting quietly in his seat, looking at the projector, Colt's mind was thinking about the thesis he had learned from the materials of the big leader. He had accumulated a lot of questions and thoughts, but, during the kidnapping , he has no time to think deeply about these things, and now, finally free, he has time to start thinking and researching these things.

"The radiation of gamma rays is really miraculous. It can not only strengthen the body, but also strengthen the mind. However, why are some transformations, while others are indeed normal changes? What is the decision between affecting the body and affecting the mind? , why only Banner's change is similar to the change of dual personality, while others are more similar to the change of state?"

While writing, drawing, and drafting in his notebook, he was so immersed in his own world that he didn't hear the teacher announce the start of the class test at all.

He woke up when the teacher sent the papers of the classroom test to him.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." I was at a loss for a while, after all, doing my own thing in class is actually very rude to the teacher who is in class.

Fortunately, the teacher seemed to have gotten used to this student who could get perfect grades without listening to lectures, shook his head, handed him the paper, and then pointed to the countdown timer on the projector: "Two questions, 10 minutes. "

Colt took the paper respectfully, glanced at the questions, and was about to start answering the questions.

The teacher on the side didn't know what to say when he saw his behavior. Then, maybe he was a little curious about what the student was researching, so he walked gently to the other side of the table and looked down at Colt's notebook that hadn't been closed.

Just looking at it, the dizzying formula made him feel dizzy.

"What is this?" Although he is only a high school teacher, he graduated from a regular public university after all, but this student's notebook is like, no, this is a heavenly book to him.

Looking up, he saw that Colt had finished writing the first question and was preparing to fill in the answer to the second question.

Shaking his head, he turned and walked away.

Not long after, Colt was the first to stand up, put on his schoolbag, and walked to the podium with the paper.

"What are you studying?" Looking at Colt who handed in the paper, the teacher couldn't help asking.

"Uh..." Colt thought for a while, "Are you saying that I wrote it in a notebook just now?"

Seeing the teacher nodding: "That's a thought about a paper on gamma-ray radiation, which was published by Bruce Banner last year."

"Can you understand?" the teacher asked. Although Hulk is more famous than Bruce Banner, Banner, as a scientist, is actually well-known in the academic world. As a physics teacher, he naturally still knows these things of.

"There are a lot of questions," Colt said truthfully.

For some reason, the teacher breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he could speak again, Colt said: "I don't quite understand how he processed several sets of experimental data. He directly plotted the original data, and then drew corresponding conclusions based on the peak value, but I tried it myself. If I use logarithm to process the data, these peaks will be more obvious, but there will be several irregular sub-peaks. I am not sure whether this is due to the deviation when I process the data. .

"On the other hand, if you use logarithm to process data, there will be anomalies in a set of data, and this set of data is obviously no problem, then it may only be that there is a problem with my data processing, but I have checked and calculated repeatedly, and I didn't find the problem, so I suspect that this may be related to the observation of some outliers in the experiment mentioned by Banner in the paper, and I am trying to connect the two.

"But I have no way to design an experiment for this. I don't have the corresponding instruments and equipment, so I can only conduct some theoretical simulations to try to find out the relationship, but without further data as support, it is difficult for me to advance this. .”

After he finished his nagging, he raised his head and saw his teacher's bewildered expression.

 It will be recommended tomorrow, and I hope that everyone who has a recommendation ticket can vote for it.You have also seen that the writing difficulty of this kind of Marvel fandom in a pure sense is much more difficult than that of mainstream systematic writing, plus the main theme is a battle of wits, it is really hair loss to write.Among other things, I consciously wrote that until now, the complete incident composed of the two small incidents has not yet appeared to be degraded.

  I admit that this book is not like many other books. The protagonist's ability is always increasing, and he will always remain stronger than the opponent at the current stage. He can use his fists to solve problems. After all, the protagonist and the protagonist are different. Every protagonist can slide a shovel and an abomination. What I want to write is an authentic American manga character. What I want to write is the kind of analysis of the enemy's actions to figure out who the enemy is and what the enemy is doing. , and then the beautiful manga stories where the two sides dismantle each other, instead of a simple super power battle, I hope to be as close as possible to or even restore Marvel's worldview and world background (not just mcu).

  Thank you for your support. I am busy with returning home recently. After graduation, I finally bought an air ticket. I will be able to return to China at the end of the month. I am packing my luggage now, so I am very busy and I can’t add more for the time being. When things settle down, I will return to China. During the quarantine, the time difference has been adjusted. If the grades are good, I will consider adding a new course appropriately.

  Thanks again for everyone's support.

  By the way, until now, no one has joined the group. The group number is in the introduction. If you verify the question, it is impossible for those who have read the book not to know. Interested book friends can add it.

(End of this chapter)

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