Chapter 42 Traces
"Are you okay?" Zhao opened the door and returned to the car. Banner, who was sitting in the back seat, spoke first.

"It's nothing. Speaking of which, after so many years, I've already gotten used to it." Zhao replied flatly. ,
"Some things can never get used to." Banner pointed out.

"Okay, what should we do next?" Zhao said, "Go directly?"

"Otherwise?" Banner spread his hands, "Could it be that you need to call to make an appointment first?"


Pasteur Building.

Banner and Zhao stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

"Honestly speaking, the last time I came here, I got into the elevator with Mordoke." Zhao seemed to be trying to ease the atmosphere, but soon he thought of something again and fell silent.

Seeing this scene, Banner didn't speak, but quietly watched the numbers on the screen beating.

The "ding" floor arrived, and the elevator door opened.

The hall was very quiet, and there seemed to be no one there.

"Hello." A sudden voice came from beside the two of them.

"Alright Franklin." Banner sighed, "You should know what we're here for."

"Okay." Franklin sighed, "You guys are a little faster than I thought, Xiaowa is waiting for you in the laboratory."

After speaking, he took the two of them up the stairs.

"What about Reed?" Banner asked casually.

"Dad is going to Latvinia, and Mom is not at ease going with him." Franklin said, "You know, the last thing is not completely over yet, so Dad and Uncle Doom seem to be competing recently."

"Okay." Banner sighed.

"Are you here?" In the laboratory, Valeria seemed to be preparing some reagents. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she took off her goggles and looked up, looking at the time. "Well, it's almost the same."

After finishing speaking, she took off her rubber gloves and greeted her: "How much do you know?"

"The big boss is behind the incident." Banner followed her to the computer monitor, turned on Reed's system very skillfully and connected to the Avengers Building, "Although we don't know why the big boss did this, it seems that he Looking frantically for any young man with suspected super-brain power."

"That makes sense." Valeria opened up the results of her investigation while talking, "He was kidnapped by absorbers, and absorbers seem to have a lot of records of working under the big boss and competing with Hulk. "

"Then, at least what we have to deal with this time is the big boss, who hates and absorbs people." Banner frowned. "When I was investigating the previous kidnapping case in Nevada, I fought against the abomination."

"Leave that aside, the most important thing right now is to find out where they locked Colt." Valeria opened another simulation software while talking, "Because the absorber has been subjected to Asgard So he will leave traces of Asgard magic, so I called the Fantastic Four satellites to track all detectable traces of Asgard magic in New York in the near future."

At this time, a large group of graffiti-like traces appeared on the screen.

"But unfortunately, he is far more than one person staying in New York and exuding traces of Asgard's magic..." Valeria sighed, "Due to Sol's influence, the people of Asgard seem to be very concerned about the people in the atrium." The adventure revived a strong interest, and as far as I could distinguish the traces, there were those from Thor and the three warriors, which greatly polluted the traces, and absorbed the traces released by people, compared with them, they were like fireflies. The fire is the same as the sun, so it looks similar to the traces left after their actions for several days, and in this case, I can't distinguish the traces of absorbing people." Valeria said, pointing to a mess of data.

"Hmm..." Banner stroked his chin thoughtfully, "It may not be a good way to track and absorb people, but we still have another kind of energy residue that we can observe."

While speaking, he began to operate the satellite to record another set of energy values.

"The Big Head and the Abomination are like the Hulk, leaving traces of gamma rays around them all the time, and if we investigate the recent gamma rays in New York, we may be able to get new results." Banner looked at the gradual Draw out the icon.

"Then we also recalled the image of Asgard's energy from before, and then removed the traces that were obviously not strong enough to be released by absorbers, and compared the two." Valeria answered the conversation naturally, and then operated the instrument, "Continue Come down, and then distinguish the overlapping parts according to the normal range of activities, and find out the area with the highest probability of coincidence."

Soon, there were only four small areas left on the screen.

"Although the scope has been narrowed, it's not too small." Banner sighed, "But at least this is a direction worth investigating."

"I have another question to ask you." Valeria said suddenly, "How did the chief follow him?"

Zhao and Banner looked at each other, and then Zhao took the initiative to stand up: "This is my mistake."

"Your mistake?"

"Yes, last time Reid and Mordoke exchanged bodies, he helped me a little bit." Zhao replied.

"What happened last time?" Valeria showed a surprised expression, "Did he get involved?"

"Yes, he helped me with a lot of intelligence analysis behind the scenes, and was the first person who thought of body swapping." Zhao replied.

"It's a pity he was like a cat whose tail was stepped on..." Valeria murmured.

"What?" Zhao didn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing." Valeria immediately came back to her senses, "But you, Amadeus Zhao, are not so stupid that you didn't clear the record of his participation in the incident, right?"

"How is it possible!" Zhao replied, "Of course I deleted them all. The only record is kept in Tony's extreme encrypted offline data. Even Ultron has no way to directly intrude from the external network."

"What's the problem?" Valeria frowned.

"Those idiots from S.H.I.E.L.D. messed things up." Zhao sighed, "It was also my carelessness. I thought at the time that since S.H.I.E.L.D. had helped protect his family, I couldn't hide it." Yes, so I didn’t hack into it and delete the data.”

"No, this kind of thing, according to the habits of your avengers, shouldn't you invite him to join some backup plan afterwards?" Valeria asked, "If there is a backup plan, then he should have something to contact you Equipment? Even if he couldn't fight the Absorber alone when he was kidnapped, could he ask for help?"

"He refused..." Zhao said, "He doesn't seem to want to get involved in too many bad things like this."

"Idiot..." Valeria cursed secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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