human journey

Chapter 1 Lonely

Chapter 1 Lonely
Lu Yu felt that he was different from his peers since he was a child, and it was difficult for him to be brought into the collective emotions.His classmates cheered and cheered for various activities at school, but he felt out of place.

At first I thought it was because I was more mature and thoughtful, and I didn't like the activities of my peers.After graduating from college and working as a construction supervisor, Lu Yu found that he didn't like adult group activities either.

Loneliness is a word that accompanied Lu Yu as he grew up.Not only psychologically, but in reality he is indeed lonely.One night during his first year of freshman year, he received a call from a relative saying that his community building was collapsed by a meteorite falling from the sky.

The impact of the meteorite was so powerful that half the building in the community collapsed.His house was centrally located, leaving nothing behind.

Lu Yu has very few relatives, and the only immediate family members left are his parents. Now he really has nothing to worry about in Y City, a third-tier city.

The originally faint sense of loneliness became stronger this time, and he spent a longer time alone.Every day is not to go to class to study, or to go to the playground to exercise at night, and to work part-time when there is no class to earn tuition and living expenses.

Parents are gone, but life has to go on, this is another natural disaster, and there is not even a single object of resentment.It can only be said that the world is impermanent and destined.

After finally graduating, Lu Yu chose a company in City Y to become a supervisor.

The city where he grew up gave Lu Yu a sense of security. When he first joined the company, he was assigned to a construction site in a remote suburb.Such "benefit for newbies" makes Lu Yu's commute time very long. He needs to take a public car for at least an hour every day to get home.

This home is a demolition and resettlement house arranged by the government. Although it was demolished by a meteorite, the government still took over.The actual area is about 50 square meters, one bedroom, one kitchen, one bathroom, and a small living room.

Living alone and not having much social interaction left Lu Yu in a state of abstinence.As the days went by, Lu Yu occasionally had a feeling of breaking away from his own body, breaking away from reality, and looking at the world from another angle.

He didn't understand what it was, and seeing people coming and going, Lu Yu felt extremely lonely.

One day, Lu Yu came home from get off work, looked at the dusty stove, touched his growling stomach, and ordered takeaway.

After dinner, looking at the neon-lit city night scene outside the window, Lu Yu fell into confusion. He was carefree in the city, and his ascetic character made his night life a problem.

"Let's go exercise."

Lu Yu changed into his sports equipment, ran to a park a few kilometers away to practice singles and double poles, and then came back after training.This is his favorite way of exercising. Compared with the gym, it is less crowded and quiet.

"Huh, huh."

Years of unremitting exercise, Lu Yu's physical fitness is very good, running for several kilometers will not feel strenuous, and he still has the leisure to see the night scenery along the way.

When passing a section of sidewalk between landscapes, green landscape lights on both sides of the road were shining on the plants from bottom to top. This familiar scenery made Lu Yu feel a little strange today.


Suddenly a black shadow rushed past the front, very fast, Lu Yu didn't see what it was, and it got into the bushes.

"It is estimated that a black cat sheriff is handling the case."

Lu Yu didn't care either, there are stray cats everywhere in the city.He continued to run forward, and within two steps, he felt that there seemed to be two reflections in the bushes he had just been drilled into.

A closer look revealed a pair of small eyes, and their owner was a big mouse.It looked directly at Lu Yu, and sniffed with its small nose, as if it was very interested in Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's scalp went numb from the sight of this big rat. A normal rat should run away when it sees a large creature like a human. What's going on with this one?

"Meow, meow, meow!"

Lu Yu imitated several cat meows to scare away the big mice.But it was obviously useless, the mouse tilted its head, and seemed to be more interested.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

Lu Yu's heart trembled for a while, and he decided to run away the same way.I didn't run a few more steps, "whoosh, whoosh" sounded a few times.The big mouse actually stood in the middle of the road and continued to observe Lu Yu.

Lu Yu also looked at it to see what it was going to do, and stared at it for a while.


The big mouse suddenly yelled, it was a strange "sound", Lu Yu felt that he didn't hear anything in his ears, it was a sound that was directly transmitted to his brain, and at the same time, Lu Yu's brain felt a sharp pain.

After yelling a few times, the big mouse rushed towards Lu Yu with amazing jumping ability, and went straight to the door.

Lu Yu felt the pain in his head, and saw the big mouse's fangs and sharp mouth opened at an incredible angle, zooming in quickly in his sight.His muscles tensed violently, and he tilted his head to the right.

With the help of his excellent physical fitness, Lu Yu avoided the rat's mouth, but not the rat's claws.The big rat grabbed his left shoulder, then bit down on the muscles on the back of his neck.


After a sharp pain, Lu Yu quickly grabbed the big rat's neck with his right hand.I tried hard, but I didn't move at all, and the place where I was bitten and grasped hurt even more.

Lu Yu didn't dare to pull any more for a while, and clenched his right hand tightly, trying to strangle the big mouse to death.But it feels like holding a thick steel bar in the hand, and it has no effect.

The house leak happened to be raining all night, and at this critical moment, his brain began to hurt again, and he "heard" several "squeaks" again, which seemed to be the response to the cry of the big mouse just now.

"Could it be that you called your accomplices here? That's not the rhythm of death!"

Suffering severe pain in both body and brain, Lu Yu is still conscious, which is really a talent.

I don't know if Lu Yu's prediction is accurate, or he has a crow's mouth.There was the sound of vegetation swaying around, and he vaguely saw a dozen of the same big mice galloping towards him.

"The police station is about one kilometer away from me. At critical moments, I can only rely on the police uncle."

Lu Yu thought of a way and ran towards the police station.

More than a dozen big mice are surrounded by 360 degrees, and you will encounter several of them in any direction you go.You can't hide from a single big mouse, and it's even more difficult to deal with several of them together.There is no other way at this time, Lu Yu can only bite the bullet and rush over!
As expected, punching and kicking were useless, and three big mice grabbed the flesh of his legs and left arm, and attacked Lu Yu's head with their teeth bared.

Lu Yu was still pressing the first big mouse with his right hand to keep it from moving.If the other three bite his head and neck, he may die soon.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu's eyes became firm.With a strong pull with his right hand, the first big rat was thrown out with the flesh in its claws.

With all his might, Lu Yu also tore off the three remaining mice and threw them into the distance.At this time, Lu Yu was covered in blood, and there was no pain everywhere.He gritted his teeth and rushed to the police station with all his strength.

Strange to say, Lu Yu bleeds a lot, but his physical strength is surprisingly good, his mind is also very clear, and his running speed is faster than usual.It's too late to think about it, it may be the effect of adrenal hormones.

After a while, Lu Yu ran onto the main road. This area was a newly developed property. There were no pedestrians or cars on the road.Otherwise Lu Yu's appearance of blood would be on the news tomorrow.

Lu Yu glanced back, and found that the big rats hadn't chased them out of the bushes. They were all squatting on the ground looking at Lu Yu, with bloodthirsty greed in their small eyes, and they all retreated after a while.

"Phew, it's evil, and the rats have started eating people. I haven't heard of it before. Forget it, let's report it first."

Lu Yu pressed the bite on the back of his neck and walked towards the police station.

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(End of this chapter)

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