Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 31 The Gun and the Sword (6)

Chapter 31 The Gun and the Sword ([-])
The cold, clear and tense air was suddenly pierced by a thunderous sound.

Everyone inside and outside the battlefield was attracted by the sound, and they all looked up at the southeast sky. The source of the sound was clear at a glance.

I saw a flying object draw a straight line in the sky, coming straight to this side, and sprinkled purple lightning sparks in the night sky.

This is a chariot!

Judging from its appearance, this is an ancient chariot with two fronts.What is tied to the shaft is not a war horse, but a burly and fit bull with muscles rolling like waves.

The hooves of the bull tread on the void, pulling the luxurious and magnificent chariot.

The chariot is not simply floating in the air, its wheels are roaring, and the bull's hooves are not ground but lightning.

Every time the hoofs and chariots pedaled across the empty sky, purple lightning flashed its spider-web-shaped tentacles, rolling up the atmosphere with a deafening roar.The magic power of the lightning burst was probably comparable to the one blow that Lancer and Saber unleashed with all their might.

Only a Servant's Noble Phantasm can be so weird and emit such a huge magical power.No need to think too much, this must be the No. 3 Servant who wants to intervene in the duel between Saber and Lancer, so that's why he showed up.

Both Saber and Lancer were nervous, without saying a word, staring at the chariot that came suddenly, and the masters of the two were also panicked by the appearance of the intruder.

If it is a heroic spirit with such a huge thunder and lightning energy wrapped around his body, it may be the half body of Thor.

If it is Thor related to the bull, the first thing that comes to mind is the supreme god of Olympus.

Of course, this chariot cannot be called a Heroic Spirit, but even if it is an appendage of a Heroic Spirit, it must be a powerful treasure.

The chariot, which stepped on thunder and lightning, circled over Lancer and Saber aggressively, and then lowered its speed and landed on the ground.It just fell between the two heroic spirits facing each other, blocking the blade and the tip of the two people's swords.While landing, the dazzling thunder light was put away, revealing the figure of a giant man, standing majestically on the driving platform of the chariot.

For some reason, a classic sentence from the previous life emerged in Shen Er's mind: "There was a loud noise in the sky, and Lao Tzu appeared on the stage."

"Both sides put away their weapons for me, in front of this king!"

This calm roar can rival the thunderous sound he made when he appeared galloping in the sky, and his piercing eyes seemed to force back the confronting sword and spear.

Lancer and Saber are both famous heroic spirits, so naturally they can't be bluffed with just a few roars.However, this new Heroic Spirit appeared in this form not to attack them, but to disrupt their duel.The two of them didn't understand his intention of doing so, and they both chose to keep the same in response to all changes.

After first weakening the momentum of Lancer and Saber, the burly chariot owner continued to speak sternly:
"My king's name is Iskandar the Conqueror, and I manifested as a Rider in this Holy Grail War."

Dumbfounded, all dumbfounded, no matter the servant or the master.

On the battlefield of the Holy Grail, it is impossible for a servant to declare himself, and his real name is the key to strategy.

But Rider did just that, straight and upright, without hesitation, just like the "clear card" in "Fighting the Landlord".The difference is that the bet is doubled in "Fighting the Landlord's Ming Card", and the Holy Grail War "distinguished card" does not have any benefits--those who would do this are either idiots or truly fearless.

"Even if I declare myself, you can't do anything about me." Rider's subtext is this in the eyes of the calm onlookers.

The most restless was the short boy who rode in the chariot with Rider. The boy had short hair that reached his ears, his delicate face eliminated gender, and his trembling legs looked a little shy, like a prisoner captured by Rider with brute force. However, the Command Seal on the back of his left hand indicated his identity—one of the participants in the Holy Grail War, the master of Rider.

"What are you thinking, idiot!"

Rider's master is like a hamster challenging a big cat, holding Rider's coat tightly while questioning Rider bravado.

It's a pity that the momentum that the hamster finally mustered up was interrupted by the big cat's brain collapse, and then fell silent.

Rider glanced at Lancer and Saber on the left and right and asked:

"This king knows that you are fighting each other for the Holy Grail. Before the confrontation, I have one thing to ask. Do you want to join our army and give the Holy Grail to this king? In this way, I can treat you as friends and fight with you. Let's share the joy of conquering the world together."

This is a far-fetched proposal. Saber was stunned without even getting angry, and Lancer, who was opposite him, didn't know what to say, and was stunned there.

Iskandar the Conqueror, even if you look at the entire history of the world, is the number one heroic spirit. The lands he has conquered rank second among all kings throughout the ages, second only to Genghis Khan Temujin, and higher than the "Whip of God" Attila In the world, there is an unrivaled legend of conquering the biggest country in the shortest time.

His short 33-year-old life left behind legends of endless conquest. In human history, no one is as eager to realize his ambition to conquer the world as he is.

Even so, so what?
Appearing suddenly, saying his real name openly, asking others to be respectful to him before confronting others, all of the above actions make people feel that he has no intention of joining the Holy Grail War. This is the first time that such a thing has happened meet.

"Has the world ever been conquered by a fool like that?" More than one thought.

"It's not stupid, it's straightforward. I admire such people." This is Skaha's evaluation.

"I admire the boldness of your self-reported family, but I forgive you for not being able to accept your proposal."

Lancer shook his head with a wry smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.The eyes full of power like a sharp sword collided with the eyes of the King of Conqueror that were disdainful to look squarely.

"I will only dedicate the Holy Grail to the new monarch whose loyalty I swear to this day, definitely not you, Rider."

"Speaking of which, are you here to interrupt my duel with Lancer just to say such nonsense?"

Saber followed Lancer's words and asked.The expression on her face was different from that of the beautiful Lancer, not even a smile.For her serious personality, Rider's proposal itself was extremely unpleasant.

"King of the Conqueror, you have gone too far in your jokes. It is an intolerable insult to a knight."

Lancer and Saber cast hostile gazes at Rider together. Rider seemed to be distressed while muttering, while unconsciously digging his ear with his little finger. There was a sense of helplessness in his unruly behavior, but his majesty The dignified posture did not waver at all, this great emperor is such a heroic spirit who exudes an amazing sense of presence all the time.

After a long while, Rider put down his fingers and said something reluctantly.

"The treatment is negotiable?"

"Is that enough!" Lancer and Saber refused in unison.

Rider's face was full of disappointment, and Saber was even more disappointed than him.

"I repeat, I'm also the king of Britain. No matter where the king is, I can't bow my head and proclaim myself a vassal."

"Oh? The king of Britain?" Rider may have become interested in Saber's declaration, and raised his eyebrows high. "This is so surprising to me. I didn't expect the famous King of Knights to be a little girl."

"Then, King of Conquerors, do you want to try the sword in the hands of such a little girl?"

While lowering her voice, Saber raised her sword.His left hand was still powerless to hold the sword, and the four fingers of his left hand were just resting on the hilt of the sword, but the fighting spirit rising from the shaking of the sword was more solemn than when he was fighting Lancer.

"It seems that the negotiation broke down. What a pity, what a pity."

Rider frowned, heaved a long sigh, and the moment he turned his face down to mutter, he noticed the eyes full of resentment looking up from his feet.

"Ah, it hurts, ah."

Because of the pain from the swollen forehead, more tragic than the pain is regret, the boy's cry passed low in the sky.

"What should I do? Don't you just keep talking about conquest, and it's disgusting in the end? Do you really think you can beat Saber and Lancer?"

Facing the Master's question, the burly Servant laughed without any guilt.

"No, isn't there such a sentence, let's give it a try."

"Bai Tan Mo Ruo Yi Yi is your real name, isn't it?" The dizzy boy cried out as he repeatedly hit the standing Rider's breastplate with his powerless fists.

Regardless of the content of the conversation, just looking at the picture, it is easy to think of the scene where the girl loses her temper with the boy. No wonder so many people call the boy "Princess".

Because of the boy's actions, the tense air relaxed inexplicably, but it froze again because of a certain complaint that was close to the ground.

"Is that so? I was still thinking about who somehow stole my holy relic, but I didn't expect that it was you who wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War, Weber Velvet."

It is Lancer's Master.Previously, he only made a sound twice, once to urge Lancer to use the treasure, once to heal Lancer, and now it is the third time, to ask Rider's Master, the purpose of Weber's arrival.

The tone was completely different from the tone just now, this time the voice was mixed with incomparable anger and undisguised killing intent.

Shen Er is very clear about the inside story.

Rider's Master Weber is a student of Lancer's Master Kenneth, but unlike Kenneth who came from a famous family with a long history, Weber came from a grassroots family, and the Velvet family only has three generations.

The grandmother of the first generation was just the mistress of a certain magician, and she only learned the basic magic while whispering on the pillow. The mother of the second generation only inherited the magic with the level of consciousness of "cherishing the important memories of mother". It was Weber's generation who seriously searched for magic. Therefore, both the number of magic circuits and the quality of magic engravings were extremely poor. However, Weber was very fond of magic. Later, after his parents died of illness, he dispersed his family property to make up enough funds for the school. , into the clock tower penniless.

A magician's magic circuit is largely determined by bloodlines, and the strength of magic imprints handed down from generation to generation is generally proportional to the number of generations passed down—and Weber Velvet has a strong understanding of the status quo in the magic world where bloodlines are the first Strong dissatisfaction, and spent years writing a dissertation on it.But his mentor, Kenneth Elmeloy, known as "genius", tore up the paper with just a glance.

This incident greatly hit Weber's self-esteem and became the motivation for him to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. By chance, Weber stole the heroic relic "Iskandar's Cloak Fragment" prepared by Kenneth. Go to Fuyuki City and summon Rider.

Waver had no specific desire to participate in the Holy Grail War, he just wanted to be recognized by everyone for his merit.

However, Weber did not expect that even though the "holy relic" was stolen, Kenneth, the magic nobleman, still obtained a new holy relic, summoned Lancer, and stood on the opposite side of Weber.

"It's a pity. I wanted to make this lovely student happy. Weber. A mortal like you should have a stable life that only belongs to mortals."

The harsh voice seemed to have magical power, which made Weber dizzy, and Weber, who was oppressed by his mentor's perennial prestige and dazzling halo, was out of breath.

"It seems that I should give you a special extra-curricular lesson, that is, what is the mutual killing between magicians, I will give you this kind of horror and pain without reservation, it is your honor .”

The murderous vision made Weber, who was still in the ivory tower and had fantasies about the future, realize for the first time the cruelty of the magician world.

Weber was already trembling with fear, and he didn't even have the time to pay attention to the humiliation this sentence brought him.

At this moment, something softly and powerfully embraced the young shoulder that was trembling alone with fear.

"Hey, Magician, it looks like you want to replace this boy as my Master."

Rider asked Lancer's Master, who was hiding somewhere, but he actually had a malicious, pitying smile on his face that made his face crooked.

"If this is really the case, it is ridiculous. The person who can become my master must be a warrior who can gallop on the battlefield with the king. A coward like you who dare not even show up is not qualified at all!"

Silence fell, and the atmosphere became very awkward for a while, only the anger of the Master who did not show up spread in the night air.Of course, Shen Er's snicker is also indispensable: "What a great emperor with the strength to protect the concubine."

Rider burst out laughing suddenly, facing the empty night sky this time, laughing with all his might.

"I said, there are other people, right? People who are watching us in the dark."

Both Saber and Lancer showed surprised expressions.

"What's going on, Rider?"

Facing Saber who was questioning him, the King of Conquerors gave a big smile and gave him a thumbs up.

"Saber and Lancer, the unreserved battle between you is really exciting, and this king is not the only one who is attracted by the clear sound of swords and halberds."

Rider wanted to send the deafening sound to every corner, and yelled loudly again.

"Poor! How pitiful! Heroes gathered in Fuyuki. Don't you feel anything when you see Saber and Lancer's aura here? It's cowardly to have a real name worth boasting, but just peeking in the dark. The name of the heroic spirit is crying!"

After a loud laugh. Rider tilted his head slightly, showing a fearless expression, and finally looked around with provocative eyes.

"Heroic spirits invited by the Holy Grail, gather here now. Cowards who are afraid of showing their faces until now will inevitably be humiliated by my conqueror Iskandar!"

"Offend the audience, full level of ridicule." Shen Er complained silently.

"I'm sorry, Shen Er." Scatha suddenly cut off the state of empathy between the two. Whether she is a king or a warrior, she can no longer watch.

Shen Er opened his eyes, and showed a trusting smile to Scathach: "No need to apologize, I didn't intend to let you fight like an assassin. Go, master, don't let the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows become weak." momentum."

"As you wish, my little Master." Scathach's peerless elegance merged with the night.

PS: However, FEX lost to Attila, who made Attila a cute girl, rough guys have no human rights.

PS2: At this time, the emperor can really kill Saber and Lancer without pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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