Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 784 New Hexagram Technique

Chapter 784 New Hexagram Technique
But Baturhun spoke at this time, but not to Baltu, but to his son Sengge: "It's not that he's the only one who was released! The Ming Emperor must have guessed that among the people they captured would be There are people from our tribe, but he doesn't know who they are, so even if they torture each one of them, it may not be able to get the result he wants. Therefore, he deliberately revealed a bad account, and then released them all."

Hearing this, Seng Ge thought it was really possible.He is a smart man, so he figured it out quickly, and asked quickly: "What Father Khan means is that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty took the initiative to find us, so he deliberately used this method to lure us out to judge the Ming army. food road?"

Baltu on the side was relieved to hear their conversation, because he didn't say that he must have betrayed the tribe.

Baturhui nodded when he heard that, and said with a gratified smile on his face: "Yes, this is the cunning of the Ming emperor!"

"Hehe, Father Khan, it seems that what Erchen said is right, we can't go out." Zhuo Tebabatur who was nearby heard this, and quickly said to Baturhun in a fawning manner, "Fifth brother almost fell for it! "

That's because you're too stupid. The Ming emperor's plan was to deal with people who were smarter than you.Baturhun thought so in his heart, but he didn't hit his son too much. He just ignored him and continued to say to Seng Ge: "The Ming emperor is cunning. No matter how much or how little he has, at least the Ming army's Strength is not something we can deal with at the moment. Our advantage lies in the fact that this is a place we are familiar with. When we fight the Ming army, we have the final say. As long as this stalemate continues, even if the price we pay will be high, as long as we To defeat the Ming army, no matter how high the price is, it will be worth it."

Hearing this, Sengge had already understood what Baturhun meant, and he continued with a look of surprise: "As long as we remain unchanged to respond to all changes, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty will either withdraw his troops before winter arrives, or only We have spent the winter in Luntai. However, the Ming army may not be able to adapt to the weather in our Western Regions, and the long-term garrison, and the transportation of food and supplies from the pass, is definitely the biggest burden of the Ming country, and they cannot afford it..."

Seeing that Baturhun was nodding his head, his mind became sharper, and he thought of something again, and added: "The emperor of Ming cannot stay away for a long time, and this is also one of his weaknesses. Therefore, on the surface, Ming The Emperor of the Kingdom seems to not care too much about having fun in Luntai, but in fact, the one who hopes to finish the game as soon as possible at this time is definitely the Emperor of the Ming Kingdom!"

"Well, that's a good point!" Batur nodded with a smile, which made Babatur, who was on the side, very jealous, but it wasn't for him.

No matter what, Baturhun can be regarded as a hero of the generation. He made a decision in his heart and immediately issued an order: "Pass this Khan's military order to withdraw all sentinels and not give the Ming army a chance to detect our traces. Everyone, stay here and don't go out. If anyone is found to go out privately, they will be severely punished as enlightened traitors!"

At this time, he already understood the situation of the Ming army. Unlike before, although he was hiding, he did not know the situation of the Ming army, so he had to send out sentries to investigate.

Issuing such a military order will cause great losses to the Zhungeer Department, but it is definitely cost-effective to consume energy to kill the Ming army.He didn't believe it anymore, could the emperor of the Ming Dynasty really use the power of the whole country to kill him here?
If this is really the case, then he has nothing to say, and he will have no choice but to take the tribe and flee to other places.With the elite of the Ming army, it is impossible for him to send it to the door by himself.

After Baturhun finished speaking, he glanced at Baltu and didn't care.Even if Baltu was really bought by the Ming Dynasty, as long as everyone is not allowed to go out of the valley, the Ming army far away in Luntai will not receive his report, and it will make no difference whether the rebellion or not.

As a result, the Zhungeer tribe quickly moved, and Seng Ge led people out to deliver orders, and finally returned to the valley to ensure that there were no traces left outside.

After everything was settled properly, Baturhui laughed and said, "Let's concentrate on cleaning up those Heshuo special troops. As for the outside, let the emperor of Ming Dynasty have fun!"

"The emperor of the Ming Dynasty will be anxious soon!" Seng Ge echoed, "It's a dream to want our Zhungeer tribe to join us!"


Regardless of whether it is Baturhun or Sengge, if their strategy is used against ordinary people, it will indeed be effective.However, Emperor Chongzhen was a man with golden fingers!
Emperor Chongzhen knew about the countermeasure of the Zhungeer Department through the feedback from the Class-A eavesdropping seed on Baltu. Although the special nature of the Western Regions prevented him from knowing the name of the place, he knew that the Zhungeer Department was hiding somewhere in the Tianshan Mountains. This is many times better than before without any clues.

Tianshan Mountains, one of the seven largest mountain systems in the world, is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, across China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan from east to west, with a total length of about 2500 kilometers and an average width of 250-350 kilometers from north to south. More than 800 kilometers, it is the largest independent latitudinal mountain system in the world, the mountain system farthest from the ocean in the world and the largest mountain system in the world's arid regions.

Logically speaking, to find the hiding place of the Zhungeer tribe, it is still a needle in a haystack.However, this is only in theory. In fact, Emperor Chongzhen still has many clues to locate the hiding place of the Zhungeer tribe.

On this day, Hong Chengchou was watching a polo match with Emperor Chongzhen when he suddenly saw Emperor Chongzhen get up and smiled and said to him, "Isn't Hong Qing worried that this war will be protracted? ?”

Hong Chengchou was secretly thinking about this, and he was not interested in polo. Hearing this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly followed the emperor.

Along the way, he was thinking, now he still has no idea, how is the emperor going to start this war?

Could it be that if there is no change, he is ready to let himself lead an army, divide the troops into two groups, and advance together, and then search the Western Regions?

Curious in his heart, after arriving at the tent of the Chinese army, his eyes never left the emperor's body.

After Emperor Chongzhen arrived at the tent of the Chinese army, he ordered the eunuch Fang Zhenghua who was accompanying him, "Get the map of the Western Regions!"

"Your servant obeys!" Fang Zhenghua listened, without delay at all, he just brought the map of the Western Regions at once, and then, following Emperor Chongzhen's order, spread it out on the table in front of the emperor.

Then, Emperor Chongzhen picked up a ruler, bent down and began to draw on the map, which made Hong Chengchou, who was watching from below, very curious: what is the emperor doing?
Not long after, Emperor Chongzhen put down the ruler, then stretched out his hand to beckon Hong Chengchou, slapped the map with his hand and said: "Look, Hong Qing, the Zhungeer Department is hidden in this place!"

When Hong Chengchou heard this, he became even more curious and quickly looked at it.

On this map of the Western Regions, a great circle is drawn with Luntai as the center; there is also a great circle with Hami as the center.And the place where the emperor pointed out that Zhungeer's tribe is hiding is in the common coverage of these two great circles, um, it's still on the Tianshan Mountains.

To tell the truth, although Hong Chengchou could see clearly the things on the map, he still didn't understand, so he had to play to the emperor: "Your Majesty, my humble servant is dull, I don't know how the emperor can figure out that Zhungeer's tribe is hiding in this area?"

If the Zhungeer Department is really hidden in this area, although it is still a large area, it is far better than having no clue now.

Emperor Chongzhen laughed when he heard this.He estimated how much Baltu's daily itinerary would be, and how many days he would arrive at the destination. Although there would be horizontal and vertical movements in the middle, he didn't care about these, so he roughly drew the circle according to the furthest distance.By the same token, Hami's sentry of the Zhungeer Department, which had already been released, could also get an approximate range.The area of ​​the Tianshan Mountains covered by these two ranges is the hiding place of the Jungar tribe.

But of course he couldn't just tell Hong Chengchou like this, otherwise, Hong Chengchou would have doubts again, and would ask the emperor how he knew that those people were spies from the Zhungeer tribe, and how many roads did they walk every day?

It was impossible for Emperor Chongzhen to tell him that I estimated the speed of these spies based on the conversations of the spies in the wiretapping system and the urgency of the sound of horseshoes.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen said to Hong Chengchou: "You don't need to care about other things. The current plan is to find locals from the Western Regions and ask if there is a large valley in this Tianshan area that can accommodate as many tribes as the Zhungeer tribe. It can be several adjacent large valleys. The valley must be large enough and have a water source, and it is more likely if there is grassland in the valley."

By checking this information, it is possible to further narrow down the scope of the search.

Hearing Emperor Chongzhen speak so confidently, the most important thing is that if the emperor doesn't want to say anything, as a minister, can he still ask further questions?
Hong Chengchou had no choice but to leave quickly with a skeptical mood, and took a map to find soldiers or herdsmen in the Western Regions to deal with this matter.

About half a day later, Hong Chengchou excitedly came to find Emperor Chongzhen again, spread out the map, pointed to the red circles on the map excitedly and said: "Your Majesty, there are not many valleys that meet the requirements. Check again and again, probably these few places meet the conditions!"

"Okay, since it's been confirmed, we'll start tomorrow!" Emperor Chongzhen laughed and loudly ordered when he saw it.

Afterwards, the military meeting was held, and tasks were deployed. More than 5000 cavalry troops left as soon as they said they would leave the next day, rumbling away.

All the generals have the same doubts as Hong Chengchou, how can the emperor be sure that the Zhungeer tribe will hide here?After all, the Western Regions are vast, where can't they go?Even if you take a step back and hide in the Tianshan Mountain, why would the Zhungeer tribe hide here instead of other places because the Tianshan Mountain is so big?Could it be that the emperor has mastered a new technique of hexagrams, and can calculate the location of Zhungeer's tribe by drawing a picture on the map?
With these questions, whether Hong Chengchou or other generals, they are waiting to reveal the answer and see if there is Zhun Geerbu!
(End of this chapter)

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