Chapter 761 Compose a Poem

When he landed on Kyushu Island, Sun Chuanting had a very familiar feeling: ruined walls, bones on the roadside, and no chicken crowing for thousands of miles.

I think back then, many places in Qin and the Central Plains were like this!Sun Chuanting couldn't help but feel a little emotional.At that time, I was ordered to wipe out the bandits, and I saw many such scenes.

At that time, I used the name of Taizu to clean up the farmland. I didn't know how many powerful and powerful people I offended, but I just wanted to fight and turn the tide.However, the actual pressure may not be known to others, but he himself feels it very clearly.

At the end of 11, Chongzhen was on Qinwang Road, and the difficulties along the way made him feel like he would launch a violent counterattack against himself.But unexpectedly, the emperor showed his wise side. From then on, as if in a dream, the situation in the entire Ming Dynasty improved at an unimaginable speed.

In the few years that followed, the emperor fought south and north, sweeping the world, no bandits, Jian captives, Mongolian Tartars, no enemy was the emperor's opponent.In today's Daming, the common people live and work in peace and contentment, a scene of prosperity and prosperity!

Thinking of this and looking in front of him again, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but conceal his excitement, and immediately wrote a poem, which would be engraved on the stone tablet to remember the emotion of this moment.

He didn't expect that his original intention was to praise the emperor for his efforts to turn the tide, so that the people of Ming Dynasty would have a better life from now on, and it would never be like the miserable situation seen in this land.As a result, people later misinterpreted his poems, and it became his sympathy for the Japanese people when he lamented the stability and prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, and only then did he understand the great act of saving the Japanese people.

This place has also become a tourist attraction for later generations.Literary and ink poets will come here to admire his poem and praise his compassion for the Japanese people.

At this time, based on the situation of Kyushu Island, Sun Chuanting quickly divided his troops, thinking of capturing Kyushu Island as soon as possible and laying down the entire Wa Kingdom as soon as possible.Only in this way, he will not be too far behind by Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou.

His capture of Kyushu Island, of course, is not to occupy every grass and land of Kyushu Island, but to occupy the main towns, even if he has completed the occupation of Kyushu Island.

However, Hauge is also absolutely desperate. Before he left, it was these towns that were tormented.Wherever the Ming army went, basically all they saw were ruins.Therefore, the Ming army occupied the entire Kyushu Island very quickly, and then one piece of news was quickly fed back to Sun Chuanting.

Ruins, ruins, ruins...

On the contrary, in the wild wasteland, some hungry Japanese people can be found.

It is meaningless to divide troops to occupy all parts of Kyushu Island. After Sun Chuanting thought about it, he ordered the dispersed Ming army to take away all the Japanese people they found. They only divided the north and south sides of Kyushu Island into the two places of Kitakyushu and Kagoshima in later generations. To rebuild the town, the labor is naturally the Japanese people.

Kitakyushu is one of the ports closest to Tsushima Island. After reconstruction, it will be beneficial for the Ming army to replenish supplies from North Korea.And Kagoshima is the nearest place from Daming Jiangnan, which is conducive to the transportation of materials from Daming Jiangnan.

To let the Japanese work, of course, it is also for the Japanese to eat.Although the food for these Japanese people is really not very good, it is many times better than the miserable days after they were harmed by Hauge.Sometimes, it is the fear of comparison.These Japanese people have a bite to eat, so they are grateful to the Ming army.And this is also one of the direct reasons why most people in later generations misunderstood Sun Chuanting's poem.

In fact, Sun Chuanting thought it would be impossible without the Japanese people.North Korea was ravaged by Jianlu and Japanese troops, and there was no one at all. There was not enough manpower for the reconstruction there, and it was unknown that the reconstruction would take place in the Year of the Monkey.Not to mention, there is also an urgent need for manpower in Liaodong.

Although Emperor Chongzhen had issued a decree to give preferential policies for the people of Ming Dynasty to go to Liaodong and North Korea, this did not happen overnight.As for this Japanese land, of course it must be ranked after Liaodong and North Korea, so it is impossible for someone to come to this Japanese land.

It is also for this reason that when Sun Chuanting landed on Kyushu Island, he sent a secret note to Emperor Chongzhen, explaining the situation in the Wa Kingdom, and suggested that Jianlu should not be harmed anymore.

In this regard, the reply from Emperor Chongzhen was also sent to Sun Chuanting through Feige and eight hundred miles of courier, and he agreed to his petition. don't want.

At the same time, the point where Fei Ge passed messages began to expand.From Jingshi to Tianjin, Tianjin to Lushun and then to North Korea, Tsushima Island and Kitakyushu have all started preparations, and strive to use flying pigeons to pass letters on this route in the future.Otherwise, across the sea, the message transmission would be too slow.

After Sun Chuanting received the order of Emperor Chongzhen, he ordered Zheng Zhilong, the chief of the navy, to cross the sea to capture Xiaguan and Deshan on the opposite bank of Kitakyushu.

Zheng Zhilong at this time was quite happy.He would say to everyone that his son is better than blue because of blue, no matter what, he, as an old man, has to work hard not to be surpassed by his son.

Ever since the news of Zheng Chenggong's conquest of Taiwan and his great achievements in Nanyang came back, Zheng Zhilong's smile never disappeared.He was in such a good mood that after he was ordered to take down Xiaguan and Deshan, which did not have many enemies, he was generous to the surrounding Japanese people, allowing some of the seafood he caught to be given to work. Japanese people.

So, in this way, one spread to ten, ten to one hundred, the Japanese people in Honshu, who suffered from the war disaster, heard that the Ming army had landed in the south of Honshu, and the Ming army over there were all living Bodhisattvas, who could have a share of food, so they moved south one after another. , I just wanted to avoid the military disaster and have a way to survive.

As a result, the Ming army has more and more manpower for construction, and the progress of the projects in these two places is faster than that on Kyushu Island.When Sun Chuanting inspected these places, he was satisfied.He said to Zheng Zhilong who was accompanying him with emotion: "These Japanese people are really good labor. Look..."

As he said that, he pointed to the Japanese people who were working hard on the construction site and said, "Although they are all old and weak, their working energy is not inferior to that of young people."

"Your Excellency is right!" Zheng Zhilong knew a lot about the Japanese kingdom, so he smiled and replied to Sun Chuanting, "The Japanese tradition has always been to obey the strong, not to mention, we are not only strong now, but also give them food and treat them with food. They pulled back from the brink of death. How could they not cherish such a good opportunity!"

Sun Chuanting nodded, glanced at the blazing construction site, and said with emotion: "It's just a pity that all the young and strong Japanese have gone to fight. Otherwise, the progress of the reconstruction can be accelerated a lot."

"That's right!" Zheng Zhilong immediately echoed after hearing this, "The Wa Kingdom is now in chaos. There is chaos between daimyos and daimyos in various places, and between the remnants of Jianlu and the daimyos of Wa Kingdom. With the Tokugawa shogunate, they are not reconciled to being seized of power, and are also expanding their power crazily, and the north of Honshu is already in chaos."

"Then let them continue fighting!" After hearing this, Sun Chuanting pointed at the construction site and said, "The news that we have landed in this state will probably spread to the north soon. The situation may change by then, so you have to pay close attention focus on."

As for Daming, as long as he has a firm foothold in these two places, and then pushes steadily northward, he will be able to flatten the remnants of Jianlu and the Japanese daimyo.

After Zheng Zhilong heard this, of course he agreed.


Besides, Hauge's troops used Bao Chengxian's long-distance and short-range attack strategy to coerce the Japanese people in the places they passed, and kept advancing northward. At this time, Nagoya had just been captured, and Hauge was standing on the top of Nagoya's city wall, watching the army sweep the entire country. city.Burning, killing, and looting, I couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

These Japanese people are really vulnerable.

The height of their Japanese warriors limited their combat power. As long as the white armored soldiers came up, there would be no problem at all to defeat the Japanese warriors.

What the Japanese relied on most was their musketeers.However, as for their shotguns, they had already accumulated experience in the battle with the Ming army.As long as the carriages cover the rush, those Japanese shotgun soldiers will be lambs to be slaughtered.

The only artillery that made Jianlu have scruples was pitifully rare in this country.Even if you encounter it, it is easy to crack it by driving away the Japanese people to consume their ammunition.

Holding a blood-dripping waist knife, Turg stood beside Hauge, looked at everything around him, and congratulated Hauge, "Master, now our army has opened up the passage to Edo, and the next opponent is The Tokugawa shogunate is gone. As long as they are wiped out, then this country of Wa will be honored by the master!"

Nagoya is still a little far away from Edo, but the Tokugawa shogunate is not idle and is also expanding. Therefore, their two forces will soon border each other.

Compared with other daimyos, the Tokugawa shogunate still has a few daimyos who obey the orders of the Tokugawa shogunate, and there will be more troops.Hauge didn't care about this at all.

After hearing Turg's words, he glanced around the city of Nagoya, and saw that his subordinates were everywhere he looked, so he laughed again, stepped on the battlements, and pointed the sword in his hand to the north, He shouted loudly: "I want to use Tokugawa Iemitsu's head as a urinal and rule the Japanese kingdom!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a Jian prisoner galloping down the city from a distance, and before he even had time to enter the city, he raised his head and shouted to Hauge who was standing on the battlement: "Master, it's not good, The Ming army is calling!"

Hauge, who was still high-spirited just now, slipped and wobbled after hearing this, and almost fell off the wall.

"What, the Ming army is calling?" Hauge, who was still in shock, had no ambition at all, bowed his head nervously and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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