Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 718 Eating Durian

Chapter 718 Eating Durian

Compared with the Dutch, although the Portuguese are flustered, they are still different from the Dutch.

Although Anders had a language barrier, he quickly figured out the reason for the sudden chaos on the Annan coalition side.

At this time, he was very fortunate that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty allowed him to take the crime and make meritorious service.

But he quickly came to his senses. It had been so long, and he still hadn't made any meritorious deeds!If they don't perform meritorious service, will the Emperor of Ming Dynasty let them go?
Thinking of this, Anders became a little anxious.He didn't dare to bet that even if there was no merit, the Ming Emperor would let them go.

Just as he was in a hurry, he saw a messenger running over to convey Ruan Fubin's military order, telling them to retreat quickly.

After hearing this, Anders hurried out of the camp to wait and see.It can be seen that Mo Jun and Zheng Jun are in a mess, and the soldiers are not organized at all, and they have begun to show signs of collapse.

However, on Ruan Jun's side, there is still an organization.Under the yelling of the officer, groups of soldiers began to gather, obviously preparing to retreat.

Turning around to look in the direction of Hekou City, it seems that the Ming army is also moving, and it seems that they are about to leave the camp to pursue.

what to do?It will be too late if you don't make meritorious deeds!

Anders was anxious, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Zheng Jun's side has already collapsed, and Ruan Jun's side still has an organizational system. If Ruan Jun can be messed up, it will be considered a credit, right?After all, there is always a difference in the difficulty of the Ming army's pursuit.

Thinking of this, Anders immediately locked the idea of ​​making meritorious service on Ruan Jun's side.

However, his army only has about [-] people, and the Ruan army has about [-] people. Even if one can equal ten, it is impossible to stop so many Ruan soldiers!It can even be said that it is difficult to even kill them.

Anders was so anxious that cold sweat was pouring down.

After a while, Ruan Jun had already begun to withdraw his troops to the rear.

Seeing this situation, Anders suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly had an idea, so he immediately summoned his men to start deployment.

Besides, Ruan Phuc Bin also hurriedly cleaned up and immediately got on his horse and prepared to leave.At this time, he was concerned about two things, and was asking the guards around him: "Have the war elephants started to withdraw?"

"Return to Your Highness, the withdrawal has already begun!"

"Have the Folangji started to withdraw? I'm afraid their artillery will be too late. Tell them not to bring it with them. It's too heavy. They won't be able to escape with the artillery."

After Ruan Fubin finished speaking, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the rear camp, where the Frang Robot was stationed. Because of the importance of firearms, it was in the middle of the rear camp.

From a distance, one could vaguely see that many Francois had already run out of their tents, holding muskets and running out.

Afterwards, the line of sight was blocked by the war elephant troops, and the large troops had already begun to withdraw to the rear camp.

Seeing this, Ruan Fubin didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately ordered to leave quickly, and he was the first to whip the horse's ass, and go first.

On the side of Hekou City, besides Che Ying, almost the entire Ming army was mobilized, including the three major generals Cao Bianjiao, Huang Degong, and Zhou Yuji.

At this time, their troops were already leaving the city, and they were waiting for the emperor's orders at the top of the city.

At this time, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was in a good mood, he said to them with a smile: "Lu Qing has already led the troops from Guangdong and Guangxi, and the Fujian Navy has captured the old lair of the Zheng army and captured the rebel Li Shi. Now it is just a deliberate move. The released messenger rushed here, triggering the collapse of Annan's bandit army!"

Cao Bianjiao and others knew that the emperor had a decree before, and secretly passed it to Liao Dongbo, who had returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, and asked him to lead the Guangdong and Guangxi troops and the Fujian navy to attack the rear of the bandit army from Annan North Road and East Road.They just don't know, what's going on over there?
Now that they heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, they were all overjoyed. No wonder Annan's bandits were in chaos.

"Qing and others drove away the Zheng and Mo armies, making their disintegration irreparable." Emperor Chongzhen told them, "After hearing the loud noise, they returned to attack the Ruan army's headquarters and pursued the Ruan army fiercely. ...In short, I don't need the old officials and gentry on Annan's side, understand?"

In fact, the three of Cao Bianjiao did not understand this purpose.Because in their view, Zheng Mo's two armies have already collapsed, and the Ruan army still has an organizational system, so they should take this opportunity to attack the Ruan army first, so that the Ruan army will also collapse, so that they will definitely win a big victory!Otherwise, when I look back and give Ruan Jun time, I am afraid that many of them will escape.

Moreover, there is another point that they don't understand. They heard a loud noise, what loud noise?Where did the loud noise come from? Will it affect Ruan Jun?

Just as they were thinking about it, they heard Emperor Chongzhen order them again: "By the way, the Fo Langji people in Ruan's army are our internal agents of the Ming Dynasty, not enemies. Please tell me, don't kill the wrong one!"

After hearing this, the three people realized that what the emperor told the whole army to shout at the beginning turned out to be true.The loud noise that the emperor said was probably caused by this Franz robot, right?

Thinking of the emperor's continuous tactics against this Annan bandit army even though he was already strong enough, haha, those bandits may die in peace, because they were really unjustly defeated!
So, the three of them immediately bowed to receive the order, and strode down the top of the city with very easy steps.It was as if they were not ordered to fight wars at all.


Seeing that the Ming army had already dispatched, Ruan Fubin hurriedly urged his men, dropped some things, and hurried away.

His men were actually in a hurry, and the organization was a bit chaotic. Fortunately, his officers were working hard to maintain it. At this time, the main force had already swarmed to the rear camp.

But at this moment, there was suddenly an earth-shattering sound.


Everyone was shocked by the sudden huge sound, and many people were stunned.These are just the lucky ones because they are far away, including Nguyen Phuc Bin.

After being dazed for a long time, he turned around to look. Suddenly, he became stunned.

I saw a huge mushroom cloud rising in the direction of the rear camp, thick smoke filled the air, and a very large area had become empty.All the soldiers over there fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.In some peripheral areas, the soldiers who were less affected also fell to the ground, but many people were still thinking about getting up, but they just couldn't get up. Even the few who could get up were stumbled.

Including the war elephant troops, Ruan Fubin has been hiding like a treasure, and just happened to pass by the rear camp, and suffered a sudden disaster.Most of the war elephants fell to the ground and wailed, and a few war elephants seemed to have gone crazy, running wildly in all directions, completely out of control, no matter what was in front of them, they ran all the way.

Ruan Fubin couldn't accept the scene in front of him.He also couldn't understand why there was such a huge explosion.

After being stunned for a long time, it wasn't until the Ming army suddenly changed direction and charged in this direction that he came back to his senses under the urging of his personal guards.

Only then did he realize that the center of the explosion was the Fo Langji camp.With this discovery, he immediately guessed that it must be that all the gunpowder of the Folang Machine exploded, which is why it has such power!
However, how could the gunpowder of the Frang robot suddenly explode together? Could it be that the Frang robot fled in a hurry, did not bring any gunpowder, had a torch or something ignited, and encountered a large explosion caused by the gunpowder in a panic Explosion?
At this time, he still didn't think about it. In fact, it was a deliberate effort by the Frangji people to gather all the gunpowder they brought together and use a time-delayed fuse to ignite the gunpowder so that they could perform meritorious service.

This was the only opportunity Anders could come up with to do meritorious service. Emperor Chongzhen learned of his plan through eavesdropping on the seeds, and only then did he explain to Cao Bianjiao's three generals.Have to say, well done!


The sound of horseshoes rumbled, and the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.

On the battlefield, the morale of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty was like a rainbow, and they chased and killed the Annan bandits as if they were destroying Gula.I was even more excited when I saw that there was a sudden loud noise from the side of the Ruan Army that was still organized, blowing up the Ruan Army into a mess.Now the bandits they see before their eyes are not enemy soldiers, but all of them are military exploits!
On the head of Hekou City, Emperor Chongzhen was sitting on a grand teacher's chair, eating a durian, watching the battlefield as a side dish, smiling and saying to Li Ruolian, commander of Jinyiwei: "I heard that Li Qing thinks this fruit is very smelly, so you are ignorant and ignorant." Yes. I can remind you that this fruit is not smelly, but fragrant. You can’t eat it in the north. And eating it often can strengthen your body, invigorate your spleen and qi, nourish your kidneys and strengthen your yang, and warm your body. It is a nourishing and beneficial fruit. It's delicious too, don't be fooled by the smell!"

Hearing the emperor's happy words, Li Ruolian thought bitterly in his heart. When a local official gave him this durian before, he did comment on such a stinky thing, and he would not eat it!
But at this time, the emperor has said so, does he still dare to stick to his opinion?He didn't dare to disobey the emperor's will, so he had to eat a piece according to the order.

Huh, let alone, this durian tastes soft and delicious, even softer and more delicious than the banana I like to eat, it seems that it is not as bad as imagined.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the change in his expression and immediately laughed and said: "If you want to eat, go ahead and eat. Anyway, it will take a long time until the war is over."

Annan's bandit army of more than [-] was hunted down by the Ming army of less than [-].

So, just like that, Emperor Chongzhen and the courtiers who stayed with him were eating durian and watching the fighting in the distance outside the city.This kind of one-sided war, no matter what, looks comfortable, and even makes many people who resist durian no longer resist in the face of such a good "drinking dish".

I just don’t know how many people will change their positions after eating this time, and no longer feel that the durian is smelly, but it is fragrant!

 Thanks for the reward of 1000 starting coins at level [-] of Dongnanfeng!
(End of this chapter)

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