Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 696 Homecoming

Chapter 696 Homecoming
On the official road outside the city of Changzhou Prefecture in Southern Zhili of the Ming Dynasty, there are dense crowds of human heads.Crowds of common people, scholars who call friends and friends, and officials at all levels wearing black hats are all there.

Just looking at this posture, I am afraid that half of the officials and people in Changzhou have come out of the city.Judging by their appearance, they seemed to be waiting for someone.

No matter whether it is the officials or the common people, they are all waiting for someone outside the city. Even the last time the imperial envoy Mr. Zhang came, it was not so grand. So who are they waiting for?

A passer-by passed by and was very curious to see this situation, so they leaned over to listen to what they were saying.

"You said, Lord Lu has been away from his hometown for many years, and now he is finally back!"

"Yes, Lord Lu fought for the country. How many years have passed in the blink of an eye. If I remember correctly, it should be that after the second year of Tianqi, he has never returned to his hometown!"

"That's right. In the tenth year of Chongzhen, the old man died. At that time, the captives were invaded by the bandits, and Lord Lu was robbed of his love. He couldn't be filial and devoted himself to the country!"

"Lord Lu is loyal to the king and serves the country. Now he is finally back. He is returning to his hometown in fine clothes. He is the second civil servant in the Ming Dynasty to be ennobled after Duke Wen Cheng. Master Lu is the surname of my Changzhou prefecture. It is really a great honor for me in Changzhou. How honorable is it? ah!"


The passer-by was still confused at first, but when he heard that it was the second civil servant of the Ming Dynasty who was conferred a title, he interrupted in surprise and asked, "Dare to ask you, what you are discussing is my Ming Dynasty Liaodong Bo?"

Hearing his words, the person closest to him immediately raised his head with pride and replied: "It's not Liao Dongbo, who can make me willingly run to the side of the road outside the city and wait for it, just to see it with my own eyes?" last look?"

"That's right, Liaodong Bo is the pride of my Changzhou government!" Another companion said proudly, "We don't know how those officials are. We, including all the common people, heard that Mr. Lu would meet in the morning. To Changzhou Mansion, so I came here early to wait outside the city, just to have a look at Master Lu!"

Hearing this, the passers-by were also excited, and immediately said: "Then I have to pay my respects to Master Lu!"

After finishing speaking, he looked back at the distance and saw no movement, so he turned his head and continued: "You don't know, in the past, there were bandits everywhere, and there were also Jianlu who were raging, so I didn't dare to come out and do something. Small business. Mr. Lu fought for the Ming Dynasty, as far as I remember, he has been to the capital, Huguang, Anhui, Shaanxi, Xuanfu, Datong, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Liaodong, and North Korea, right?"

Hearing how much he respected Lord Lu, he immediately won the favor of these people, and one of them immediately said friendlyly: "It's rare that a friend remembers so clearly, that's right!"

"In ancient times, there was Dayu who controlled the waters, but the gates of the three countries did not enter!" Another person continued, "Now our Lord Lu in Changzhou is loyal to the emperor and serves the country. He has been fighting for the country for at least 19 years. Now, it is the first time that Lord Lu has returned to the country. hometown!"

There was a younger one who didn't dare to lag behind, and rushed to speak: "You don't know, I heard about all kinds of turmoil in Ming Dynasty since I was a child. At that time, I was really worried about what kind of chaos the world would become when I grew up? Later I heard Someone in our Changzhou Prefecture has been fighting chaos. Although he was born as a Jinshi, he was braver than a military general. He fought on the front lines and took the lead. Bravely crown the three armies.”

"When you said that, I remembered it too!" The passer-by heard this and immediately participated in the discussion excitedly, "Uncle Liaodong is really the odd number of my Ming Dynasty. Although he is a scholar, he can carry a tripod..."


Like everyone else, they were all discussing about Lu Xiangsheng, when suddenly, a man dressed as a yamen servant came flying on the official road, and at the same time shouted loudly: "The Liaodong uncle is here, the Liaodong uncle is here..."

Hearing this cry, the "buzzing" sound outside Changzhou immediately disappeared without a trace.Everyone stopped chatting privately, and looked at the yamen servant who reported the letter, and then immediately looked far away from the official road, wanting to see the person they wanted to see at the first time.

However, it was obvious that the yamen servant rushed to report the letter, and Lu Xiangsheng did not appear in sight so quickly.But even so, the people waiting outside the city rushed to both sides of the official road.

Seeing this situation, the local soldiers who maintained order suddenly felt as if they were facing an enemy, and hurriedly scolded them, telling them not to mess up.However, who would want to miss the rare opportunity to meet Master Lu?

This vigor can be completely described with a famous sentence in a novel of later generations: If you don't see Chen Jinnan in your life, it's useless to call him a hero.Here, it was Lu Xiangsheng who was replaced!
Seeing that this situation is a bit wrong, if it continues like this, it is likely to cause trouble.Seeing this, a civil servant frowned and immediately confessed.

So, while maintaining order, the soldiers who maintained order were heard shouting and asking: "Lord Lu is coming soon, do you want Master Lu to see the chaos in his hometown?"

Needless to say, upon hearing this, those who were pushing forward stopped squeezing, and the chaotic situation was immediately brought under control.

Obviously, they admire Lu Xiangsheng, and they don't want Lu Xiangsheng to see their bad side.

After a while, I saw dust flying far away from the official road, and a group of knights galloped towards Changzhou City.

"Here we come, Master Lu is here!" The yamen servant who reported the letter before immediately shouted happily when he saw this.

Immediately, the scene became a little commotion again, but the questions of the soldiers just now were still in their ears, so the commotion quickly subsided.

Even so, you can see excitement on everyone's face.The eyes were wide open.The shorter ones stood on their feet and looked around.

"Hoo ho ho..."

The sound of hurried hoofbeats came faintly, and the figures of the team of knights became more and more clear.

I saw the leader, wearing a scarlet robe, very conspicuous.Behind him, there is a team of red-clothed personal guards.Just by looking at them from a distance, one can tell that each of them is very skilled in riding.

It is believed that among the civil servants of Ming Dynasty, there are only a few people who can gallop a horse in a scarlet robe.There is only one person who will appear here now.

Immediately, all the officials and common people who were waiting became very excited and stretched their necks to see clearly.

That's right, this person is Lu Xiangsheng.

After he handed over work to Sun Chuanting by order, he finally had the opportunity to go back to his hometown to visit his relatives. He remembered that he had never seen his family since the second year of Chongzhen when he led the army to conquer the North and the South. , almost died in Jiazhuang.Thinking that the emperor is so sympathetic and specially gave the opportunity to visit his relatives, it is really like an arrow to return to his heart.

Therefore, it can be said that he traveled day and night. He sailed down the Yangtze River overnight yesterday. He could have entered Taihu Lake and returned to his hometown.When he felt that taking a boat was too slow, he galloped his horse and galloped after crossing the Yangtze River, wishing he could rush to his hometown immediately.

But when he got to Changzhou city, he saw the dense crowd standing outside the city, he was a little strange, wondering what these people were doing?
So, he slowed down the horse speed, wanting to ask clearly.In this ancient time, with so many people gathering, there must be a big event.

What Lu Xiangsheng never expected was that as soon as he got close to the crowd, he saw happy faces and shouted to him: "Master Lu, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Lord Lu, you are the pride of Changzhou!"

"Master Lu, the students are fortunate to witness the heroic appearance, and it is really the honor of Sansheng!"


Hearing the chattering words, Lu Xiangsheng immediately understood that they were all waiting for him and just wanted to take a look at him.

As soon as he understood this, he couldn't help being excited. This is because the elders in his hometown specially greeted him outside the city!
The so-called villagers see fellow villagers, with tears in their eyes!

Lu Xiangsheng is already 46 years old, and he has never seen any scenes.Now that he has been fighting abroad for many years, when he finally returned to Changzhou, he suddenly received such a grand reception from the elders in his hometown, which made him very emotional.

He felt that all the sacrifices to defend his home and country were worth it.

Involuntarily, Lu Xiangsheng slowed down his horse gait, listened to the local accent, straightened his upper body, clasped his fists with both hands, and gestured left and right in return.

Sweet or not, hometown water, kiss or not, hometown people!
The officials of Changzhou City who were waiting on the official road stepped forward to greet Lu Xiangsheng one by one. Among them, the prefect of Changzhou Prefecture with the highest official position said on their behalf: "The officials and colleagues, and the people of the whole city heard that the Lord is going back. The relatives of the township, I specially wait here. My lord has worked hard to fight for the country, and I have already hosted a banquet for my lord in the city to clean up the dust!"

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng did not get off his horse, but clasped his fists on the horse's back to return the salute. At the same time, he said regretfully, "Everyone is really caring. It is my duty to be loyal to the king. I haven't been reunited with my family for 17 years. Not keeping the filial piety for my dead father is really like returning home, I hope you all..."

Having said that, he saluted the surrounding people again, and then said again: "Please forgive me, I must hurry back to Yixing today!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be in awe.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu is loyal to the country, and if there is a chance, he will return home like an arrow, and he will rush back to Yixing, but there are still more than 100 miles away!In the past, loyalty and filial piety could not be both, but now after being loyal, I am dedicated to filial piety. It is true that loyalty and filial piety are all in my heart.

If it were someone else, the father had been dead for so many years, so there was no rush at this moment.Now that he is returning to his hometown, isn't it just to show his glory in front of people!
Thinking about it this way, no matter whether it was these officials or the people around him, they all respected Lu Xiangsheng, and they didn't say anything to keep him.

On behalf of them, the prefect of Changzhou Prefecture said again: "Now Mongolia and Liaodong have been pacified, and even Japan has been defeated by adults. The war has subsided, and adults should spend more time with their loved ones in their hometown!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng frowned when he saw that everyone around him was nodding in agreement.

 It's a little bit of a text, and there is another chapter that will be updated when I get back from get off work

(End of this chapter)

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