Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 632 Chicken blood is coming

Chapter 632 Chicken blood is coming
Hearing his words, Ii Naotaka's first instinct was that something was wrong!

Could it be the Ming army, there really are moths, right?
Worried, Ii Naotaka didn't say anything, and immediately grabbed the binoculars again, and quickly looked at the movement on the other side.

Along the long coastline of Busan, the transport ships of Dawa Kingdom are docking all the way, and the army is landing continuously.On the Busan Port side, it seems that there are not many Ming sailors who fled from the warships to the shore.These are basically the same as what I saw before.

The only difference is that on the inner side of the inland, dust can be seen rising from a distance. It seems that a long and wide earth dragon is rolling towards Busan.This is……

Seeing this, Ii Naotaka immediately understood that Zongyicheng was talking about this.After being stunned for a while, he finally came to his senses. Could it be, this is the dust rolled up by countless cavalry galloping?

When he thought of this possibility, Ii Naotaka's body suddenly swayed, his face turned pale, and he whispered unconsciously: "This is impossible, this is impossible, where did the Ming army come from so many cavalry, this is impossible..."

At this time on the Busan battlefield, although the roar of the artillery had weakened, it was still ringing.The excited and triumphant shouts of the Japanese army became the mainstream voice on the battlefield.The sound was so loud that it could be heard clearly from Tsushima Island.Therefore, based on the estimation of the distance from the dust, it is normal to not hear any movement.

However, unlike Jing Yizhixiao and all other Japanese people, the soldiers of the Ming army have seen many cavalry regiments fighting, especially Li Dingguo and the others, who are themselves cavalry troops, can clearly capture the movement of the cavalry regiment from the noise of the battlefield.

At this time, they were covering the retreat of the sailors. After sensing some movement, they thought they were thinking too much at first.

You know, in their view, the combat power of these Japanese people is really not comparable to that of Jianlu, and beating them is really a relatively easy morale.However, there are many Japanese soldiers, and the superiority in military strength has been brought into play, which makes them feel a bit useless in losing this battle.They were all thinking that if they had more troops on their side and some reinforcements came at this time, they would not have to retreat at all.Subjectively, they are very much looking forward to the emergence of a support army.

Unexpectedly, just after a while, the earth seemed to tremble and tremble, and there was the faint sound of thundering horseshoes, all of which proved that there were indeed a large number of cavalry galloping. These situations, at least a little bit of confirmation by them, would be able to I know it's not that they think too much, but it's true.As a result, all the soldiers of the Ming army became excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"Aren't our ten thousand cavalry troops here? Where did the cavalry reinforcements come from?"

"There is no cavalry in Japan, so our reinforcements must have arrived!"

"Yes, now that Jianlu is gone, only I, Daming, have cavalry. It is definitely our reinforcements that have arrived!"

"Maybe it's the governor who came to reinforce us with the main force, haha!"

"Yes, yes, there must be reinforcements coming from Liaodong. This is really amazing. Now, let's kill the Japanese pirates!"

"Finally, you don't have to be aggrieved, kill all these Japanese pirates!"


Therefore, the cavalry troops of Li Dingguo and Lu Dasuo, who had been fighting and retreating, immediately stopped retreating.The Japanese army, who was attacking happily just now, wanted to catch up with the Ming army and prevent the Ming army from running away, and immediately felt resistance, as if they had been poking the window paper all the time, but suddenly, they poked a piece of iron.

At this time, Li Dingguo happened to be with Zheng Zhilong. He was also one of the first people to react. After confirming that there was indeed a large number of cavalry galloping towards this direction, he was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly shouted at the sailors who were still scolding and urging them on. Zheng Zhilong, who moved quickly, said: "Commander, our reinforcements have arrived!"

"What?" Zheng Zhilong turned pale when he heard it, and shouted to Li Dingguo, "The Japanese army has reinforcements coming again?"

Li Dingguo was amused to hear it, a rare smile appeared on his face, and he shouted loudly to Zheng Zhilong again: "A cavalry army is coming, at most five miles away from here, it must be our reinforcements."

After he finished speaking, seeing Zheng Zhilong's stunned face, he added: "And there are quite a few of them, they must be reinforcements from Liaodong!"

"Ah..." Zheng Zhilong was quite surprised when he heard it. When reinforcements are most needed, did reinforcements really arrive?This... isn't this amazing?Is it Mazu's blessing?

At this time, a while has passed, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes can no longer be covered up by the movement of the Busan battlefield.Even Zheng Zhilong, who was not familiar with the cavalry, could confirm that there were indeed a large number of cavalry galloping after listening to it for a while.

Immediately, Zheng Zhilong was overjoyed, and immediately shouted overjoyed: "Really, it is true that the reinforcements have arrived, our reinforcements have arrived!"

The soldiers of the Ming army next to him also showed ecstasy when they heard it.

When Li Dingguo saw this, his heart moved, and he immediately shouted to the Ming army soldiers around him: "Call together, let all the comrades know that our reinforcements have arrived. Let the Japanese army know that our reinforcements have arrived!"

Under his command, all the soldiers of the Ming army shouted excitedly: "The reinforcements have arrived, kill the Japanese pirates!"

"The reinforcements have arrived, kill the pirates..."

If the voice was relatively small at the beginning because of the small number of people, after only shouting twice, more soldiers of the Ming army immediately joined in the shouting.

Therefore, the shouts of "Reinforcements have arrived, kill the Japanese pirates" are louder than the other and spread further.

Later, this cry overshadowed all other sounds on the Busan battlefield, as if there was only this extremely excited cry of the Ming army in the world.

Whether it was the Japanese sailors on the Japanese navy warship or the Japanese soldiers who were disembarking and landing, they all heard this movement.Suddenly, no matter what they were doing, they all involuntarily stopped their movements.

Although most of them couldn't understand what the Ming army was shouting, the excitement in that shout could be understood without using words to communicate.

One thing, they are very sure, the Ming army is very happy, they are very happy, that is to say, they have good things.

They have a good thing, but it is definitely not a good thing for the Japanese army!

All the soldiers of the Japanese army couldn't help but became suspicious, not knowing what happened.All of a sudden, the voices on the battlefield immediately decreased a lot, and only the shouts of the soldiers of the Ming army continued.

In this way, in the interval between the shouts of the soldiers of the Ming army, the sound of the horseshoes of the cavalry was like thunder in the sky, and the movement from afar was heard by most of the Japanese.

This kind of sound may not be familiar to those army soldiers who have just arrived, and they are still wondering.However, the Japanese sailors who have just experienced a cavalry charge should not be too impressed.Hearing this, they all turned pale with shock.

For them, the power of the cavalry's charge is too terrifying, and it is simply not something that flesh and blood can resist.Even with a shotgun in hand, there would not be much psychological comfort for the charge of the cavalry.

In addition to being frightened, the Japanese sailors finally panicked.

"It's not good, it's the Ming Dynasty cavalry!"

"Ming's reinforcements have arrived, but the cavalry is here!"

"My god, this movement is so loud, how many cavalry troops are here!"


The Japanese cavalry had only suffered a big loss once. At this time, when they heard the thunderous sound of horseshoes, which became louder and louder, they no longer wanted to stay on land.Especially those Japanese sailors who have followed the army to attack Busan Port, because the terrain here is flat, they understand that the cavalry here is the most terrifying.Therefore, they retreated immediately, so they dare to stay here.

The Japanese army soldiers were originally stupid and bold. After all, they had never experienced the charge of a large-scale cavalry regiment, but when they heard the panic shouts of the Japanese sailors and saw the Japanese sailors fleeing, they panicked immediately.

One thing is very clear, if the cavalry was not powerful, it would be absolutely impossible for the Japanese sailors to escape like this!

At the beginning, the soldiers of the Japanese army hesitated in place, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.However, when Li Dingguo and Lu Dasuo's troops were stimulated by the reinforcements, their morale was revived, and they seemed to have infinite power again, and when they began to charge back, these Japanese army soldiers saw the power of the cavalry charge. Prestige.

It was getting louder and louder, as if there was only the sound of rumbling horseshoes between the heaven and the earth. It is conceivable that when there were so many reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty, the soldiers of the Japanese army no longer had the courage to continue fighting. Behind him, he quickly fled to the boat.

Earlier, Zheng Zhilong's subordinates were originally reluctant to evacuate the warship. When they heard that the reinforcements had arrived, when the army's comrades began to fight back, they immediately ran back to the ship that belonged to them without waiting for Zheng Zhilong's orders. At the same time, Hokkien, Dengzhou dialect, Liaodong dialect, etc. can be heard everywhere.

"Damn it, finally you don't have to withdraw, just kill those Japanese pirates!"

"I'm almost ashamed to see people, I want to vent my anger severely!"


Zheng Zhibao, who was deploying explosives in the cabin to blow up the ship, didn't hear anything, but suddenly saw the sailors jumping back on board one after another, he was a little dumbfounded: What's going on?
But soon, he knew that it was Daming's reinforcements who had arrived!

Immediately, this news also made him overjoyed, and he quickly got out of the warship and came to the shore to learn about the situation from his brother.

Once on the shore, the situation is clear without even asking.

"Kill..." The sound of killing came from a distance, accompanied by the sound of rumbling horseshoes, one after another.

What couldn't be more clear, the reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty have arrived!

Unlike the ecstasy of the Ming army, on Tsushima Island, all the Japanese watching the battle did not make a sound. Everyone, like a clay bodhisattva in a temple, remained motionless, just staring blankly at the other side.

 Thank you sailvdou for rewarding with 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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