Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 146 Xue Manzi Stirs Shit (Addition 411 for the leader of Tang Tieguang)

Chapter 146 Xue Manzi Stirs Shit (Addition 411 for the leader of Tang Tieguang)

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen had a tendency to go berserk, everyone in the hall lowered their heads, docilely like sheep, trying to reduce their own existence as much as possible, how could they dare to object!Otherwise, the emperor may think that he wants to blackmail the generals in front. Once the factory guards investigate, he will be in trouble!
Emperor Chongzhen saw that none of the courtiers had spoken out, so he calmed down a little, and said in a more gentle tone: "It has been more than four months since the Jianlu ravages, how many people's families have been destroyed, and their wives and children have been separated? King De, life and death are even more unknown now! However, I ordered King Qin, how many troops have come to King Qin? How many of King Qin's troops can fight to the death? Let me tell you, how many troops I can rely on? How many?"

There was no sound in the hall, so quiet that no one dared to fart secretly!

Seeing all the courtiers lowered their heads, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly raised the victory document and said loudly: "Now, the soldiers of Qin have stood up. They have lived up to my expectations and dared to fight Jianlu to the death! In the days when thousands of horses are silent Here, it was given to me, to Daming, to the people of Daming, to let me, to let my people see that Jianlu is not invincible, and that our Daming army is capable of defeating them. At this time, can we Do you pour cold water on those soldiers who risk their lives, and chill their hearts?"

"Also, you should have heard that Qin Bing suffered more than [-] casualties in this battle. Although they won two battles, was the price too high? Forgetting life and death, he won the war for the Ming Dynasty and taught the Jianlu a lesson. Should such a loyal army be rewarded rather than punished? Do you want those dawdlers to laugh and laugh at them for their country? Loyalty? Come on, who of you will tell me what the court should do?"

In the battle of cold weapons, the so-called killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred is not a casual talk.It is very, very rare to have a battle loss ratio like Qi's army.In this battle, the main casualties of Qin soldiers were in Sun Chuanting's blocking battle.Of course, when the [-] Tartar infantry were besieged, the opponent's besieged beasts were still fighting, which also caused a lot of casualties for the Qin soldiers.

It is also because of this that at the end of the victory report, Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting's army must rest and reorganize, and it will be difficult to attack in a short time.If at this time, the court no longer trusts them, the blow to the morale of the army can be imagined.

After the Emperor Chongzhen finished asking, he saw that none of them spoke, the corner of their mouth curled up, showing a silent sneer, and then called their names: "Yang Qing, you are a minister of the cabinet, and you are well-known as a soldier. Come here!" Answer me, what is the most correct course of action for the imperial court?"

When Yang Sichang heard this, he felt very helpless. You, the emperor, have already made it so clear, what else can I say?
In fact, if personal feelings are aside, Yang Sichang agrees with Emperor Chongzhen very much.At this time, Daming too needs to have a role model.Therefore, even if Qin Bing's record is a bit exaggerated, the court will recognize it.Not only do you have to admit it, but you also have to exaggerate for Qin Bing, so as to boost the morale of the Ming Dynasty and encourage more troops to fight Jianlu instead of working hard.

"My minister!" Yang Sichang didn't dare to delay, and immediately responded respectfully: "The imperial court should commend and reward this great victory!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen turned his head to look at another person, and asked in a cold voice, "Zhong Qing, what do you all say?"

When Zhong Yin heard it, he was as speechless as Yang Sichang, your emperor has said it so clearly, and even Yang Ge's department agreed, so can you say that you are wrong?If not, what is the reason?There is no reason!

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't dare to be negligent, and he played back: "Your Majesty, the ministers also seconded the proposal. Qin soldiers are loyal to the emperor and serve the country. This great victory should indeed be rewarded, and it must be widely publicized to boost my morale!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen ignored him, and then turned his head to look at the next one.Anyway, he asked all the important yamen chief officials in the hall, and the result was no surprise. Under his strength, they reached a consensus: such a rare victory must be rewarded heavily!

In this way, the problem arises.

Then Emperor Chongzhen looked at one person and said, "The imperial court wants a big reward, does Li Qing have a charter?"

Li Qing, that is, Li Daiwen, Minister of the Household Department of the Ming Dynasty.He knew that Emperor Chongzhen would ask him, sighed in his heart, and bowed to play: "Your Majesty, according to the great victory recorded in the victory document, there are more than 20 silver rewards for the heads of the ranks, and more than [-] soldiers' casualties. , and rewards for meritorious officers and soldiers, I roughly estimate that according to past practice, at least [-] taels of silver will be required."

Regarding the rewards of Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng and the rewards of the leading generals, it is not up to him to decide.What the Minister of the Household Department should be right here is about money.

After Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he didn't ask him about the specific algorithm, but just nodded and said: "Since that's the case, you will handle it accordingly, without delay, so as not to chill the hearts of the soldiers in front!"

"..." When Li Dai asked, he couldn't help being dumbfounded. Is the emperor pretending to be stupid or pretending to be stupid!

He had no choice but to repeat, "Your Majesty, the treasury has run out of money. I don't know where the reward money will come from?"

"Oh..." Emperor Chongzhen seemed to have just remembered it after hearing this, and after a long pause, he looked at him and asked, "There is no silver in the treasury, and you are the secretary of the household department, why don't you think of a way? Now it's time to use it." Without money, how can this be good?"

"..." Li Daiwen is really speechless. Doesn't the common people in the world know about the fact that the treasury has no money?I don't know how many years after I eat my grain, I will go there.That’s not counting, the Liao’s payment and the suppression’s payment have already been levied, and there is no way to increase it at present.As an official of the Ming Dynasty, if it is said that it is difficult to do, it should belong to himself, the Minister of the Ministry of Households!
He couldn't answer the emperor's words for a while, but fortunately, the emperor didn't continue to embarrass him, and instead asked Yang Sichang, "Can Yang Qing have a solution?"

Yang Sichang was taken aback when he heard this, his eyeballs turned slightly, and he glanced at Xue Guoguan standing in front of him, thinking in his heart, why didn't the emperor ask him and come to ask himself?I am not the chief assistant of Ming Dynasty!

However, the emperor had asked him by name, so he had to answer: "Your Majesty, the only way out now is to increase the levy. Liao's and Suppression's levies have already been increased too much, so it is not appropriate to add more. It is better to set up another training rate. It is used to train troops to resist captives. In this way, the treasury can be used as more silver!"

He had already mentioned this plan to Emperor Chongzhen before, and the emperor did not deny it at the time. When he was asked at this time, he brought it up to deal with it.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't nod or shake his head, but immediately answered him: "Now I want money to reward Qin Bing, and Qing's strategy is hard to quench my thirst! You can't owe it?"

When Yang Sichang heard this, he suddenly remembered that on that day, it seemed that Xue Manzi also proposed a strategy to the emperor.With his method, it seems that money can be paid immediately to solve the current matter.Could it be that he ran out to stir shit again at this time?
Sure enough, as soon as he thought of this, Xue Guoguan stepped out and said: "Your Majesty, I have a plan, which can solve the urgent need at the moment!"

Hearing this, Yang Sichang really wanted to swear, you Xue Manzi, you really dare!Don't you know that in that case, all the civil and military officials, royal relatives and dignitaries will be offended to death?

Just now, he was actually still jealous of Xue Guoguan who had been promoted to the position of Chief Assistant.But at this moment, he thought that the farther Xue Guoguan was, the better!

Even if he is from a family of officials, he is favored by the emperor anyway, at least he has always been, and he does not have the guts to offend all the civil servants, generals, royal relatives and nobles!
"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be a little surprised to see Xue Guoguan coming out, but in fact it was discussed last night, "Xue Qing can find a way, hurry up and share my worries!"

Hubu Shangshu stared at Xue Guoguan, very curious in his heart, wondering what a good way the new chief assistant could do to quickly get money to solve the urgent need at the moment?

In fact, it wasn't just him, everyone in the hall, except Cao Huachun, who stood silently in the team of eunuchs Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, the others were all very curious, staring at Xue Guoguan, wanting to hear what he had in mind?
So, under the attention of everyone, I heard Xue Guoguan play to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, Li Guochen, the brother of the Marquis of Wuqing, once told the minister that his father had a family fortune of 40 taels, and his brothers shared it equally. 20 taels, willing to donate to the imperial court as military funds. In this way, it can just solve the urgent need!"

"Oh, there's another matter?" Emperor Chongzhen seemed surprised for a moment, and then said happily, "Since there is such a virtuous person, where is he?"

Their monarchs and ministers sang together, but everyone else was shocked.

20 taels, donate 20 taels as military funds, are you crazy?

If it is converted into RMB in later generations, it is estimated to be [-] million yuan!Even in the era when material goods exploded in later generations, and when there were a lot of rich people, few people could have the heart to donate so much money at once.

What's more, according to Xue Guoguan, Li Guochen is tantamount to naked donation!

As a result, the officials in the palace disregarded the etiquette in front of the imperial court, and immediately started discussing with their surrounding colleagues in a low voice.

But Xue Guoguan ignored them, followed the script, and immediately responded to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, people are waiting outside the palace."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen hurriedly ordered: "Hurry up, see Li Guochen!"

So, the servant noticed the holy will and hurried out of the hall immediately.

Among the officials in the hall, Yang Sichang did not participate in the whispering, and looked down at his feet with a gloomy face.

This Xue Manzi, after all, came out to stir up shit.After the emperor approves, is the next step is to propose to ask for donations from all the royal relatives and dignitaries, and then the cabinet is responsible for asking for donations from civil and military officials?Are you crazy?
Yang Sichang thought so in his heart, and raised his head to stare at Xue Guoguan's back, his eyes were quite unfriendly.My heart is ruthless, no matter what, I must stop this Xue Guoguan from continuing to stir up shit, otherwise, I will definitely be implicated by him.

Thinking of this, he began to think urgently.

Not long after, the servant led Li Guochen into the palace.

Seeing him kneel down to pay respects, many officials were already talking about it, and realized that something was wrong.There are even people who know Marquis Wuqing, who know a little bit about the two brothers, and they are even more concerned about something in their hearts.

Emperor Chongzhen waited for Li Guochen to finish seeing the ceremony, and asked him kindly: "Listen to what Xue Qing said, are you willing to donate 20 taels of silver for military funds?"

"Although Caomin is not a scholar, but knowing that the court is in urgent need of money, he is willing to donate 20 yuan from his father's inheritance as military funds!" Li Guochen immediately echoed loudly with confidence in his heart.

Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly said to the officials: "Look, look, this is the conscience of the Ming Dynasty! I have read the books of sages and sages in my Ming Dynasty, so I probably can't do such a righteous deed. If I were more like Ming For a righteous man like him, why should he worry that the bandits will not be justified, and the captives will not be destroyed!"

He had just finished speaking when Yang Sichang suddenly coughed and said: "Your Majesty, there may be something strange about this matter!"

As soon as he said these words, it was as if a stone broke the sky, which surprised everyone and turned their heads to look at him.

"How do you say that?" Emperor Chongzhen also turned cold when he heard it, and asked a little unhappy.

At this time, Yang Sichang was determined to stop Xue Guoguan from stirring up shit, so although the emperor was not happy, he still wanted to talk.He heard him reply to the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, let alone whether the last Marquis of Wuqing has 40 yuan in wealth, just say that this person was born by a little maidservant. It’s for the current Marquis Wu Qing, who can’t get any money at all, so he’s resentful and turned to speak such big words!”

Upon hearing this, the officials in the hall suddenly realized that this was the case, and they really thought there was such a generous person!
"Your Majesty, as far as I know, this person has many conflicts with Marquis Wu Qing, and this action is determined to be revenge on Marquis Wu Qing!"

"Your Majesty, this person was born to a maidservant. How could the old Marquis Wuqing do such a thing as dividing the family property equally? He must have deliberately retaliated against the current Marquis Wuqing!"


All of a sudden, many civil servants came out one after another and began to criticize Li Guochen.

Among them, some people are talking nonsense, trying to stop this for their own purposes.

You know, once Li Guochen really donated 20 taels to the imperial court, what would it be like for them who were born in sage books?This matter is simply slapping them in the face!If it can be stopped, of course it will be stopped!
Others got enlightenment from Yang Sichang's words, this person was just born of a maidservant, why should he divide the family property equally, 20 taels is not a small amount.If this matter is really going to happen, there will be a lot of sons in my family, and maybe they will fight for the inheritance.The distinction between concubine and concubine should not be messed up!

Therefore, although Li Guochen's donation of his family's money has no direct connection with these civil officials, all of these civil officials opposed and attacked Li Guochen for their own purposes.Seeing the ferocious crusade against Li Guochen, Yang Sichang, who had already retreated to the queue, couldn't help laughing in his heart. Can this matter continue?
 For future updates, on weekdays, the first chapter will be around 9 o'clock in the morning; if you don't work overtime at night and have nothing else to do, it will be updated around ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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