Chapter 101 Means
What happened on New Year's Eve inevitably spread.

All of a sudden, the palace was shaken, and the capital was shaken.

For most of the maids and servants in the palace, they were shocked by the layoffs in the palace, and they were panicked for a while.

The maids are better, they have a home to go back to, and the conditions at home are good, but it's nothing.

But for the eunuchs, it was as if the sky had fallen, and they couldn't go back!Therefore, they tried their best to prove to the master they served that they were more capable than others, hoping to stay in the palace.

As far as the capital is concerned, there is nothing more than the prince being reprimanded by the emperor.You know, in the past, Emperor Chongzhen doted on the eldest son, which can be seen from the fact that he was directly established as the prince shortly after he was born.

Therefore, those with interests related to the prince, such as relatives and officials in the East Palace, could not help but be a little worried. They speculated that the emperor was dissatisfied with the prince and wanted to change something?

Of course, more people pay attention to the event itself.Many people didn't expect that the emperor treated textile work equally, and the prince was reprimanded by the emperor for his contempt.

This kind of thing, for ordinary people, immediately has a close sense of identification with the emperor.At the same time, they were even more sympathetic, the emperor really had no money, and the queen was going to go to weaving to make money to subsidize the family!

Naturally, Emperor Chongzhen had expected these reactions inside and outside the palace.He watched coldly, sitting and watching the follow-up.

After the news came out, many courtiers wrote memorials to this one after another.

Some memorials speak for the prince, saying that the prince is young and filial, which is an unintentional mistake.The Ming Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and hoped that the emperor would reward the prince!During this period, no matter what the purpose was, Emperor Chongzhen kept the name of the performer in his heart, and then kept the memorial and did not publish it.

In some memorials, it was said that the empress took the lead in doing the rough work of weaving, which was undignified for the royal family, and hoped that the emperor would consider it carefully.For these memorials, Emperor Chongzhen all wrote a word of money, and typed them back!
No money, lack of money, do you understand! This will deepen this impression!
After such a commotion, it is estimated that everyone in the world will know about this matter.Everyone knows that the emperor had no money, so he had to reduce the manpower in the palace and cut down on food and clothing, and the queen had to rely on textiles to subsidize the palace expenses.The Emperor of Ming Dynasty is really poor!
By the way, the words of Emperor Chongzhen's reprimand of the prince inevitably spread.

Of course, the downsizing of the palace will definitely cause concerns.On the afternoon of the first day of the Lunar New Year, Emperor Chongzhen made everyone worry for a while before summoning the twelve eunuchs in the palace, the eunuchs of the 24 yamen.

Everyone arrived early, and everyone looked a little dignified.The emperor summoned all the eunuchs with palm prints, which was obviously related to the abolition of palace servants announced on New Year's Eve.No one wants their yamen to be abolished. They are very worried about how many people the emperor will abolish.

At this time, they no longer met each other, and no matter whether they were at odds with each other, they would greet each other. They all bowed their heads and did not speak, thinking in their hearts. If the emperor asked later, how many people should be dismissed? , and abolished those people, you have to give the emperor an explanation.Most people are thinking in their hearts that they must complain later and try to keep more people in their yamen.

After Emperor Chongzhen came, he had a little understanding of their mentality just by looking at the words and deeds of the eunuchs with palm prints.

After receiving the gift, he said straight to the point: "Now that the world is in turmoil, bandits are everywhere, the Manchu army is raging, there are also floods in the south and drought in the north, and the people are in dire straits, I am very worried..."

The emperor's opening remarks made everyone's heart skip a beat. With such serious words, the emperor's determination seemed unshakable.After all, no matter how hard the palace is, can it survive the turmoil in the world and the safety of the country?
"...Everywhere is in urgent need of money, but the national treasury is empty, and the internal treasury has no money to use. I am also forced to have no choice but to think of ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Don't think I will be hard to say for a while, but the palace In this regard, you can still start immediately. If you can save, you can save, and saving a little money is a little money, and you should be able to understand my feelings. If it is possible, how can I be shameless, don't you think?"

The Lord is worried about the humiliation of his ministers. When the emperor said this, these palm print eunuchs couldn't stand up, and they all knelt down to plead guilty.For a while, the complaints planned in his heart could not be uttered.

Emperor Chongzhen let them kneel and said with emotion: "When the court gets through the difficulties and I think of ways to make money, but I don't compete with the people for profit, in the future the palace will have money, and I won't have to be so frugal in food and clothing." Now that the people in the world are suffering, and the palace has tightened its belt for a while, no matter what, I and my people share the joys and sorrows. Do you understand what I mean?"

In this case, who dares to object.The eunuchs below are all landowners who can read words and expressions. How can they feel so sad when the emperor who is nominally rich in the world speaks so sadly?
As a result, many eunuchs began to express their opinions, saying that they were useless, embarrassing the emperor, and even started to cry.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen did not stop him, and after letting them cry for a while, he said: "The staff of each prison and yamen should be listed on the list, and the non-essential staff should be reduced. I want to see the specific details." ,understand?"

He has already made it very clear, if someone still complains, if the list submitted fails to abolish a few people, then it is inconsiderate of Sacred Heart, and one can imagine what impression will be left on the emperor's mind later!
These palm print eunuchs all know this, and at this time, they can only express their position, and they will definitely obey the order.

In later generations, someone once said that during the Chongzhen Dynasty, there were [-] maids in the palace to attack the Chongzhen Emperor.

No matter what, if 10 people live in the Forbidden City, will it still be crowded?
Now that Emperor Chongzhen has made this abolition move and given details, it can somewhat prevent gossip in this regard in retrospect.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what the regulations are for the arrangement of the abolished maids and servants?" Wang Dehua, as the first prisoner in the palace, that is, the eunuch in charge of the chief of ceremonies, had to ask.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately said calmly: "Just follow the regulations of the palace. Those who can go home will go home, and those who cannot go home will arrange to do some work in the village outside the palace to support themselves. As for those who go home, Some of the money from the silver reward and the work in the Imperial Manor can still be squeezed out after the inspection by the Jin Yiwei is completed."

The search by the former Jinyiwei officials has not yet come to fruition, but no matter what, there must be a sum of cash, which should be enough to arrange the abolished manpower in the palace.

There is a trick here, which is to announce bad news through informal channels first, and then give them good news in time when everyone is pessimistic. It is better than announcing bad news and good news at the same time, which can attract more gratitude.

Just like at this time, even if these palm prints are too listening, they can't help but show gratitude, and praise the emperor's kindness in unison!
 Thanks to book friends 20190101141049506 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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