Chapter 64
Name: Fang Chang
Race: Shadow Demon Spider
Soul Power: 15566

Evolution point: 25570
HP: 7100/7100
Strength: 1623
Attack: 1710
Defense: 2060
Speed: 1903
After Fang Chang finished devouring these pink girls, the area returned to tranquility, except for the empty shells of the two big scorpions, it seemed that nothing had happened.

He pursed his lips and turned around to walk deep into the forest. He seemed to have intentionally chosen the colder half of the forest in the direction he was heading.

To enter the Eye of Ice and Fire, one needs to have resistances of both ice and fire attributes. Now he already has the resistance of the fire attribute, but still lacks the resistance of the ice attribute. This has become his top priority now.

After walking in the forest for about half an hour, Fang Chang suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and a strange feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, as if something dangerous was staring at him from afar.

But he checked carefully, not even the weakest soul beast nearby, let alone human beings.

Perhaps it was an illusion, he thought so, and continued on the road towards the depths of the setting sun forest, but he was more prepared in his heart, and he was always vigilant about his surroundings.

Almost half an hour later, the same feeling reappeared again. This time, Fang Chang became alert and keenly sensed that something was wrong. Following the feeling, his eyes turned to the north.

He immediately turned on the "stealth" state, and carefully leaned in that direction.

At the same time, at a place about two miles away from Fang Chang in that direction, a wolf-shaped spirit beast with a head of more than two meters high and three meters long, with a single horn on its head, stopped in its tracks.

It glanced at Fang Chang's direction in astonishment, as if a hunter had lost his prey.

After a while, it let out a long howl, and its eyes turned to another direction, the pupils gradually dilated, as if it was staring at something.

Race: Gargoyle

Soul Power: 5500 year

HP: 650/650
Strength: 423
Attack: 431
Defense: 306
Speed: 550
Harm... The dark prescription sighed, he thought something was staring at him, and it turned out to be this?
A fang wolf with 500 years of soul power actually set its sights on a [-]-year-old shadow spider.

If he had known it was it earlier, Fang Chang would have just waited for it to pass by, so there was no need to find it by himself.

A soul beast like the tooth wolf is also known as a natural hunter. Among the soul beasts, it is most famous for its ability to detect enemies, which can find and lock prey from several kilometers away.

However, their ability doesn't seem to be able to identify the strength of the opponent. Like this time, the tooth wolf fell into their own hands.

Fang Chang maintained his "stealth" state and quietly approached the wolf.

Until he was less than two meters away from the tooth wolf, the tooth wolf suddenly shook his body, jumped back two steps, his hair stood up, and yelled twice towards Fang Chang's position.

Fang Chang was also a little confused this time, he checked his body again, the "stealth" state has not disappeared, but this tooth wolf just found him.

Seeing that his intimidation hadn't worked, Garou opened his eyes wide open, fixed on Fang Chang's position.

Fang Chang also simply stopped there, ready to fight, and faced Gararo face to face, eye to eye, not giving way to the other party, as if he was confronting Gararo.

This confrontation only lasted less than a minute. Garou seemed to see that his opponent was not easy to mess with. He stepped back half a step, then turned around and ran wildly in the forest.

As for the food brought to his mouth, how could Fang Chang let it go so easily?He just followed the wolf so unhurriedly, letting it run ahead.

The tooth wolf is also a kind of soul beast known for its speed, but the level gap between it and Fang Chang is too huge, and the attributes are far apart. Even if it runs desperately, Fang Chang can easily catch up.

Perhaps because he realized that he couldn't get rid of the pursuer behind him, Fang finally stopped, turned his head, and all the muscles in his body tensed.

When Fang Chang was close to the ground, it pounced towards Fang Chang with a wolf pounce, with a pair of claws in front and a wolf's mouth behind.

Fang Chang was not surprised by its sudden counterattack. He activated the "Blade Armor" skill in an instant, and stood there waiting for the tooth wolf to attack.

The sound of "bang" was like a ball of meat hitting an iron wall. Fang Chang's claws grabbed Fang Chang heavily, drawing two long and thin white marks on Fang Chang's armor, but his own claws were bloody. dripping.

Reluctantly, it bit down one of Fang Chang's spider legs, and its teeth directly bit the most fragile root of the spider leg.

But no matter how hard the tooth wolf tried, it couldn't bite in with its teeth. Instead, blood kept oozing out of its mouth, making it look quite miserable.

After a stalemate like that for half a minute, the tooth wolf finally chose to give up. When it looked at Fang Chang again, there was a little more despair in its eyes. It never thought that it would end up in the hands of its prey.

Fang Chang had had enough fun at this time, he stopped playing with the toothed wolf, activated the "flexible" skill, and its body continued to grow, and it exploded to ten times its previous size in just half a cup of tea.

Today, he is more than 50 meters long and 30 meters high, even compared to the titan great ape back then.

Under Fang Chang's horrified gaze, Fang Chang bent down and closed his exaggeratedly large mouth suddenly.

Fang Lang only felt that the sky where he could see suddenly darkened, as if someone had installed a door in the sky, and now he suddenly pulled the door down.

Fang Chang raised his head again, and the wolf disappeared into its digestive tract, which was also enlarged ten times, and turned into a stream of pure soul power, which merged into Fang Chang's body.

Hiccup~ He hiccupped, and his body shrunk back to its original size again.

It is very useful to use the "flexible" skill in this way, and the devouring efficiency has been increased countless times at once, and even those "big guys" who were originally eaten in a short period of time can be swallowed in one gulp.

"Successfully devoured the wolf, and gained the additional skill "Hunting Instinct""

Hunting Instinct: The ability to detect and obtain the vision of a specified target within ten kilometers within a short period of time.

Fang Chang tried to use the "hunting instinct" skill, and a special feeling seemed to guide him to imagine the prey he wanted to catch.

He immediately thought of slime, and then his pupils gradually dilated, and his vision seemed to spread out in the forest.

Then his eyes were like the vision of God, and he found a slime hiding in the trunk of a giant tree only a few hundred meters away from him.

Fang Chang walked over there, and the spider legs peeled away the bark of the tree, and sure enough there was a 300-year-old slime hidden in the hollow trunk.

"Successfully devoured slime, "Regeneration Power LV4" was upgraded to "Regeneration Power LV5""

It has to be said that the overall strength of the soul beasts in the Sunset Forest is far inferior to that of the Great Star Forest. Right now they are already in the core area of ​​the forest, but most of the soul beasts encountered are at the level of four to five thousand years.

If you want to quickly improve your strength, you still have to rely on the Ice and Fire Yinyan, Fang Chang thought so, trying to use his "hunting instinct" to search for the only ice-attribute soul beast he can think of now-Snow Rabbit.

 In the past few days, there are several meetings at the end of the semester, and various semester reports are required. The update is a bit slow, but the second update will still be guaranteed. I will try to make more updates when I have time. Everyone supports (benefit)
(End of this chapter)

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