The road to elves starting from a bear child

Chapter 42 Little 2 joins the training camp (Please bookmark, please follow up!)

Chapter 42 The Secondary Joins the Training Camp
Moreover, no matter what Xiong Lin was, he had more than ten years of experience as a savage, so his balance was still much stronger than the average person. He felt that as long as he pulled a rein, he would not have any accidents on the back of the big needle bee.

So he immediately rummaged in his backpack, and soon found a climbing rope.

In Huiguo Village before, he bought all these trivial things that can be used in the wild. After all, these things have nothing to do with elves. They are all normal prices. One, it’s better to prepare everything.

"Xiaoer, I'll tie a rope around you. When the time comes, I'll ride on your back, and I can grab it to keep my balance."

After taking out the rope, he still explained to Xiao Er.

"Speer~" Okay, trainer!
Xiao Er has no opinion, just tie it up, as long as it doesn't affect its actions.

Hearing Xiaoer's agreement, the boy began to tie up the climbing rope, because it could not affect the activities of the big needle bee, so the joints were naturally not good, but it made him waste a lot of effort.

However, the teachers from the island country in the previous life hidden disk still gave the young man some ideas.

"Hmm~ Hey!"

"Speer" hurts~

After tossing and tossing loudly, Xiong Lin, who has learned the true skills of the rope, managed to fix the climbing rope to the body of the big needle bee without affecting its activities.

Among them, the two ends of the rope that he wanted to grab were now wrapped around the sides of the big needle bee, as long as he stood on it, he could pull it out immediately.

"Let's fly again and see, Xiaoer!"

Now that the rope has been tied, it is natural to give it a try.

So after Xiong Lin patted Xiao Er who was a little uncomfortable, he stood up again.

Hearing this, Xiao Er nodded, and the wings began to "buzz" again, and flew up.

This time, he grabbed the reins immediately, and put on the mask of the protective clothing at the same time.

Sure enough, the feeling of bad breath is gone, and the flight is very stable. Even if he pulls the reins slightly, Xiaoer knows where to fly, which makes him feel like driving a car, and feels like he was charging into battle in the middle ages knight!

"Come on! Xiao Er, let's fly directly to the training forest!"

The excited young man also yelled at the big needle bee.


As if feeling the trainer's passion, the big needle bee agreed, then "swish" and flew towards the small forest at the fastest speed.

At this speed, it didn't take long for them to fly into the woods, and now only the baby bear is practicing throwing moves.

At a distance of 30 meters from the round target, the baby bear was throwing stones "swish, swish, swish". Judging from its ferocious facial expression, it must have exhausted every stone it threw.

"Hey!" (`^)
After throwing the last stone, Baby Bear turned his head and found his brother riding on the big needle bee!

It immediately exclaimed in surprise:
"Hey! Hey!" Brother!You actually ride a big needle bee!I want to ride too!
"Haha, brother, this is called a boy riding a bee!"

For the envy of Xiong Baobao, Xiong Linsao shook his head, made a chic gesture, and then went down to bring Xiong Baobao up.

As I said before, elf training also needs to interact with elves to adjust emotions.

So the baby bear who was hanging in his brother's arms and flying around in mid-air was also very happy at this time, screaming "噫眛~噫眛~" non-stop.

As a brave bear family, it is not dizzy!

And Xiao Er, who was acting as a mount, was worthy of his physical strength. He flew around with Xiong Lin and Baby Xiong on his back for several laps before he showed signs of breathing.


"Okay, let's stop playing, go down and have a rest, and continue training, Bao Xiong!"

At this time, Xiong Lin, who felt Xiaoer's exhaustion, stopped tossing, and told Xiaoer to land after talking to Baby Xiong.


Hearing this, Xiao Er did not try to be brave, and flew back to the ground after agreeing.

After retying the reins, he returned to the Xiong Lin on the ground, and immediately took out two cups of honey grapefruit tea from his backpack, and handed them to Big Needle Bee and Baby Bear respectively.

"Drink some, restore your strength, restore your strength, and then you can go to training."

"Spier~" The tired Big Needle Bee immediately gulped down the bottle.

On the contrary, Baby Bear has already regained some of his physical strength after playing in the sky for so long, so he only drank a couple of sips and then went to train again.

Seeing this, he also practiced bow and arrow beside him.

After fast winding, "Beng Beng Beng ~" pulled the bowstring, and soon three arrows flew out.

The whole process was completed in one go, which can be called smooth and smooth, and it is many times faster than before.

But with the sound of "噗嗤", the arrow hit the target, and his complacent expression also collapsed, because of the three arrows shot, only the one with the best score hit the 7th ring, and the poorest one hit the 5th ring. .

Although it has improved compared to the previous three-ring results, it is obvious that this cannot be applied to actual combat, and can only be used as interference at most, not to mention that elves can move and counterattack, not fixed wooden targets.

"Sure enough, a qualified crossbowman is not so easy to train."

After a wry smile, he shook his head and continued to shoot arrows. It seems that if you want to improve your archery level, you can only rely on hard work, so you can't be lazy!
And just after he had practiced for a round, Xiao Er, who had recovered his physical strength, also came to a tree stump, and the two guns lit up with pale yellow insect-type energy, and attacked with a "swish, swish, swish".

Accompanied by the sound of "bang bang bang", three small pits were left on the wooden stake. The number of attacks for the first time to perform a random attack was three times.

"It's not bad." Xiong Lin who rushed over saw this scene and praised him.

After all, it's the first training, so I still have to boast a lot.

"Speer ω" Sure enough, Xiao Er, who was praised, felt happy, and the tentacles on the top of her head trembled very happily.

"Okay, then keep using Hardening first, and then use Gathering Qi all the time to raise the state to train!"

After boasting and recording the attack speed and attack strength of the big needle bee in the whiteboard state, he asked him to train according to the previously customized training plan.

"Speer!" Good trainer!

In response, Xiao Er nodded, and the transparent luster on the body surface cooled down, and with the luster shining all over the body, it completed a hardening.

After four more repetitions, it just wouldn't go on.

At the same time, its appearance has also changed. In Xiong Lin's eyes, Xiaoer at this moment is like wearing a layer of metal armor, and his whole body feels like iron.

Even after tapping Xiao Er's body with his fingers, there was a "ping ping" tapping sound!
(End of this chapter)

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