Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 222 Sure enough

Chapter 222 Sure enough

"So, although we are not sure if the opponent is a demon, what we can be sure of is that what we are facing must be a life form with advanced intelligence, and even has extremely advanced science and technology." Ye Ling judged.

"Moreover, it is hostile and refuses to communicate, and it may even be fighting for human life." This is the star field of the Federation.

The scope of the Federation's exploration of various planets is already very wide and comprehensive. In the galaxies known to mankind, it is unlikely that unknown life forms or knowledge-seeking civilizations will appear.

"I have already informed the clansmen that they are on their way, should we wait? Or..."

"No." Jiang Yexing shook her head firmly. She couldn't wait any longer. If there was no news from Brother Hanyue for a day, she couldn't force herself to do nothing.

"Ah Fu, is there any way to analyze this star field? What is that?"

"A real planet." Afu held his head high, with a proud face of "I'm so good, please praise me", "The 'real' record using three-dimensional energy band mapping, its working principle can refer to the bat Or radar. Also, I'm running out of energy."

It's really powerful, the question is, are you 'eating' energy?Because she kept providing spiritual power for him to 'spend away', during this period of time, her cultivation speed was as slow as a turtle crawling.

"I don't have any extra mental power for you now." To maintain the most basic fighting state, she dared not 'use' the remaining mental power casually.

"Kiss master. Don't be so stingy, it turns out that he is still very useful."

Go to hell!

Jiang Yexing quickly withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness, and then blocked Ah Fu's voice, and finally managed to 'escape' the fate of being tormented by Ah Fu's unrestrained and unscrupulous Tang Monk.

Then, the scene in front of him had a new change.

The vast and boundless meteorite belt 'melted' like the snow in spring when it met the sun, and after a while, a seemingly barren and dead Hese planet appeared in front of him.

"Be careful, it is surrounded by a Death Star Territory full of space reefs."

Around the lonely planet, large black dots are distributed throughout the outer space, ranging from as small as a ping pong ball to as large as an ocean island. Damn it!
There was a trance in his mind, and the slight pain made Jiang Yexing curse out loud, "Ah Fu, before 'borrowing' my mental power, please say hello to the master, OK?"

If it was in a battle, if they acted like this without warning, would it be appropriate to want to kill her?


Ah Fu appeared in front of him, delicate and timid, like a schoolboy who had done something bad and was caught on the spot, lowered his head, and responded imperceptibly.

Jiang Yexing. Where did he learn this ability to transform himself into a little daughter-in-law?Could it be that she is the evil mother-in-law who is said to have messed with her daughter-in-law and abused her?
If it wasn't for the wrong time and wrong place, Jiang Yexing really wanted to knock his head and pass out!
"Stars? What do you want to do?"

The silence was a little longer this time, and Ye Ling, who knew nothing about the turbulent and dark waves between Miss Jiang and some kind of existence, couldn't help asking,
"Go right in. Follow me."

Jiang Yexing chose to sneak in.

Long Yi, who had been silent all this time, turned on the shielding function, and a layer of light invisible to the naked eye instantly covered the entire mech. Ye Ling turned his head in surprise. In his feeling, Long Yi seemed to have disappeared from this world. , if he could not still see the mech in front of him with his naked eyes, he would definitely think that he was the only one here.

Sure enough, she is worthy of being the woman he likes!

The triumphant Ye Ling completely forgot that the woman next to her was much older than him in terms of actual age, and whether she was serious or not had nothing to do with him at all.

Well, the IQ of creatures caught in the little things between men and women will indeed drop!

"Are you going to continue like this? Will you be discovered?" Jiang Yexing asked with concern. If her infiltration plan failed because of being discovered, then she must have forgotten, she can't beat him, shit!
"No." Is this caring about him?Ahh, I'm so excited, Ye Ling, whose IQ has dropped to a few, took it for granted, "A small planet, it's not too difficult."

Jiang Yexing secretly rolled his eyes towards the sky, and rushed directly to the little planet printed on his retina.

Carefully passing through the space layer of the planet, what comes into view is a planet made of black and black. This is indeed a barren world, full of black rocks and sand, forming a moon-like surface. Potholes - if you ignore the small, white city.

On the black background, the white city is so conspicuous, Jiang Yexing and Yeling landed on the edge of the city unimpeded, looking up at the huge local characteristic building, the mood has been looking down. Not to the end.

The so-called local characteristics by no means refer to any part of the Federation, but the standard buildings that the demons like to use most.

Sure enough, they are demons!

A lot of psychological construction had been done before, so after seeing such a city, Jiang Yexing's heart didn't have many other emotions except a little heaviness. After an absence of 2000, it was the first time he faced this dark place. Civilization, apart from feeling that time is like a butcher's knife, she only has a weird sense of "I guessed it right, I'm so smart" to enjoy herself.

"Is this the territory of the demons? Does it look special?"

As an extremely narcissistic and powerful juvenile dragon, Ye Ling doesn't feel how scary this place is. On the contrary, he is now eager to show off his wisdom and strength in front of the girl he loves, and prove to her that he can protect The result of abnormal secretion of her pure hormonal data.

"Can you pass through this protective layer without being detected?"

Jiang Yexing jumped off the mecha, put away Long Yi, and asked,
"Of course." Ye Ling nodded affirmatively. Did she treat him as a burden and dislike him in all kinds of ways?

This will not work!

"Okay, let's go in."

Jiang Yexing didn't have the time to guess what the male next to him was thinking. She spread her mental power all over her body to form a special mask, and then under Ah Fu's guidance, she silently controlled the release of her mental power. A special period of fluctuation was formed. If there were sophisticated instruments to detect it, it would be found that at this moment, the fluctuation on Miss Jiang's body and the fluctuation of the protective mask outside the white city were strangely synchronized.

This is why Miss Jiang is so confident that she can sneak in!

(End of this chapter)

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